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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. whyte bought us to make us insolvent before buying us back debt free.


    if we weren't, we sure would have been he would have made sure of it.


    I don't think we'll ever know what Whyte's plan was if he ever had one in the first place.

    I'd always thought that had a CVA been agreed he'd have sold Rangers debt free to someone for a reasonably modest fee and been seen as some sort of saviour but it never worked out after it became apparent what he'd been up to since he took over.

  2. Other than HMRC(who are owed the PAYE and NI Whyte didn't pay plus the small tax case which Whyte was supposed to pay but didn't) who are these creditors?

    There are no football debts as these were paid by newco as a condition of the licence being transferred.

    Ticketus aren't a creditor as Lord Glennie only granted them personal contractual rights hence their pursuit of Whyte thro' the courts down south.

    Don't forget too the RFFF paid off a number of small debts too.

    As a rough guess I'd say HMRC are owed circa £16m. Are D&P and BDO getting the rest of this £24m?

  3. He could get all that from the current squad, coaching the likes of Shiels, Aird, McKay, Templeton better. We have 2 proper right backs in the Under 20s plus McAusland and Peralta who another manager could play right back and no doubt get more out of. Bell will do for now mate.


    A new manager would probably rip Ally's shambles up and start again but I am just saying there is so much more this current lot of players can give which Ally and his pals are unable to get out if them. So much more.


    I think we might see a bit of wheeling & dealing before the end of next month. If Moshni is sold then maybe the money might get used to move on one or two fringe players which might allow replacements to be brought in.Whether Ally is capable of doing this and improving the squad in this way is another matter

  4. I disagree. A real football manager could work with what Ally has and compete in that league.


    A better manager would improve things with the current squad.No doubt about that but I think he'd want to bring in players for positions which clearly need strengthening I.e MF creativity, pace in wide areas up front, a proper RB and maybe a GK too

  5. We have to accept now there is a minority amongst our support (and it is very much a minority) who are totally opposed to anything the board say or do regardless of whether it is in the best interests of Rangers or not. This Official Fans Board is yet another example.

    If they want the board replaced then there is only one feasible way to do that and that is to acquire a large enough shareholding to remove them. There is no other way

  6. You think a business turning over circa £19m should fork out the fat end of £1m for a CEO with no previous experience and came from the dole queue?


    We were turning over £60m + when Bain was CEO.


    Wallace has been recruited for when we return to the top division and get back into Europe.

    As I've said to you many times before he should be judged on how well he does his job(or not as the case may be). If he does it well then I've no objection to his remuneration package

  7. Well Easdale, Somers and Crighton were there when Wallace was handed his onerous contract.


    Easdale, Somers, Crighton and Wallace were there when Laxey were handed their (since superceded) onerous contract.


    Is Wallace's contract that much different from Bain's ? At least Wallace seems qualified. Bain wasn't.

    I think for a Club like Rangers his contract is what we'd need to pay for the right calibre of person.

    Whether Wallace is the right calibre of person or is doing a good job is another debate entirely

  8. when the pressure reaches tipping point they most certainly will. Or they will go.


    No chance. Absolutely no chance.

    The only thing that will go is Rangers Football Club as we know it. It will cease to exist as Scotland's most successful professional football club and it would need to reform in the amateur or junior ranks.

    I do not want to see that day. Never.

  9. Him p Murray g Letham m Murray Walter Smith all sorts of people. I would cough up for sure


    With all due respect I doubt if anyone of these people could afford to buy Rangers outright.

    DK is the only possibility but I'm sceptical about his real wealth I have to say

  10. Really?


    Our esteemed CEO, present Chairman, present Directors and Deloittes our auditors were unaware but somehow Malcolm Murray had to know?


    How many of the current board were there when the 'onerous contracts' were being given to the likes of Stockbridge and McCoist?

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