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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This is one of the best posts I've read in a long time. Every Rangers supporter should read it especially those in UoF and SoS.
  2. We still need at least one decent wide player with pace I'd say And a decent RB
  3. Anyone wishing to be a director needs to be voted onto the board by the owners I.e shareholders. I doubt many of your names will have that support from the current shareholders.
  4. Sad to hear though isn't it when some so-called Rangers supporters see this as some kind of victory? FWIW I think there's 2 main reasons for the lower than expected figure for ST Sales:- 1) the standard of football endured most of last season 2) supporters believing If they somehow withhold their ST money DK & co will take over the club 1) is something the board must decide. Personally I'd get rid off McCoist as soon as possible money permitting even if at the end of next season 2) just isn't going to happen & people need to realise this
  5. This really I DK's last chance IMO. He's said too much already without actually doing anything other than grandstanding on the sidelines
  6. We lost our SPL place after a vote amongst the other 11 clubs. Ten clubs voted us out and one abstained.
  7. If that's what makes you happy. This was a club who voted us out the SPL two years ago so I'll not be going down the same road as you.
  8. I see Peter Lovenkrands has been released by Birmingham City. Worth a punt? He's a month younger than Kenny Miller !!!!!!!!
  9. What people seem to forget is Hertz went into administration with debts almost twice what we went into administration with I.e. approx £15m against approx £30m.They of course have exited administration now and not a cheap from the usual pond life who infest the mhedia in this hate-filled cesspit of a country of ours
  10. You're probably correct. He won't be. That being the case I really think he should walk away. If he isn't then prepared to buy out major shareholders then there's no way on this earth he is going to get control of Rangers.
  11. I do not think there is any chance of DK buying out major shareholders and he has previously stated he will not do so. Unfortunately I think his opportunity has come and gone after the AGM at the tail end of last year when the requisitioners got a much higher vote than expected of around 30 per cent each. DK should have been buying shares after that like Prior and Laxey did then he'd have been in a pretty strong position by now if his shareholding was added to the 30 percent the reqs got. If DK doesn't become involved in the latest share issue then we all really need to move on. He has had opportunities but simply hasn't taken them for whatever reason(s)
  12. For obvious reasons it is imperative we get back to the top division ASAP. That is why McGregor has been signed
  13. FWIW I do not believe King has any intention of investing because he does not have the wealth he is alleged to have. The sooner we move on from this the better
  14. Exactly. Another shares issue now is not what we want. The idea that these investor are simply going to hand over control of Rangers to SoS and UoF is laughable. Now what are they planning to do ? Hold another protest march? Fat lot of good that'll do
  15. So how did the likes of Alex O'Hara and Peter McCloy manage to sign for Rangers and McGrain didnt?
  16. Butcher was a complete and utter fool to have taken the job in the first place
  17. I don't want Shaun Hutchison either. He played in a Motherwell defence which conceded a helluva lot of goals last season
  18. Sevco 5088 was an english company which could not be re-registered as a Scottish company hence the decision to go to Sevco Scotland.I find the idea that Whyte somehow still owns Rangers as absolutely hilarious. Even mad Phil couldn't think that one up......or could he?
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