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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 29 minutes ago, Malangsob said:

    I think the league did their due diligence.

    A four year investigation and a hundred counts against MC?

    Gotti wouldn't walk on that much evidence.

    PLUS with the gubmint already looking to bring forward stiffer regulations on the FA for this kinda thing?

    Sheeeiiit...example time. 

    Lookin forward to watchin this sphincter dilation. 

    Was it not the case that German magazine Der Spiegel got all this Man City info from a computer hacker?

    how would that stand up in a courtroom?

  2. Conspiracy….the established clubs(Liverpool, Man Utd, Aresenal etc) don’t like upstarts such as Man City, Chelsea and maybe Newcastle now too.

    They like the old cartel.

    Man City will be a clean as a whistle once their lawyers get involved. I’m sure they’ll get the finest ones money can buy 

  3. Said it before & I’ll say it again I don’t know why we don’t play two strikers up front against teams like that at home ( I thought Sakala played more in a wide role rather than a second striker)


    And those bemoaning McLauchlin at their goal should ask whether McGregor would have come out for that cross? But I do share concerns about McLaughlin at crosses. He’s ok when they’re straight at him but he struggles to get to them when he’s got to move to the cross. Like today & at Kilmarnock recently. Assuming McGregor retires at the end of the season we’ll need to bring in at least one keeper, probably two. That won’t be easy. We should’ve brought in another keeper by now especially if, as it seems, McCrorie won’t get his chance.


    On the positive side today it looks like both Cantwell & Raskin will be in the starting XI each game before long. Both look like adding MF creativity which we lack


  4. 3 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    "this is not a Celtic show".


    "This is not a Celtic show" were the words uttered by RAB Cosgrove on Off the Ball ten days past. The guest was Paul John Dykes, Author of half a dozen books about ra Sellik. He had another tome to flog, 'the Celtic Jersey' - a history of ra Sellik shirt as worn through time. The green'n'grey hoops did not arrive until 1903. Like the exhibition game between Renton and Hibs that took place at Sellik Park in 1888, where Sellik proceeded to sign the better halves of both teams, before playing their first match against a Rangers xi; the idea of the hoops was stolen from established Glasgow Junior club, St Anthonys. Anyways, if any one has continued interest, Paul John's book is available for £30.


    RAB and Token Tam lionised Paul John, telling us several Sellik minded Journos were of the opinion that Mr Dykes was the thinking man's Sellik supporter. Of course, Paul John owns and hosts ra Sellik Podcast, 'A Celtic State of Mind'. Off the Ball is not a Sellik show so we are told by RAB, but the next week another facet of ra Sellik mind from a pair of Podcasters were the guests. Former Referees, Des Roache and Steve Conroy skipped their Lodge meeting to advertise their take on the ongoing conspiracy.


    On Sunday last, Off the Ball not being a Sellik show had former Daily Record Journo, Anthony Haggerty as the guest. There was book to plug and an update. When the Daily Record let go Haggerty last summer, he appeared mid season to tell us he was returning to University. He matriculated for a Bachelor of Education, intent upon becoming an English teacher. On Sunday, he had dropped out, not for him. He was now working for a Sellik Podcast - 'the Celtic Way'. It is a shame he dropped out because he could have told the show's Producer, the collective noun for a gathering of Sellik Podcasters. May I suggest a PQ of Sellik Podcasters?


    RAB began the show by saying, "the resignation of Nadhim Zahawi was not the big story of the weekend, Wullie Collum cheating St Johnstone at Ibrox was, have you seen the decisions"?


    Remember, it's NOT a Sellik show?

    Clyde SSB can be worse at times. Tonight I caught the start driving home from work. Their first caller was a Shellik supporter on to talk about……….Nicky Clark’s red card 🤓

  5. A quieter january transfer window for us this year compared to a year ago. No Aaron Ramsey type signings this time.

    Just two signings (Cantwell & Raskin). Both should be pushing for a place in the starting XI soon enough. Young players whom we should be able to sell on again should we wish to do so.

    However a number of players will be leaving at the end of the season when their contracts end. We’ll certainly need at least one new GK and at least one CB too. It’s important we start identifying who we want as soon as possible. I’m sure that’s already underway as we speak

  6. 7 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    Well assembled pros and cons. 4-3 for the pro transfer argument. The best in favour of keeping Goldson is Souttar’s fitness (and competence?) The best reason for transfer is money coming in. Depends how much, doesn’t it?  I’d take £5M.

    We wouldn’t be able to get a player of the same quality to replace Goldson for £5m.

    Its no coincidence we’ve improved since Goldson returned ( & MB took over)

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