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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The board in their 120 day review rejected kings plan to get us back to the top.


    We are going round in circles here. if KIng wants control all he has to do is buy a significant shareholding to gain control and there is not a thing the board can do. He wont do that so he wont be investing his 30m or 50m or whatever your figure is

    I hate to draw this comparison but when the bunnet took over at the east end 20 years ago he had to settle a load of debts their old board built up. That was money he lost before he invested a penny but at least King would be getting shares for his money before he invested your 30m or 50m


    Read all of this before. Wants to invest 30m out of 50m. One small problem is there not ? He has to get control of Rangers first either by acquiring existing shares(which he wont do) or by becoming involved in a new rights issue which shouldnt be a problem to him as he says the financial institutions wont want any part in a new rights issue.I'll wait and see how that one pans out. i think I already know the answer

  3. I would also point out that rab never asked him to have a press conference only to say it publically.


    Very confusing


    Let him come out now and declare his intentions.Last time he was 'last resort' as he didn't want to invest his kids inheritance. Hold a press conference Dave. tell us what your next move is.Give us a timescale when you hope to acquire Rangers(if that is your intention)

  4. Or if they just hand the shares out in some dodgy fashion.


    Well let's hear from Mr King. No more grandstanding on the sidelines. Come out publicly(preferably not the BBC or Rhecord) and tell us how much you are prepared to invest in Rangers presumably at the next share issue. No more excuses. You know what you have to do to take control at Rangers. Get on with it or stop this constant circus on the sidelines which I must admit has gone rather quiet lately

  5. By all accounts there are 40 odd million un-issued Rangers shares. If there is to be another Shares issue why doesn't DK come out publicly and offer to at least underwrite this shares issue or better still offer to buy the whole lot of them. Then we'd at least know he was serious instead of what he's done up until now I.e. rant 'n' rave on the sidelines

  6. patently obvious. last week it was green coming back, yesterday some aussie taking control now some lawyer who isn't even bph trying to flush out king.


    And why would they do that? DK has absolutely no intention of becoming involved financially. That is blatantly obvious to me

  7. It's nothing like it. Neither of them are of any use at all, Boyd on the other hand is the record SPL goalscorer and will serve us well for another 2 or 3 seasons.


    Would you rather have Daly next season who will probably struggle to score 10 next season or Boyd who will likely score 30?


    If we've got Boyd, Miller and Daly next season then rough luck Hertz and HIVS. At least one of them won't be getting promoted - hopefully both....

  8. Buying shares doesn't guarantee any level of influence. He could buy 10% tomorrow and not get on the board.


    At the AGM the requisitioners got approx 30 percent of the votes each( far higher than expected).

    Assuming they've still got that support and if King was to buy a 10 to 20 percent shareholding then the board would be in trouble. The fact that he hasn't bought such a shareholding(and Ive heard the same tired old excuses again and again) tells me all I need to know about him.

  9. With the state of our Club's finances it wouldn't really come as a surprise if Dundee Utd offered Boyd more money than us, but you never know. The board might decide that it's prudent to push the boat out a little and sign Boyd to get some more fans renewing their season tickets.


    I doubt that very much. Dundee Utd( one of the clubs who claim they don't need Rangers in the top division) have cut their annual wage bill to a mere £1.5m.- total peanuts if you ask me for one of this country's supposedly bigger clubs. I think Boyd would be out of their price range

  10. it is not convenient for him or any other rangers fan who wants us to get back to the top of the pile.


    Well if he's got the wealth you say he has surely he can buy a shareholding which will give him some influence within Rangers. If he increases that shareholding then he'll be in control. There is no other way he can bring about the change you and his army of fans so desperately seem to think he can bring about.

    Or will the tired old excuse about not lining shareholders pockets be trotted out again?

  11. That comment hits the nail on the financial head.


    If anything highlights the downfall in Rangers' financial fortunes in recent years it is the £20m turnaround between 2008 and 2009 demonstrated in Rangersitis' figures. That miserable wet night in Kaunas watching Christian Dailly in midfield whilst a certain Brahim Hemdani sat on the bench was the beginning of all that has followed.


    Agree our finances took a hit in Kaunus but our problems with the bank began when LBG took over HBOS and Fullerton and Kane were in charge of LBG's Scottish business division. Despite the fact that Rangers debt was 3 percent of the MIH debt why were they so fixated on Rangers debt which was falling year on year with AJ as chairman?

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