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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Don't disagree with that but has he identified the players he wants? Hopefully they're quality players and not ex-SPL Bosmans... Will they be players we'd need to pay a fee for? Would they be loan signings?
  2. McCoist is not up to the job as Rangers manager.We can all see that. The issue is how to replace him or get him replaced. The board do not seem willing to do that. They seem terrified to even breathe the wrong way in case it provokes a protest up and down Edmiston Drive from a few hundred souls. He is not going anywhere anytime soon. It is a situation I am not much looking forward to.
  3. Septic linked with another loan signing? What does that tell you? Surely our mhedia will investigate what's going on?
  4. So just when will DK's moment arrive then when he strides into town & buys Rangers?
  5. Excellent manager who'd do a fine job if he were at Rangers I'm quite sure...
  6. The Italian who owns Udinese also owns Watford and a Spanish club whose name I can't remember. Anyway Ashley wants shot off Newcastle. ... If (and it's a big if) he wants Rangers he'll get Rangers.
  7. Conflict of interest with whom? Who could stop Ashley increasing his shareholding in Rangers?
  8. And maybe this was why Kilmarnock abstained in the vote. FWIW should the board not be seeking answers from these clubs as to how they reached that decision as soon as the BTC becomes history? Getting put to the bottom division and having to go back up the divisions has cost the club financially which is not made easier by the fact that the reasons for it are now beginning to look completely unwarranted.
  9. I think the question which now needs asked is just why we got voted out by the SPL chairmen.It can't be for the newco because Hibz did that in 1991under similar circumstances & didn't get demoted That only leaves the BTC and that is now unravelling. Once it has 'gone away' should our incumbent board not be seeking some sort of financial compensation from either these clubs or the SFA?
  10. My understanding of all of this (and I may be wrong) was that as part of the infamous 5 way agreement we were to concede titles & cups in order to be allowed to play in SFL1 after being voted out the SPL But it never worked out because after being voted out and having to apply for SFL membership the only division we could have gone to was SFL3 following the SFL clubs voting.Is that not what much of these documents are about? Regan & Doncaster screwed up big time assuming we'd have gone down just one division and both should have been sacked for that alone. The struggle to attract sponsorship seems to be one of the consequences of Rangers demotion to the bottom division
  11. Why do so-called Rangers supporters & forums continue to give this no mark, pseudo-journalist the time of day?
  12. Regards this VB stuff today is there anything in there we didn't know already? Lardass MacKenzie's allegations and the Harper MacLeod connections with Celt*c are well known IMO
  13. Will this board sack him? Do they have an idea whom they'd replace him with?
  14. Most if not all of them need to go before then IF we are to get promoted as champions at the end of this season. They need to be replaced by better quality players now but Im not sure how we are going to do this.....
  15. No I can't but I'm quite sure the club whose CEO invented the 'sporting integrity' saying will only be too happy to let Legia go thro' as they deserve to.
  16. Not even a peep from the SFA either. Yet again as we know them & Celt@c are in cahoots with one another anyway.
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