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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I reckon that our wide areas up front are filled with


    Left: Aird, McKay (Templeton, Clark)

    Right: Templeton, Gallacher, Peralta


    Neither of them is particularly slow. What I would like to see is a more dominant and creative attacking midfielder and another striker, perhaps.


    For the quality we need (for top division) Id maybe give you Templeton but not the others. We need to get a squad in place for our return to the top as soon as possible and not be going round at the last minute trying to sign players where we'll inevitably end up with bad signings

  2. Was speaking to a mate who is a massive Pars fan at the last game of the season and he said that the best team he had witnessed last season was our u20 team.


    In my opinion Boyd falls into the same category as Miller better than what we currently have, will add quality and better playing for us than against us.


    Being a stand-out at U20 is no guarantee whatsoever that the player will become a first team regular.Its a massive step up from that level to the first team

  3. Honestly, sometimes some remarks leave you utterly speechless. For ages we (all) have criticised the club for not having a decent setup. Now, that the board - infamous or not - starts putting the house in order in this respect, people start giving them pelters nonetheless.


    I don't think the board are being giving pelters. Many of us, myself included, question this appointment(whoever gets this position) and wonder how it will benefit Rangers in our current predicament

  4. The corporate speak from the infamous business review.


    "Strengthen the Club’s Football Operations - With the creation of the new position of Chief Football Operations Officer, with specific responsibility for developing best in class football operations support. This new role will support the Football Manager and the Board and will concentrate initially on developing player talent identification, scouting and recruitment capability"





    Corporate speak indeed

  5. On that basis everyone is this situation is irrelevant then. I don't see anybody matching words with action at the moment. You literally have NO idea (nor do I) what he is working on behind the scenes at the moment. Another complete guess on your part.


    Your guess is as good as mine as they say...............

    Meanwhile we'll wait..............and wait............and wait............

  6. The current Board/who they represent.


    I would wager also even if he did try to buy it from them, once he'd done due diligence he'd run a mile.


    There probably isn't a single revenue stream that hasn't been squandered - onerous contracts indeed.


    So what is his gameplan then ? Does he think he'll get Rangers for nothing ? Aint gonna happen. Face facts

  7. That sums up (is that an oxymoron? Does 0 + 0 = 0 constitute a 'sum'?) what you actually do know about the man. You have had the answer to every question you've ever asked about him answered by LOTS of people on this board. You ignore all responses every time.

    Just answer 2 simple questions:

    (1) Roughly - what do you estimate the value of his assets to be?

    (2) Why did a judge describe him as "probably the richest man in SA"?


    My guess is - "why has he not bought us then?".


    1) no idea but nowhere near some of the figures quoted

    2) he described him in other not so complimentary terms too as I recall. I think SARS just wanted a conclusion to the case


    I repeat - if DK has the wealth he is alleged to have then what is now stopping him buying Rangers ? No more excuses please about lining shareholders pockets. Put up or shut up please

  8. I think this position with a high profile name to fill it is simply headline-grabbing from a board desperate to win over more supporters of their intentions. I don't think it would work that well either here. For example what size of budget would Nerlinger have had at Bayern compared to what he'd get here ? Big difference

  9. Same reason I unfollowed him too. Seeing RTs of tims which include daft arguments puts questions marks over his credibility. RTC, for as much I hated the cunt, held his own and was more astute in his approach.


    RTC. LOL. When will he be getting a knock at the door at 4 in the morning by the other boys in blue do you think?

  10. Something isn't right with England either. A football obsessed nation with 53m population who haven't caused a threat at a big tournament in so many years. They are barely even a force anymore. Their squad is dire compared to the other big nations.


    England are just as big a failure as Scotland, if not even bigger. 10 times the population and they get nowhere.


    It's quite telling that so few clubs abroad ever have any interest in English players. Barely a single one plays abroad. Why is that? Because they are overpaid and under skilled.


    Very true but English players don't need to play abroad as the EPL is the richest league in the world

  11. You don't believe that he has produced enough real evidence to cause Celtic harm?


    When you consider what Swansea City & the Dutch clubs are being investigated for then I'd say it's likely there's more than enough evidence for them to be investigated also

  12. Very difficult to get work permits unless they have an EU passport or international participation. The latter seems unlikely :). There's decent players everywhere, particularly outwith the UK.


    Most South Americans do seem to get passports don't they? Brazilians always seem to get Portuguese ones and others seem to get Spanish and Italian ones

  13. Whilst I'm sure Nerlinger has made qualities he'd bring I just wonder if this appointment would work. For a start what would his remit be ?

    It's beyond debate we need some sort of global scouting network. One country which seems to produce a serious amount of players for its size is Argentina. Former Rangers player Gabriel Amato has always talked well about Rangers and his time there. Could he scout for us in South America?

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