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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Wallace has been recruited for when we return to the top division and get back into Europe. As I've said to you many times before he should be judged on how well he does his job(or not as the case may be). If he does it well then I've no objection to his remuneration package
  2. We've had this debate before.Unless you're prepared to buy shares then you can say all you want but nothing will change.
  3. Is Wallace's contract that much different from Bain's ? At least Wallace seems qualified. Bain wasn't. I think for a Club like Rangers his contract is what we'd need to pay for the right calibre of person. Whether Wallace is the right calibre of person or is doing a good job is another debate entirely
  4. Well given the reluctance of eminent Rangers people to buy shares what makes it more likely they'd buy shares in this company which would own the stadium and MP after paying how much for them?
  5. No chance. Absolutely no chance. The only thing that will go is Rangers Football Club as we know it. It will cease to exist as Scotland's most successful professional football club and it would need to reform in the amateur or junior ranks. I do not want to see that day. Never.
  6. This board(or any other board) will not hand over these assets I.e. Stadium and MP free gratis believe me which seems to be what you're suggesting just because you buy a ST
  7. With all due respect I doubt if anyone of these people could afford to buy Rangers outright. DK is the only possibility but I'm sceptical about his real wealth I have to say
  8. So if you buy an ST you get a free share in the company that owns the stadium and MP? You'd need rather a lot of shares wouldn't you? I'd guess stadium and MP worth say £35m to 40m. How much is each share worth in this company ?
  9. How many of the current board were there when the 'onerous contracts' were being given to the likes of Stockbridge and McCoist?
  10. We need to realise that whilst remaining out of the top division and competing in Europe our finances were never going to be great as we strive to get back there in the shortest possible timescale
  11. I'd find it difficult to believe he didn't know about these contracts especially the one Stockbridge got for the recent shares
  12. Are you referring to Chelsea Pitchowners? Do they not own the freehold for SB? They paid quite a lot of money for it as I recall. Will yesterday's guys be willing to cough up the money for Ibrox and MP?
  13. Whilst chairman was he aware of the 'onerous contracts' being given out? If so why didn't he speak out at the time and resign?
  14. When it opened back in 2001 I recall SDM telling us it would be used to produce our own players instead of buying from other clubs. In that respect it has been a failure IMO. As for a first team training complex all I'd say is after watching these past two seasons against part timers and amateurs it isn't doing great there either. In all seriousness we should be getting a damn sight more out of MP than we are. If that means changing personnel then so be it
  15. But it's main other use is youth development and it is presently failing miserably
  16. If the young players really are there and they're not being developed then that issue needs addressed. Letting things continue as they are is not an option given what the MP running costs probably are
  17. MP is seriously under-performing IMO. How many players has it produced whom we've sold for decent money?
  18. MM talks about putting a new board in place. How will he achieve that I wonder?
  19. Another well-written article by D'Art. FWIW I don't think we'll see results from the police investigation until HMRC finally admit defeat in all of this meaning they don't take this to the third and final stage i.e. to the Court of Session. Unfortunately I think they will meaning this drags on even longer. For me the biggest question of all is why HMRC went after Rangers for use of EBT's in the first place. Criticise SDM all you like but thousands of UK companies used EBT's as a perfectly legal means of tax avoidance including MIH as has been shown. so why did HMRC pursue Rangers? What was their case? It doesn't exactly look like much of a case when it has failed not one but two of HMRC's own internal appeals.I've long suspected this was initiated by rangers-hating parasites from the political world who used this to destabilise Rangers and deter reputable buyers. I believe two two individuals were involved both with links to the east end.
  20. What exactly does he need to do to earn this bonus I.e. What performance targets need to be met? Does anyone know?
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