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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. RFC bosses should have contacted me, i could have told them a few stories about whyes past dodgy dealings, the A hole ran off with all our wages at vital uk and fled to the bahamas, i and number of other folk lost our jobs because of that b******, if it turns out that dm, aj, pm and the rest of the old board knew about whyte, i'll be demanding dm to be stripped of his knighthood and he face jail.


    The old board knew all about Whyte. Do you seriously believe SDM willingly sold to Whyte. Forget HMRC, they couldn't stop Whyte getting hold of Rangers. The question needs to be asked whether LBG forced SDM to sell Rangers to Whyte. WE all know who was running LBG's Scottish business division at that time don't we?

  2. Saw this earlier.




    Of course they knew everything about it just as Lloyds/HBOS knew all about him being the banker to his various businesses and granting him a 125% mortgage on Castle Grant.


    And why were LBG so keen for Whyte to get Rangers ? Perhaps the two bhoys could answer that one

  3. In any normal universe, this would be called and labelled and pursued as blackmail. I still do not understand why a) no-one has adressed this gross misconduct by the authorities and b) no journo worth his grain is telling the world about it.


    Couldn't agree more mate.

    Only a fool would think this money was handed over willingly

  4. The bottom line is that Scottish football is short of money and needs to get it primarily from better sponsorship deals and TV deals. Getting the right people running the game in Scotland to do this seems to be the biggest stumbling block to this. People such as Rhegan, Dumbcaster, and Liewell are not the answer

  5. I have always thought that an amalgamation of the Dundee Clubs into a Dundee City was obvious but nearly got killed one day by an Arab for having the temerity of making such a suggestion. I have never understood how it is that if Aberdeen can only support one Club (barely) Dundee can support two (it can't).


    There are far too many so called "senior" football clubs in Scotland. Clubs like Forfar, Brechin, Arbroath & Montrose should be amalgamated and/or become feeder clubs for St Johnstone, Dundee or Aberdeen. Ditto, Motherwell and Hamilton, Morton & Dumbarton, Dunfermline/Cowdenbeath/Raith Rovers/East Fife, Stirling Albion/East Stirling/Falkirk etc


    Get it down to one or possibly two divisions of 16 or one 16 and 2x12 or even two 10's; something like that. We need to concentrate our megre resources on a smaller number of teams.


    Agree with all of this but will never happen.Amalgamation should happen but won't unfortunately.

    There are also too many senior clubs in Scotland who would be better off joining the junior or even amateur ranks. They are senior clubs in name only who contribute nothing to the professional game

  6. Failing to play Zaliukas is inexplicable. This man has 7 seasons at SPL level, was captain of Hearts and is only 30. What's the point of putting him on the bench?


    Because Ally extended Jig's £10k per week contract til the end of this season meaning he has to find a place for him in the team regardless

  7. i hope thats not the excuses bein lined if things don't go our way on tuesday night,


    i think our defense will let us down big time on tuesday night, we've shipped goals all over the place during this pre season and that doesn't fill me with any confidence.


    And there's a total lack of creativity in MF

  8. The spfl did the right thing with us. The only thing they sensibly could do.


    If the spl wanted us back soon they should have had the balls to not demote us.


    Well the SPL should not have allowed the clubs to vote us out then should they?

    Hibz went newco in 1991 and didn't get voted out the top division then did they?

  9. There's a very easy but cynical answer to this - don't vote out the biggest and most successful club out of the top division.Not only that but the bile and hatred directed at it in the summer of 2012 has led to the leagues being unable to get a sponsor bringing in much needed revenue and money is something scottish clubs are in dire shortage of? What company CEO would want their name associated with the SPFL ? Answer-none.

  10. If he was appointed to a prominent position at Rangers, he would be seen as an improvement on whoever he replaced.


    He is apparently a Rangers fan so he'd be in a minority of one if he was made a director. The thing is, though, anyone joining this current lot will likely become tainted quite quickly.


    If he joined and was a success, I would hope that he'd make it his business to clean out the SFA/SPFL in ruthless fashion and step up our influence.


    If he was able to engineer the removal of some of the leading lights there, he would certainly be awarded more than a few brownie points.


    Doubt it somehow mate.

    He surrendered too meekly to the Rhegan/Doncaster/Liewell cartel for my liking which abolished Longmuir's SFL and absorbed in into their new Shellik-controlled SPFL which cannot get a sponsor for obvious reasons

    I fail to see how he'd improve things at Rangers given his previous record

  11. Say what you like about VB but they certainly know who our enemies are.

    Their recent article on Margaret Curran MP (Lhabour Shadow Scottish Secretary) should be read by all Rangers supporters.

    When you go to vote get to know who you could be voting for.Voting in Rangers haters like her will only lead to big problems in the future for us. Did you ever read her statements on the BTC? She more or less had us guilty before the FTTT !!!!!!

    As a rule avoid the Scottish Lhabour party at all costs. Full of dhimz who hate us

  12. Overall you have to say it was us who terminated the dual sponsorship deals we've had with the dimz for years now.

    Given where we are & what we've been thro' is this maybe a bit of a coup for us ?

    Would you have not expected them to try and walk away first ?

  13. We have the players to comfortably finish 2nd in the SPL. This is not as bad a squad as their product on the park or past humiliations show, they are far better than that. Our biggest handicap is our management team and i use that term extremely loosely.


    Don't you mean SPFL 'Premiership' (a title they didn't steal from England but still can't get sponsorship for)

  14. You make them sound like a group who have all the Rangers support's interests at heart and who work hard for an united front in terms of the fanbase. They do anything but !


    A divisisve group if ever there was one.


    When they go on the offensive to our enemies it is a joy to behold.

  15. From what I see he's simply given his tarrier opinion. Don't see anything in it which is contrary to his employee status


    As a civil servant he is expected to uphold much higher standards than he is showing.

    The civil service is no place for bhigots like him. He should sacked immediately.

  16. You don't appear to understand the basics of the legislation.


    ????? I can assure you I do understand the legislation. the players were perfectly entitled to go by not transferring across. Had they done so then I believe they could have left on better terms. You do not seem to be able to understand this from what I wrote do you ? Read again

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