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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. fanciful at best? you surprise me BH. It's fairly common knowledge whom it was it is alleged orchestrated the LBG/HMRC plot to destroy Rangers.Well connected too.
  2. Read post #18. It will all come out in the end once tha appeals process is exhausted. They're prolonging it for obvious reasons
  3. I'm sure the board are fully aware of the poor performance on the playing side. They are wrongly afraid to change it though for fear of a backlash from the usual suspects IMO.
  4. You don't think a certain politician using his influence to get HMRC to chase a fictitious EBT tax debt making the oldco unsellable to reputable buyers whilst simultaneously getting the bank to exert its own financial constraints was an example of his 'sphere of influence' reaching very far? Strange analysis from you again
  5. Is this not the last chance for HMRC ? If this appeal fails at the Court of Session that's it all over for them.
  6. Couldn't agree more.FWIW I'm no fan of the board but until there's a credible alternative it's all we've got. We should all be together in getting back to the top division and back into Europe ASAP.
  7. Assuming we're in the top division next season, a better manager would easily get us a Euro place. Easier said than done though as he seems determined to stick it out until he gets the heave-ho.
  8. Only a complete fool would wish a second insolvency event. It would leave us in the wilderness for years. Is that what you want? We need to get back into the top division & back into Europe ASAP
  9. Utter rubbish. Please tell us all about it. Was it in the accounts or did it vanish out the back door? How much money has Green taken? Imran? And the others ? Please enlighten me
  10. Why do so many so-called Rangers supporters on this forum want Rangers to fail ????? Is it because there aren't enough 'Rangers men' in the boardroom ? I'd love to see Rangers run by 'Rangers men' but face fact it isn't going to happen anytime soon.I'm not convinced by the board either but until there's a credible alternative it's all we've got. Hoping the club go out of business is utter madness and it may never get a chance to fully recover were that to happen god forbid
  11. All businesses should endeavour to know the financial health of their competitors. All I'm suggesting is our absence from the top division is having a bigger effect on them than some prepared to admit. When we got put in SFL3 was it not said Liewell wanted us kept in top division but with points deductions in forthcoming seasons? Perhaps these figures explain why. I'd reckon our absence will have cost them circa £30M...
  12. dB certainly has a point regards Celt@c's lower crowds and the fact it isn't reported. Has anyone tried to work out how much it's costing them without us in the top division? Let's assume their average league crowds are down somewhere in the region 15k to 20k (I'd say nearer 20k as there's no OF games) but we'll go for a figure of say 18k. Let's do some maths:- 18,000 X average cost of ticket X no of home league games. (Let's use figure of £25 for ticket) 18,000 X 25 X 18 = £8.1million per season That figure does not include hospitality, sponsorships etc they may have lost as well as others these 'lost' supporters would buy on match days such as food, programmes etc. The £8.1m figure will be well over £10m IMO. In other words they need the CL group stages just to make up this loss. You won't see this reported in the DR and such like will you?
  13. The circumstances which gave these individuals the opportunity to maximise damage upon Rangers was the appearance of Craig Whyte. Prior to that LBG individuals were doing their bit despite the overdraft reducing from £30m to £18m and the fact that this was a mere 3 percent of the MIH debt. In other words why were these individuals so concerned with the small Rangers debt rather than the significantly larger MIH debt? Who was running LBG's Scottish business division at that time? You decide.Did they force SDM to sell to Whyte? As for HMRC where do you start? Chasing flawed EBT tax bills so weak it has now failed two of their own internal appeals and why did they allow Whyte to walk into Rangers when he already had outstanding tax arrears and then allow him to withhold PAYE & NI when he acquired Rangers.
  14. Two years ago there were individuals who were actively seeking to put Rangers out of business altogether IMO. Are you seriously suggesting these people you describe are doing likewise? If so in what way?
  15. I still think the lack of an obvious replacement is one of the major reasons Ally still in his position
  16. It'll be interesting to see if anyone leaves.Will be difficult to shift some players given the salaries they're on
  17. Is it really too much to ask UEFA to advise the match referee and the UEFA observer at the game of any suspended or ineligible players for the game and to advise the clubs of this. This would eradicate any ambiguity.
  18. I think you have to analyse his record closely during his four and a half years. He won seven trophies:- two titles, two Scottish cups and three league cups. Five of them came in his first eighteen months with basically Advocaat's team. He won two trophies in the next three years:- one league cup and,of course, helicopter sunday. I thought some of the football during those three years was absolute torture until Ally became manager when I fully realised what it is like to watch sub standard football for a Rangers side. Give big Eck his due though, he knew his time was up and he went. Mr McCoist take note
  19. McCoist is going nowhere. No one currently at Rangers is prepared to take the responsibility to get rid off him and and he will not go voluntarily unfortunately
  20. Because UEFA are the responsible governing body and should ensure rules are adhered to. Makes a mockery of tournaments otherwise. This is the sort of thing I'd expect to happen in a sunday morning pub league
  21. These rules seriously need reviewed. UEFA should ensure that the match referee and its observer attending the fixture are fully aware of any players ineligible or suspended for the fixture and advise the clubs involved before the game takes place. IMO UEFA rather absolves itself of its responsibilities otherwise. This is not some sort of sunday morning pub league is it?
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