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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Why would we work out what it is costing them ? Does it translate into more money or cost savings for Rangers ? No, it doesn't. Therefore I couldn't care less.


    The sad reality is that negative news makes better headlines. Their financial situation, on the face of things, is nowhere near as critical as ours. Hence we will continue to be the headline makers in negative financial news.


    Personally, I find us Rangers fans that want to make comparisons with Celtic are simply looking for a comfort blanket. "Our finances might not be healthy but neither are theirs". I don't care about Celtic's finances, I really don't. And I don't think any of us should. The ONLY thing that should matter to us is Rangers.


    All businesses should endeavour to know the financial health of their competitors.

    All I'm suggesting is our absence from the top division is having a bigger effect on them than some prepared to admit. When we got put in SFL3 was it not said Liewell wanted us kept in top division but with points deductions in forthcoming seasons?

    Perhaps these figures explain why. I'd reckon our absence will have cost them circa £30M...

  2. ST stand-off, King, Ashley, bottom team, second tier, early season ... you have to search long for that in the article. Likewise, you have to search long and hard for any article on Celtic's low crowds throughout these last 24 months. No-one is stopping them to write it or wants to sweep the low figures under the carpet. Yet if they do, they should not stop with half-info.


    dB certainly has a point regards Celt@c's lower crowds and the fact it isn't reported. Has anyone tried to work out how much it's costing them without us in the top division? Let's assume their average league crowds are down somewhere in the region 15k to 20k (I'd say nearer 20k as there's no OF games) but we'll go for a figure of say 18k. Let's do some maths:-


    18,000 X average cost of ticket X no of home league games. (Let's use figure of £25 for ticket)


    18,000 X 25 X 18 = £8.1million per season


    That figure does not include hospitality, sponsorships etc they may have lost as well as others these 'lost' supporters would buy on match days such as food, programmes etc. The £8.1m figure will be well over £10m IMO. In other words they need the CL group stages just to make up this loss. You won't see this reported in the DR and such like will you?

  3. It certainly seems that the malaise has well and truly begun with the fans. How much of this is "positive" for King or any other potential investors is less assured.


    One has to think that the current shareholders see the attendance numbers and will start to shit themselves. These hedge funds don't like to lose money and, despite the oodles of money Green and his band have seized from the Club, most of the investors haven't. They must surely be getting worried about the financial landscape at Rangers.


    How much oodles of money have Green and his band seized from the club? Please quantify

  4. Let me indulge you and say that these "individuals" you speak of were out to maximise damage (more probable but taking each individual seperately) or even in your opinion "put Rangers out of business altogether"


    What circumstances gave them such an opportunity ?

    Was it a plot with seeds sown by "individuals" you mention or were they 'surfing a wave' of irresponsible and even wreckless negligence that originated from an autocratic leader in the Rangers boardroom ?



    1. We've been distracted from our own inner problems repeatedly.


    2. If anyone or group has documentation that can bring a result against A, B or C for doing X, Y or Z then IMO better not to pish around with Five Part instalments but instead get it out there right away.


    The circumstances which gave these individuals the opportunity to maximise damage upon Rangers was the appearance of Craig Whyte.

    Prior to that LBG individuals were doing their bit despite the overdraft reducing from £30m to £18m and the fact that this was a mere 3 percent of the MIH debt. In other words why were these individuals so concerned with the small Rangers debt rather than the significantly larger MIH debt? Who was running LBG's Scottish business division at that time? You decide.Did they force SDM to sell to Whyte?

    As for HMRC where do you start? Chasing flawed EBT tax bills so weak it has now failed two of their own internal appeals and why did they allow Whyte to walk into Rangers when he already had outstanding tax arrears and then allow him to withhold PAYE & NI when he acquired Rangers.

  5. I'm glad to see the likes of Richard Wilson (BBC) concentrate on the more important and current issues within Ibrox.


    IMO we need to have our eyes focused upon Ibrox rather than building up some kind of familiar 'hatethink' that only seems to serve those conducting the direction of attention and spin.


    If there is something significant to divulge that has documents to back it up, then why not just put it all out there rather than drip feeding ?


    Our main enemies are 'within' or around those 'within'.


    Two years ago there were individuals who were actively seeking to put Rangers out of business altogether IMO.

    Are you seriously suggesting these people you describe are doing likewise? If so in what way?

  6. In todays dr. No contact with ally but heres the good news bit. He wont do walking away as he is here to stay until the job is done!! Mind you he says the job is to get us back into top flight so perhaps he would go next year.. His awareness compass is a bitty fecked up if you ask me. I think he still believes he is mucho loved by all.


    I still think the lack of an obvious replacement is one of the major reasons Ally still in his position

  7. No, the responsibility to act within the confines of UEFA rules lays squarely with the club and it's officials. UEFA's responsibility is for setting the rules, not mothering the club's into adherence.


    The club makes a mockery of the competition by not knowing or following the rules.


    IMHO you have it the wrong way round.


    Is it really too much to ask UEFA to advise the match referee and the UEFA observer at the game of any suspended or ineligible players for the game and to advise the clubs of this. This would eradicate any ambiguity.

  8. Good luck to the big man. Always acted with dignity and gave us a some great moments.


    A treble, Helicopter Sunday and last 16 of the Champions League is not too bad to have on your CV.


    I think you have to analyse his record closely during his four and a half years.

    He won seven trophies:- two titles, two Scottish cups and three league cups.

    Five of them came in his first eighteen months with basically Advocaat's team.

    He won two trophies in the next three years:- one league cup and,of course, helicopter sunday.

    I thought some of the football during those three years was absolute torture until Ally became manager when I fully realised what it is like to watch sub standard football for a Rangers side.

    Give big Eck his due though, he knew his time was up and he went. Mr McCoist take note

  9. There are hundreds of clubs involved in their competitions, and each one of them employs a match secretary to ensure that all regulations are adhered to. Aside from you being pissed off that Celtic were reinstated, why should UEFA be expected to wipe the arse of professional outfits?


    Because UEFA are the responsible governing body and should ensure rules are adhered to. Makes a mockery of tournaments otherwise. This is the sort of thing I'd expect to happen in a sunday morning pub league

  10. Like every other club which has benefitted from one of these administration errors, the club would have thanked it's lucky stars with not so much as a backward glance.


    These rules seriously need reviewed. UEFA should ensure that the match referee and its observer attending the fixture are fully aware of any players ineligible or suspended for the fixture and advise the clubs involved before the game takes place.

    IMO UEFA rather absolves itself of its responsibilities otherwise. This is not some sort of sunday morning pub league is it?

  11. Absolutely. The rules are the rules.


    Had this been us and not them we would be saying the same thing "They broke UEFA's rules. That isn't our fault". Much as though I despise the fact they get another "get out of jail free" card - to suggest it is their lack of sporting integrity that caused it is, frankly, utter nonsense.


    And if Shellik have broken EC rules on state aid let us hope we see the likes of title stripping on the agenda.The rules are rules ye know

  12. If anyone ever wonders why the media is held in such low regard in this country then they need look no further than the likes of English, Spiers,Gibbons and the rest of the Rangers-hating pond life which passes off as so-called journalists in this country. They do not even hide it either.On the rare occasion I have read an article about Rangers by any of these pseudo journalists the hatred and bitterness is such that were it written about ethnic groups then action would undoubtedly be taken.And rightly so.

    One wonders if the editors of any of the publications they work for or have worked for ever considered that these employing these clowns had a damaging effect on their dwindling circulations.

    Now of course we have English employed at that great bastion of British Broadcasting down at Pacific Quay following his ignominious exit from the failing Scotsman. His is in good company down there is he not? He has joined fellow Rangers haters McLaughlin,Cosgrove,Cowan,Spiers etc and will no doubt do a sterling job maintaining the anti-rangers bias. Of course the BBC is different to anywhere else English will have worked in that employment there is more or less guaranteed thanks to the ridiculously outdated licence fee and the likes of viewing figures and listeners matter not a jot.

    The only solution I can see to all this is for all Rangers supporters to continue to bombard the BBC trust with complaints as and when these cretins produce their now-expected bias and lies so as the trust will hopefully see sense and bin the lot of them. One can only hope I suppose.

  13. Not quite.


    Edinburgh Hibernian plc went into receivership(administration) and Farmer bought the football club part of the company, what became Hibernian Football Club Limited, from the receiver of Edinburgh Hibernian plc.


    i.e. the club transferred to a newco - exactly what happened to Rangers. So why weren't Hibz demoted ? their oldco went into receivership did it not ?

    As I've said before being voted out the SPL by the 10 clubs was all about assumed guilt of the BTC. Now this has almost unravelled our board should be asking a few questions, at least from these 10 clubs regards their decision to vote out Rangers. Financially their decision has been catastrophic for Rangers & our board should be seeking financial recompensation from somewhere

  14. These meetings mentioned by VB'sbetween the SFA,SPL etc that are mentioned made one very wrong assumption and that assumption was that Rangers would lose the FTTT and they could do whatever they liked at the SPL dual contracts inquest in which LNS was to find 'no sporting advantage'.

    Regan wanted Rangers to go to SFL1 but to accept all forms of punishment.But his plan fell apart when Rangers got voted out the SPL and the SFL clubs decided the only SFL league Rangers could go to was SFL3. Since then Scottish. football has been seriously short of cash and almost all clubs have been down-sizing thanks to these clowns.He and Doncaster have presided over this fiasco and both should go.

    Our current board should now be asking why Rangers got voted out the SPL. It cannot be for newco(because both HIbz and them have done this in the past twenty years) or the BTC because it failed. Rangers were the victim of a fraudulent takeover by whyte and got wrongly punished for that for having to newco. Our current board must do all they can to seek financial re compensation for that mainly thanks to inept leadership from Regan and Doncaster at that time.

  15. I would bet my mortgage nothing will come of this. Celtic are far too well connected.


    Connected with whom ? Real Madrid certainly seem concerned enough about EC investigations.

    Take the example of Swansea City also. Would they be an EPL club today had their council not built them a stadium to share with Ospreys and rent at a pittance after selling their old ground to pay off debts? It's that sort of thing which is blatant State Aid or whatever you wish to call it.

    So is getting massively-discounted land from ur local supportive council then using that land as security at its true value on soft loans from a basket case bank arranged no doubt by supportive politicians. That is what Shellik did. State Aid in my book.

    In the case of their training ground, minutes of meetings to sell them that land(again at a massive discount) have also rather conveniently gone AWOL.this land could & should have to public auction. It didn't. Now we know why

  16. Ally will know only too well that he is under pressure and there was no way that he was going to take chances albeit against lowly and very mediocre opposition. I totally agree that his reluctance to introduce younger players is both discouraging and short-sighted but understand his decision to play a strong side last night.


    Is he under pressure though? I think that's a big part of the problem. The board must surely have doubts about him by now but seem reluctant to get rid off him presumably for financial reasons. I think Ally knows this only too well and the status quo prevails which is not in the best interests of Rangers IMO.

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