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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. if no one bought a single share at the share issue except dave king he would have bought 25% for 4 million and would have no control what so ever.


    He'd by the biggest single shareholder by far. The board would be incredibly stupid to ignore him were that the case.

  2. That's what I was thinking


    I reckon you could call the shots with much less


    Makes you wonder why DK didn't want to underwrite the shares offer.He'd likely have been in a pretty strong position if he had for a couple of million quid(assuming he already has some sort of shareholding)

  3. I know what you are trying to say here, but you can't blame the supporters refusal to buy STs as being the real problem here. The board is being paid to run the club, that includes having more than one stream of income. If they can't do that or provide a product that the fan is happy with then you can't blame the fans (customers).


    The problem is where to get additional streams of income from. Capital is urgently required.

  4. Pennies in order to own a club which will be valued at almost £70m in a years time. £8m is stopping rich Rangers men buying out these people they detest and mistrust so much, a poxy £8m?


    Makes you wonder doesn't it? I've always wondered about DK's true wealth. Nowhere near as much as some make out IMO. Love to be proved wrong though

  5. he would he is being blocked from doing so.


    walalce isn't the problem here but he also isn't the soloution.


    How's he being blocked? How would he go about investing this mythical £50m ? Write a cheque or something?

    All he has to do is acquire some sort of shareholding which, if he is as wealthy as you make out, shouldn't be a problem

  6. I couldn't just ask one, that is impossible! :D


    Why are we living outwith our means in order to compete with teams who have a budget equivalent to our captains annual salary, sometimes even less?


    Why are we living outwith our means again after all the lessons we should have learned?


    Why have you not sacked Ally yet?


    Is it true Ally is still earning his £750k salary and no deferment or cut has been made? Can you show me proof please.


    Why won't you accept Kings £50m?


    Do you appreciate your manager has made our club an absolute laughing stock within the game and players are talking about him and his methods behind his back?


    I think Wallace would accept £50m in a minute providing, of course, DK has genuinely got that kind of money available.I have my doubts

  7. If a little genie popped out of a bottle and granted your wish to ask Mr Wallace one question right now, what would it be?


    I'll start with:


    "Where do you see Rangers FC in a year's time?"


    I'd be asking where he sees Rangers at Christmas let alone one years time

  8. Whilst I' m not against people getting the top rate if their performance justifies it there is no way on this earth Somers comes into that category. I cannot think of a single thing he has said or done worthy of note and has been chairman for approaching one year now

  9. I am very disappointed that we have loaned out young Gallacher.


    There is no reason I can see that this young man can't make it in the first team.


    Totally and utterly depressing.


    When are we going to see the end of this car crash of a management team?


    Why? How many times have you seen him.

    If he's that good he'll make a big impression at Cowdenbeath and we'll get him back in January.

    He's better off there for the time being and we can make a better assessment of him.

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