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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. They could TUPE over, that was an option for them, but Charles Green didn't want them to have that choice because he couldn't afford to keep them on the wages that they were entitled to.


    Anyone calling them out for not showing loyalty needs to have a good look at themselves. Where is the loyalty from club to player if the player doesn't want to leave?


    The legal advice they received is irrelevant. They had two options. That is how simple it was.


    The circumstances we found ourselves in two years ago were unprecedented. The existence of Rangers was at stake.These players were going. No doubt about that. But could they not have left in a better way than they did? Bocanegra did and still has the respect and admiration of everyone to this day. Why couldn't they?

  2. First off, Whittaker was never a fan whereas Naismith was as dyed in the wool as any Rangers supporter. Not everyone will agree with the choice he made, but his reasons were valid and history has vindicated him. It could also be that everything he said was just a smokescreen for him wanting to cash in on the situation he found himself in. Only he can know the truth.


    There was no way Whittaker, Naismith, Lafferty etc could have stayed after newco was formed.Their wages were prohibitive to them doing so.However the very least they could have done was TUPE over so the club could have got a fee for each of them albeit a very nominal fee.That way none of them would have left with the bad feeling which still does exist amongst a sizeable section of our support.

    What I would like Naismith & Whittaker to do though is to tell us what legal advice they got from Wishart's players union and it's legal chum Ms Margaret Gribbon. Seeing the two of them at that press conference saying they didn't want to play for Sevco has always made me deeply suspicious of the legal advice they got. If they really do want to attempt to build bridges with the Rangers support then I believe they should be doing this for starters. Some of us may never forgive them and that is something they will need to live with unfortunately

  3. ' Peter's wealth of experience ' LOL they're having' a laugh now aren't they?

    What's Liewell ever done for the benefit of Scottish football ? He's only there to look after Shelliks interests. Nothing else.

    We've a derisory TV deal which he and Dumbcaster signed a couple of years ago and the SPFL still cannot get a sponsor.

    The professional game in this country is on it's deathbed and desperately needs injections of finance from somewhere.

    It's time for club chairmen to wake up and start asking the SFA and SPFL proper questions about where the game in this country is heading. Let's start the ball rolling please Mr Somers.....

  4. There are police investigations ongoing regards Whyte's purchase and subsequent management of Rangers. LBG will undoubtedly have been part of those investigations.

    Don't forget too that they've still got Whyte's ticketus money which he obtained by 'fraudulent misreprestnation'. It is essentially the proceeds of crime

  5. That is utter guff, 30 June 2013 we had £11.2m cash in the bank and went on to sell 36k season tickets yet come February is it wasn't for emergency loans we'd have been technically insolvent. You don't need a masters degree in economics to see what's coming this season.


    Running costs are too high. Cuts need to be made.

    No matter where these cuts were made the SoS, UoF etc would then start calling the board fraudsters, asset-strippers etc.

  6. you would think anyone with 50 million would be welcomed with open arms but apparently not.


    Well if, according to the UoF, there,s to be a second share issue(as early as September?) then let Mr Dave King (and whoever else) come out and openly challenge the board that he is prepared to underwrite this share issue.

  7. Perhaps due to more games being televised viewing figures increased?

    Forget the viewing figures. The deal Dumbcaster and Liewell signed two years ago after we got voted out the SPL is worth peanuts.

    All other similar-sized countries to ours have far better deals in comparison.The brain dead chairmen in this country need to realise this

  8. They were under the impression that they had security in future ST sales. They hadn't taken Scot's Law into account.


    But they were effectively lending money for the purchase of a company which had a potentially massive bill from HMRC hanging over it which it couldn't have paid and would have gone bust.

    Why did they give Whyte the money and did they not know about his shady business past ? And why didn't they know the difference between Scots law and English law regards ST sales as security? Did they not seek legal advice?

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