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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I genuinely hope he does but I have my doubts
  2. His defence of UEFA's decision on Friday is beyond belief IMO. Db's evidence of the Polish FA trying to contact the SanGiro says it all.
  3. Hopefully I'll make it but hit the dreaded half century a week later.........
  4. They didn't clearly or intentionally break 'stipulated rules'.They thought they'd abided by rules and the player had served his suspension.
  5. Does he really have £30m though? Are we thinking the same person?
  6. He has his own opinions on matters. They are just opinions like everyone else's on here. He does seem to take great umbrage however when challenged on those opinions from time to time
  7. But taking responsibility to even begin to comprehend UEFA's encyclopedia of rules is something else. Before he goes to the game, why not provide the match referee with a list of any players who are either ineligible and/or suspended from each club? Would that be too much to ask?
  8. There isn't any Sporting Integrity. Quite frankly I find it astounding in this day and age that UEFA cannot take on the responsibility to advise clubs before ties about which of their registered players are suspended and/or ineligible for that tie.It is truly mindblowing that a team can get thrown out of a competition because a player plays for the final 2 minutes of a tie which they'd won at a canter against weak opposition but due to an admin error the two games in the previous round did not count towards a suspension he and his club thought he'd completed. The fact cannot be ignored the player DID serve a three match ban and that SHOULD be recognised by UEFA.If Uefa want to ban any player they should ensure the club is fully aware of that ban and its duration and when completed. Its a bit like getting a years driving ban but six months later you get it extended for another six months because an admin error was spotted at the beginning and the first six months ban don't count. Nonsense
  9. They didnt register the player for the St Pats games because he was suspended and couldnt play. Seems logical to me if the rules say otherwise Also assuming they had to register him for the first leg against Septic(so he could play in the second leg as they thought) did it not flag up he couldnt play in either leg?
  10. This story is complete nonsense and shouldn't even be discussed
  11. FWIW the whole thing reeks to the high heavens. It looks to me like 'they' have been unduly assisted within UEFA.Shocking but thats the way these people operate. Corrupt, biased and working to their own agenda for their own. Had the player played in any of the first three European games for Legia then you could say they had blatantly broken the rules. This was a genuine error whichever way you want to look at it which merited nothing more than a fine. He was given a 3 game ban and served a 3 game ban. What sort of rules honestly expect a club to register a suspended player for a game he cant play in ? It is the rule which is wrong not Legia Warsaw. Trying to differentiate between an ineligible player and a suspended player is laughable too
  12. Nonsense. Stuttgart won 3-0 at home and lost 4-1 away but would have gone thro' on away goals. But they fielded a fourth foreign player.UEFA then ordered a 1-off replay at a neutral venue Now call me a cynic but does even you not think Legia got one hell of a worse deal than Stuttgart who even got to replay the game after winning the tie ?
  13. But should this player have been considered to have still been suspended? He had missed the three games he was suspended for.As I tried to explain to you earlier this is merely an admin.error. it hardly merits throwing a club out the CL does it? Had he played in the St Pats games or the first round against you-know-who I could understand the furore but this is the worst decision I've ever seen from UEFA
  14. It was and the game was replayed in the Nou Camp which Leeds won. Stuttgart weren't thrown out were they?
  15. And were Legia not entitled to think he was serving two games of his suspension by not registering him for the previous round? They're hardly trying to cheat are they? A minor admin error hardly merits throwing the club out the CL does it?
  16. Certain clubs & games will be scrutinised others less so. Lunny will no doubt put him in the picture before he leaves
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