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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Why does a club need to register a player for a tie for which he is ineligible for? The player effectively served a three game ban
  2. Disgraceful - he had effectively served his 3 game ban. One wonders who the individuals were who sat on this committee.
  3. Which part of the fact we're dealing with Liewell, Rhegan,Thompson, Petrie etc, are you struggling with? They will find some other means to do this
  4. Won't change anything? Just wait and see what would happen if HMRC were to win their appeal.Title-stripping would be back on the agenda
  5. Won't happen.They won't go thro this time. The guy should have been eligible as he'd served his suspension.Its just an administrative error.It had no bearing on the outcome whatsoever
  6. I get the distinct impression the Court of Session will knock them back. Then all will be revealed who was really behind all of this although the names are known to most of us anyway I'd presume. They need to keep this going to the very last to protect the identities of those involved for as long as possible
  7. Am I alone in wondering where our keeper is? When did you last see Cammy Bell come out and make clean catch? What does our £180k p.a goalkeeping coach think ? I think teams now realise this and deliberately try to put the ball into our six yard box knowing he won't get it
  8. And what was this 'cast iron proof' then? If he had nothing to do with Rangers account did he have any influence on its sale to Whyte? His time at LBG must have been of immense benefit to him in the role he got at Harper McLeod for the SPL's dual contracts investigation
  9. He's going into the last year of his contract. No way they'll pay that much
  10. he and his chum may have had nothing to do with the account but does that mean they'd noting to do with the sale ? two separate issues
  11. The old board knew all about Whyte. Do you seriously believe SDM willingly sold to Whyte. Forget HMRC, they couldn't stop Whyte getting hold of Rangers. The question needs to be asked whether LBG forced SDM to sell Rangers to Whyte. WE all know who was running LBG's Scottish business division at that time don't we?
  12. And why were LBG so keen for Whyte to get Rangers ? Perhaps the two bhoys could answer that one
  13. I just wonder if Moshni is trying to work his ticket out of Ibrox for a lucrative move to the middle east
  14. Couldn't agree more mate. Only a fool would think this money was handed over willingly
  15. The bottom line is that Scottish football is short of money and needs to get it primarily from better sponsorship deals and TV deals. Getting the right people running the game in Scotland to do this seems to be the biggest stumbling block to this. People such as Rhegan, Dumbcaster, and Liewell are not the answer
  16. Agree with all of this but will never happen.Amalgamation should happen but won't unfortunately. There are also too many senior clubs in Scotland who would be better off joining the junior or even amateur ranks. They are senior clubs in name only who contribute nothing to the professional game
  17. Because Ally extended Jig's £10k per week contract til the end of this season meaning he has to find a place for him in the team regardless
  18. And there's a total lack of creativity in MF
  19. Well the SPL should not have allowed the clubs to vote us out then should they? Hibz went newco in 1991 and didn't get voted out the top division then did they?
  20. There's a very easy but cynical answer to this - don't vote out the biggest and most successful club out of the top division.Not only that but the bile and hatred directed at it in the summer of 2012 has led to the leagues being unable to get a sponsor bringing in much needed revenue and money is something scottish clubs are in dire shortage of? What company CEO would want their name associated with the SPFL ? Answer-none.
  21. Doubt it somehow mate. He surrendered too meekly to the Rhegan/Doncaster/Liewell cartel for my liking which abolished Longmuir's SFL and absorbed in into their new Shellik-controlled SPFL which cannot get a sponsor for obvious reasons I fail to see how he'd improve things at Rangers given his previous record
  22. Say what you like about VB but they certainly know who our enemies are. Their recent article on Margaret Curran MP (Lhabour Shadow Scottish Secretary) should be read by all Rangers supporters. When you go to vote get to know who you could be voting for.Voting in Rangers haters like her will only lead to big problems in the future for us. Did you ever read her statements on the BTC? She more or less had us guilty before the FTTT !!!!!! As a rule avoid the Scottish Lhabour party at all costs. Full of dhimz who hate us
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