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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. didn't stop them trying by hiding whyte behind first miller then green.


    The whole damn episode needs investigating from how Whyte managed to acquire Rangers through to the CVA being refused. Stinks to the high heavens IMO

  2. Of course they knew.


    They knew they'd no chance of a CVA with HMRC? I seem to recall them at the time saying they were in contact with HMRC on a daily basis. What on earth were they discussing then ? Are they suggesting that during these discussions they never once discussed the fact they weren't getting a CVA? Or was someone in HMRC told by some outside anti-rangers influence to refuse Rangers the CVA at a late stage in the day?

  3. so you wait. it's perfectly possible to do so.


    our administration was done in such a way as to benefit whyte not rangers.


    bdo would have done things very very differently.


    There are many questions needing answered but I don't think the administration was done to benefit Whyte who wanted to get Rangers back debt free so he could sell it.As I said once it became apparent what he'd done there was no way he could get Rangers returned to him whether it was his choice of administrators or not.

  4. i suspect we would have got a cva no problem.


    I don't think we ever had a chance of a CVA with HMRC once it was discovered what Whyte had done I.e. Not paying over PAYE/NI.

    The Big Question is why D&P didn't know this.

  5. Lafferty was never worth the money we paid for him. It was around £3.5m unless I'm mistaken. Hate to say it but they paid £1m less for Hooper. I know which player I'd rather have had. Lafferty was a poor signing who should have been punted after Jelavic arrived

  6. It is a sad fact of life that Scottish football is run by individuals who make up rules to suit themselves and interpret them in a similar manner. A classic example was our transfer embargo imposed upon us during administration. D&P took it to a court of law and got it overturned but this didn't stop Rhegan imposing it anyway as a condition of getting our licence and SFA membership.

    fWIW I think the OP has a very good point indeed. It will be interesting to see how this develops

  7. Completely agree. Souness talks about getting Walter involved. In what capacity? I don't see what he has to offer.


    Rangers need serious investment over the next couple of years.We can debate all night who these investors might be or where they come from.

    What they don't need is figureheads such as Smith & Souness and whoever else

  8. Two wrongs don't make a right.


    I agree with you but until the likes of Hertz and Hibz dis-associate themselves from Liewell and his cronies at the SFA/SPFL and side with us to remove them then I genuinely think Scottish football is stuck where it is and will go on struggling as it is at the moment.

    These clubs have a choice GS.They need to realise all the allegations against Rangers two years ago was complete nonsense in every sense. There was no £134m debt. We did not owe HMRC an EBT bill.We didn't owe Ticketus a penny(they only had personal contractual rights with Whyte). Until these clubs come out and apologise Scottish Football cannot move forward

  9. He was sickened by what Whyte wanted him to do. Green is living proof it's a huge money maker. If your totally without conscience.


    Whyte? You cannot be serious. Whyte wanted to get Rangers back after administration but that was never going to be possible after it became apparent what he'd been up to I.e. Not paying over PAYE/NI. Whyte was a deluded individual who should never have got Rangers in the first place. The fact he did is the subject of police investigations and an investigation by the Insolvency Service

  10. Ah whyte other pal. He quit because he didn't have the same stomach for the con as green.


    He realised it wasn't going to be the money-maker he'd hoped for. He needed an excuse to get out. FF & co gave him one

  11. An interesting OP but the SPFL/SFA simply make the rules up as they please as will continue to do so for as long as we've got the likes of Liewell, Rhegan & Doncaster running the show. As for Hibs the best thing they could do in the meantime is get shot off Petrie who has been far too supportive of these three for my liking.

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