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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. You'd have thought there was more obvious, safer appointments than these two wouldn't you?
  2. Let's hope he wins as much as Assistant Manager as he did as a player at Porkheid.....one SC in six seasons
  3. Goodbye and good riddance Vincent.You were anything but impartial. It was blatantly obvious where your allegiances were.
  4. What's always puzzled is how a couple of bus operators managed to gain the trust of all these financial investors. Any ideas?
  5. Er to a dafty like me......what's this all about ? I take it the CG story about trying to take control is a load of nonsense as I thought?
  6. You'll have a long wait for DK to take over. If he really does have the wealth to acquire Rangers(which I doubt) then now really is his time.This whole episode where supporters are waiting for him to ride in and take over must be brought to a conclusion one way or the other.Either he does or doesn't.
  7. Is anyone other than the BBC running this story about CG making a fresh bid to take control ?
  8. I find this story difficult to believe. My initial thought was that this is the board trying to smoke out DK with regards to whether he genuinely does have 50m to invest. I've always suspected he doesn't.
  9. Mr Irvine renewed his contract with Rangers football club ? Thought media house got booted out?
  10. FWIW I'm not happy but until there's a credible, viable alternative I do not believe there is much choice. All I want to see is Rangers back in the top division as champions as soon as possible and back into Europe again
  11. The big question(which AJ constantly alluded to) was why were LBG so fixated on Rangers debt as opposed to the much, much larger MIH debt? Surely that should have been a greater concern to them ? You do realise LBG's Scottish business division was being run at that time by Manus Joseph Fullerton(celt@c trust) and fellow Bhoy Archibald Gerrard Kane at that time. Did their allegiances influence the sale from SDM to Whyte? Also why was it after the sale Rangers continued to use Lloyd's as their bank but Whyte got all credit facilities withdrawn ? Whose decision was that? the two bhoys ? And why was it after the sale LBG then started funding MIH again ? This whole episode reeks to the high heavens. No wonders the police and the Insolvency Service are investigating
  12. They've this bizarre notion that they can starve the board out and Dave King will ride into town and throw in tens of millions into Rangers because he has a 750m fortune....believe that if you like. Meanwhile I'll just get on with supporting Rangers like I've done for nearly fifty years now (a scary thought)
  13. He had far bigger problems than Rangers. MIH were 750m in debt. Ranges were 3 per cent of that
  14. If McCoist is on one years notice then that notice should be served immediately.This season really must be his last before we go back to the top division if everything goes to plan
  15. Do you seriously think he sold willingly to Whyte. Who forced him to sell Rangers to Whyte do you think ? Did you ever listen to AJ at the time? What makes you think current shareholders will do something similar regards handing over shares for a quid?
  16. Another administration and/or liquidation might finish us this time. If you expect people and organisations who have bought shares simply to hand them over and walk away as you seem to suggest then that simply is not going to happen
  17. If we go to the brink again we might not come back. This time there will be no Craig Whyte to blame and the SFA will not transfer the club's membership and licence to a new company and allow us to carry on. Yes I totally agree the football is grim which is why I emphatically believe this board must be seen to be taking steps to remove Ally McCoist as soon as is financially possible. Difficult though it is it is imperative we get back into the top division as soon as possible and back into European football with the financial rewards that brings.
  18. And did they say how they were going to invest that 50milion. Were they going to get a shareholding first in order to gain control ? Or do they expect current shareholders to hand over their shares free of charge and walk away?
  19. FWIW I'm no great admirer of the board who seem to be doing little more than occupying boardroom seats without any real indication of how they intend to take the club back to the top of Scottish football & beyond. As for DK if he really does now need to either put up or shut up,If he wishes to acquire control of Rangers and invest tens of millions then that means initially buying a sufficient shareholding first of all.He should stop hiding behind the excuse of not lining shareholders pockets for if he is to acquire Rangers he will need to do that whether he likes it or not. There is no other way. Those who own Rangers are simply not going to hand over their share holdings to DK & co and walk away.
  20. No because there are too many who believe DK is waiting to throw tens of millions into the club and the board is preventing him from doing so. If DK is genuine about taking over Rangers then he must follow protocol I.e. acquire a sufficient shareholding to allow him(perhaps along with others) to bring about change in the boardroom if that's what he(and others) wants to happen
  21. Quality signings will cost money which is in short supply
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