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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Highest earners doesn't always equal best players at a football club and it certainly doesn't do so at ours just now.


    We would end up with a team of teenagers. Do you think we would be ok with that?

  2. I've just had a think about it and have to say your train of thought is very far fetched.


    It will take more than a 25 point deduction + losing our high earners from the playing squad to see us get relegated.


    Losing 25 points and our best players and we'd almost certainly get relegated

  3. F*&k all to do with Ashley, do you not know anyone you want to see on the board Manus or Archibald perhaps, you have already bestowed mythical powers upon them?


    Eh? What on earth are you talking about?

  4. You came out with something similar to this before, but declined to explain yourself. How would administration lead to playing in League 2?


    Losing all or almost all players through administration would put us in league1 next season as we'd get relegated.Unless we got ourselves a good enough squad to win that league we could even get relegated from there too . Have a think about it please

  5. We need to be run with the main goal being winning things. All money and effort needs to go into that. Not into making mike Ashley rich or famous.


    We can start by getting him to give us the money he's witholding then pay for his advertising.


    Winning things? If your idea of administration happens all we'll be winning is League1 or League2 again.

  6. Bullshit, they need investment and a suitable board who rather than filling their own pockets would run the business as a business.


    How would this investment materialise and who on the board is lining their pockets? Other than Wallace or Nash who? What would you pay the CEO? Washers?

  7. Gang of four?


    Rab you're a f*&king clown you have absolutely no idea what a PLC board is or does or rather is supposed to do.


    Best stick to promoting your lunatic theory about Manus Fullerton, Archibald Kane etc....etc...


    Rangers need a buyer.A very wealthy one at that

  8. I'd plump for the likes of Scott Murdoch, Alex Wilson, Jeff Randall and David Burnside among others.


    How about you who would you like to see or are you don't you give a f*&k just so long as it's not Dave King?


    We're so short of money we need someone with serious wealth. Mike Ashley for me. Can't see anyone else.

    None of your Gang of Four meet that criteria IMO.


    p.s what about Paul Murray? Or Malcolm Murray ? Did you forget about them?

  9. Not everyone does think it "okay", RangerRab.


    I think many feel, going by their posts, that "he may be a crook but at least he's "our" crook" , that is, a Rangers fan. I do not know how many of the board this would cover and I am not for a minute suggesting they are unaware of the contradictions in their stance. I guess the problem comes down to - who else is there? (All that is presuming he is still a hope, which , as you suggest, is far from certain - the caller to Radio Clyde the other night, ("BB") clearly thought not.)


    The judge in his main SA case was extraordinarily scathing as to his character, that's for sure.


    I didn't hear the call to RC the other night so can't comment but did he say DK has gone and won't be back?

    Anyway I have two main reasons I do not believe he will be Rangers owner or whatever;-

    1) I do not believe he is anywhere as wealthy as he is made out to be. Talk of him being worth hundreds of millions is nonsense IMO.For me he seemed to give this away in a meeting with the board when he talked of himself as a 'last resort' and spending his kids inheritance but it certainly would not cost hundreds of millions to acquire Rangers if he had that sort of money.

    2) following his SA tax convictions would he be allowed to be on the Rangers board by way of AIM regs not to mention any SFA objections?

    The only way he'll become involved IMO is if the club goes right to the brink and he offers to buy the stadium and MP from RIFC and thus puts in money but allows the club to rent them back for a pittance but I think that unlikely to happen.

  10. I don't have to have any plans as I have nothing to do with the running of the club. I simply want all of the current lot out.


    So who would you want to see running the club? Anyone or any group in particular?

    Seems to me you(and others) really don't know what you want as the best way forward

  11. FWIW I don't want RIzvi anywhere near our club either but why is it people on this forum think it's okay for a guy who's been convicted of tax offences in SA totalling around £44m to be seen as some sort of saviour whom they'd welcome with open arms? (providing he hasn't disappeared that is as no one has seen of heard from him for months now)

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