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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. And why would they do that? DK has absolutely no intention of becoming involved financially. That is blatantly obvious to me
  2. Couldn't get a game for Dundee HIbs though.
  3. BPH only hold a small percentage shareholding do they not ? They've shown no inclination to increase that shareholding . Is this KEef Jackson trying to create a story where none exists
  4. If we've got Boyd, Miller and Daly next season then rough luck Hertz and HIVS. At least one of them won't be getting promoted - hopefully both....
  5. At the AGM the requisitioners got approx 30 percent of the votes each( far higher than expected). Assuming they've still got that support and if King was to buy a 10 to 20 percent shareholding then the board would be in trouble. The fact that he hasn't bought such a shareholding(and Ive heard the same tired old excuses again and again) tells me all I need to know about him.
  6. I doubt that very much. Dundee Utd( one of the clubs who claim they don't need Rangers in the top division) have cut their annual wage bill to a mere £1.5m.- total peanuts if you ask me for one of this country's supposedly bigger clubs. I think Boyd would be out of their price range
  7. Well if he's got the wealth you say he has surely he can buy a shareholding which will give him some influence within Rangers. If he increases that shareholding then he'll be in control. There is no other way he can bring about the change you and his army of fans so desperately seem to think he can bring about. Or will the tired old excuse about not lining shareholders pockets be trotted out again?
  8. Agree our finances took a hit in Kaunus but our problems with the bank began when LBG took over HBOS and Fullerton and Kane were in charge of LBG's Scottish business division. Despite the fact that Rangers debt was 3 percent of the MIH debt why were they so fixated on Rangers debt which was falling year on year with AJ as chairman?
  9. For the quality we need (for top division) Id maybe give you Templeton but not the others. We need to get a squad in place for our return to the top as soon as possible and not be going round at the last minute trying to sign players where we'll inevitably end up with bad signings
  10. The two positions we really must improve upon next season if we're to have any success in the domestic cups are RB & on the wide areas up front where we totally lack pace.We might also need to look again at CB if the McGregor signing doesn't work out.
  11. Being a stand-out at U20 is no guarantee whatsoever that the player will become a first team regular.Its a massive step up from that level to the first team
  12. I consider him irrelevant in that I do not believe he is willing to invest 50m despite what others may say
  13. I don't think the board are being giving pelters. Many of us, myself included, question this appointment(whoever gets this position) and wonder how it will benefit Rangers in our current predicament
  14. Would dearly like to see a job description for this 'DoF' position(or whatever its called). And by what method(s) do the board intend to determine its success( or failure).
  15. Your guess is as good as mine as they say............... Meanwhile we'll wait..............and wait............and wait............
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