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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He realised it wasn't going to be the money-maker he'd hoped for. He needed an excuse to get out. FF & co gave him one
  2. Perhaps you don't but they took great pleasure in kicking us
  3. An interesting OP but the SPFL/SFA simply make the rules up as they please as will continue to do so for as long as we've got the likes of Liewell, Rhegan & Doncaster running the show. As for Hibs the best thing they could do in the meantime is get shot off Petrie who has been far too supportive of these three for my liking.
  4. I doubt very much if Brian Kennedy was ever seriously in the running during administration. His £5m bid was the lowest and got booted out early doors as I recall
  5. Sporting Integrity must be maintained. I'm sure Liewell & Rhegan will ensure that it does
  6. It should be remembered that the top dog at FARE is Piara Powar whose partner is Rangers hating, Celt@c supporter Aasmah Mir. Maybe that is why they get their terrorist misdemeanours constantly overlooked by FARE.
  7. We are going round in circles here. if KIng wants control all he has to do is buy a significant shareholding to gain control and there is not a thing the board can do. He wont do that so he wont be investing his 30m or 50m or whatever your figure is I hate to draw this comparison but when the bunnet took over at the east end 20 years ago he had to settle a load of debts their old board built up. That was money he lost before he invested a penny but at least King would be getting shares for his money before he invested your 30m or 50m
  8. Always struck me as a fair and decent man. Unfortunately I cannot say the same thing about the current SFA chief executive who has presided over an absolute shambles of an organisation in which he has allowed one club to have far too great a say in it.
  9. Wont let him invest in a new shares issue ? Did you read King's comments ? Obviously not. He says the financial institutions wont touch a new shares issues so he'll need to become involved.Don't worry your wish will be granted.
  10. Read all of this before. Wants to invest 30m out of 50m. One small problem is there not ? He has to get control of Rangers first either by acquiring existing shares(which he wont do) or by becoming involved in a new rights issue which shouldnt be a problem to him as he says the financial institutions wont want any part in a new rights issue.I'll wait and see how that one pans out. i think I already know the answer
  11. Let him come out now and declare his intentions.Last time he was 'last resort' as he didn't want to invest his kids inheritance. Hold a press conference Dave. tell us what your next move is.Give us a timescale when you hope to acquire Rangers(if that is your intention)
  12. Cant find anything about our chums from the east end and their support for left wing terrorist groups. Thats acceptable to FARE is it? Or is it only right wing groups they oppose?
  13. Well let's hear from Mr King. No more grandstanding on the sidelines. Come out publicly(preferably not the BBC or Rhecord) and tell us how much you are prepared to invest in Rangers presumably at the next share issue. No more excuses. You know what you have to do to take control at Rangers. Get on with it or stop this constant circus on the sidelines which I must admit has gone rather quiet lately
  14. By all accounts there are 40 odd million un-issued Rangers shares. If there is to be another Shares issue why doesn't DK come out publicly and offer to at least underwrite this shares issue or better still offer to buy the whole lot of them. Then we'd at least know he was serious instead of what he's done up until now I.e. rant 'n' rave on the sidelines
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