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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. It was based on our liquidation. A liquidation caused by our owner whyte and purchaser green.


    If you had read my earlier posts on this then you'd have read that Hibz parent company went through the same thing in 1991 and the club got transferred to Farmer's newco. They weren't demoted but Rangers were in 2012

  2. Demoted? Were we not expelled from one league and admitted to a different one? Semantics, I know.


    We were effectively demoted by being voted out the SPL. I would like those chairmen who took the decision to throw us out the SPL to now come forward and explain why they took that decision. What was that decision based on? who influenced them?

    I've always thought their decision was based on unproven debts which we now know never existed. Oldco liquidation was brought about by Whyte not paying PAYE/NI. Nothing else. Whyte purchase and subsequent management of Rangers are of course now the centre of more than one police investigation.

    Unnecessary demotion has cost Rangers tens of millions of pounds when in reality we were victims not perpetrators. The current board should be doing all they can to recover this lost money and if it is to come from these clubs then so be it. Their chairmen took a decision they may live to regret.They should have copied Kilmarnock who abstained. The decision would have been then sent back to Regan's SFA

  3. I do wonder if any of the oldco shareholders will now pursue a claim against the ten clubs who voted Rangers out the SPL (Kilmarnock abstained at the time).

    What were their reasons for voting us out? It cant be oldco/newco as Hibz did that in 1991 and weren't relegated after their original parent company went bust..

    I maintain it was all due to this fictitious EBT tax bill which had now proved to be non existent.There was a belief Rangers owed over £100m and went bust as a result. That has now been proven to be completely wrong.

  4. I just wonder if McCoist is now having doubts about Cammy Bell. I'm just not convinced about Bell at all. He wasn't greatly tested last season but I thought there were one or two worrying signs. For starters he doesn't seem at all convincing when coming for crossballs and doesn't command his box. Better teams will exploit this. Maybe this is why Simonsen has been signed again

  5. This board wanted us liquidated. And meeting with the sfa will be short and will consist of that being pointed out.


    Eh? This board weren't around when the oldco got put into a liquidation process(note oldco wouldn't get liquidated for years to come if it happens at all). Why would the current board want Rangers liquidated?

  6. I agree with the sentiment but find it difficult to see which parts are their fight. The 5 way agreement is definitely one I agree they should be pressing on.


    As well as being thrown out the top division

  7. It's not strong enough in its condemnation of the authorities.


    The club should be pressing for a meeting with the SFA and SPFL to clarify the issues throughout the five way agreement. Not to mention requesting enquiries into government departments and broadcasters.


    The other issue which needs addressed is why the SPL clubs chose to vote Rangers out of the top division. If you were to ask these club chairmen again today what answers would you get? I'm convinced that they took this decision based on them believing Rangers owed a colossal sum due to EBT's. Now that has been proven not to be the case could these clubs be subjected to legal action?

    As for the oldco/newco arguement remember Hibz did that in 1991 when their parent company went bust and Farmer transferred the club to a new company and the club carried on. Hibz weren't demoted so that arguement is a non starter too

  8. Oldco do owe Ticketus. They were listed as a creditor and the contract would have been signed between the club and Ticketus.


    The fact that they went after a director and majority shareholder of the club does not take away from the fact that the oldco owe the money to Ticketus.


    I can assure you Ticketus are not an oldco creditor. Lord Glennie only awarded them 'personal contractual rights' hence their pursuit of Whyte thro the courts down south for fraudulent misrepresentation for which Whyte lost the appeal late last year

  9. Maybe, when Peter tells them to do so.


    Remember these organisations were trying to strip titles. The credibility of both Rhegan and Doncaster is one damaged beyond repair. The UTTT judgement means both must now fall on their sword

  10. did ticketus not opt to pursue Whyte's personal guarantee's for the full amount, rather than accept a reduced payment via CVA????

    If they had gone along the CVA route, they had no recourse through the guarantees.


    Oldco didn't owe Ticketus a penny. They only had personal contractual rights which was why they went after Whyte who lost his appeal against Ticketus for fraudulent misrepresentation at the end of last year

  11. The oldco didn't fall or jump on its own.I firmly believe it was pushed by an orchestrated plan by individuals of an anti Rangers persuasion with links to politics, banking and of course HMRC.

    Why would a bank force someone to sell a business to someone then immediately withdraw all credit to that business? What good did that do that business? It was deliberate in an attempt to destroy Rangers along with the EBT tax bill. EBT's were legal tax avoidance whether people like that or not.

    I firmly believe there will be justice at the end of all this.All roads lead to the other side of the city.I relish the day all of this comes out

  12. Bain didn't commence his job as CEO until after wee Dick left mate, i believe Murray done all the private jet negotiating. Bain was in the background within the commercial department when Advocaat was there.


    Bain certainly picked up many bad habits and mistakes from Murray bud sadly never had the brains to do things different when it was he calling the shots.


    Bain the former male model/chef was never suitable or qualified for the CEO position

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