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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. More chance of me becoming the next pope than Whyte winning that one....
  2. Wonder when UEFA will get round to banning clubs who do dodgy land deals with their local council and then use this land as security to get soft loans using political connections from a basket case bank
  3. The only dodgy owner we've had was Whyte. Whether you liked or disliked CG's consortium is was all above board and properly-funded
  4. Interesting article from Jackson. Almost makes him look like a journalist.Pity he once described Whyte's wealth as 'off the radar' though.Irreparable damage. However the bit towards the end about BDO putting 'so much into the legal cases as an indication as to where this thing is headed' is what we need to be aware of. Unless,of course, you still believe SDM willingly sold to Whyte.
  5. All the questions regards whether we're a new club or not have been answered by the relevant bodies and persons who have stated quite clearly that we are not a new club. For starters the SPFL do not consider us a new club. Check their website. it states Rangers were founded in 1872 and lists all honours including 54 titles. UEFA and the SFA do not recognise Rangers as a new club either. Check the UEFA website. LNS in his dual contracts SPL inquiry stated we are not a new club. Neil Patey also. So why do pond life like Thompson wish to perpetuate this lie ? It's something I simply cannot begin to understand but put it down to anti-rangers bigotry which seems acceptable to elements of Scottish society who are almost always the first to accuse Rangers supporters of the most trivial offences whilst overlooking their own actions to the extent they seem to think they are in some way acceptable.
  6. Am I alone in asking why we're asking £200k for a youngster who hasn't played a single first team game yet ?
  7. Unless I'm mistaken the wee guy with bunnet held a share issue in one company and Desmond held two shares issues in another company? Maybe someone will correct me on this We are,of course, just one company
  8. Gallagher and Little aren't really RH MF players and neither are Crawford and Peralta either. It's a position which needs looked at
  9. Does anyone know anything about the Journalist Danny Stewart who wrote the article? I mean 'since the 2012liquidation of the Ibrox club' Is this deliberate or what ? How many times do these deadhead so-called journalists need to be told the club & company are separate corporate entities ? Or is this Stewart's wee bitter dig at us? He might be interested to know that the club from Glasgow's east end(whom I'd imagine he supports)are actually three companies. How do you explain that one Danny Bhoy?
  10. Murphy must think we're all daft. A Scottish Lhabour politician accusing anyone of corruption ! LOL you couldn't make it up ! GCC /shellik land deals for the security on the co-op soft loans JIm Bhoy? Or the generous price for the lennoxtown land from Mr Divers at the health board ?
  11. What are our board's views on Thompson's remarks? Will they reply or do as they seem to do always do in these matters and say nothing? FWIW I believe Thompson has brought the game into disrepute by suggesting Rangers have two years history because the SPFL website clearly shows Rangers were founded in 1872 and lists all honours including 54 titles. Does Thompson believe this is incorrect in some way ? If so how? Will he explain himself? Time for our Mr Wallace to earn his corn and go after our enemies. He'll need to get used to doing this if he wishes to be successful in his position.If he thought he was coming to Scottish football for an easy ride he should think again.
  12. One player I wouldn't think will be joining us now is Gavin Gunning after failing his medical at Sheffield Wednesday
  13. The question should be who isn't paying a single penny for these improvements but is getting State Aid to do so. Let's hope the EC investigates this and finds this vile club guilty and they are forced to cough up as they should. As for the CG when have you ever heard of an opening ceremony not held at the main athletics arena(which is Hampden) ? Was that why they are holding it at the SanGiro to give them an excuse to spend all this money on the surrounding area?
  14. I'd like to see us with a foreign manager with Scottish coaches. The likes of Dan Petrescu or Paolo Sergio springs to mind
  15. SDM brought in PLG did he not? I get the impression they've brought Deila(or whatever he's called) in to recruit players from,shall we say, Scandanavia ? And they sell on these players at profit onto the EPL and beyond. Sounds dead easy doesn't it? Might be a bit harder in practice though
  16. Ally isn't going to walk away. That is the problem. He has ideas and ambitions well beyond his ability as Rangers manager
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