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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. That train of thought has absolutely zero basis in reality.


    You know what I'm getting at. These people in our support will only accept certain individuals on the board or as owners but there is no chance of this happening so they continue to encourage damaging boycotts and the like. What they must begin to realise is the damage that could now cause. We are heading for a very dark place indeed unless something transpires very soon.

  2. People aren't renewing because of the board, therefore the board is the problem. Blaming it only fans who had STs for decades makes you look silly.


    I don't believe for one minute if the board left tomorrow there would be a stampede for ST renewals.The hike in prices along with the McCoist standard of football contributed in a big way to the non renewals too IMO.

    And anyway who would your new board be and how could they gain power. You need to look at this too. Quite frankly I'm fed up with certain groups of our supporters. Bill Gates & Donald Trump could take over tomorrow and we'd still get protests from the usual suspects

  3. McMurdo the Judas Blogger


    11 September 2013

    "With the announcement that he is putting Newcastle United up for sale, the chips are falling into place for a Mike Ashley takeover at Rangers.


    As predicted by this blogger, Ashley could very well be the new man in charge at the troubled club"




    12 September 2013

    "Mike Ashley may not be riding to Rangers rescue after all.


    I am led to believe that Ashley has been scared off by the fifth columnists in the club support and doesn’t relish taking on disgruntled fan groups again."


    Why not show us the bit about GW's alleged conversation with DK? Proves what I've been saying all along if true

  4. I highly doubt the 14k non renewals would stop admin. It'd only hold of the invitable.


    We are going to a very dark place indeed unless we get bailed out by someone or some group. The UoF, SoS, et al need to realise this as they continue to encourage supporters to inflict further financial damage. They can say what they like about this board and any future board but it is no longer the board which is the issue any longer IMO. We need serious amounts of cash and soon from somewhere.

    Without it there may soon be no club left to support(or worth supporting). Maybe that's what some wish for. They may soon get their wish unfortunately

  5. if this lot are still in place by then i expect full on boycotting will put of investors hugely.


    Only advice I would give to you and others of same silk is to be careful you don't end up with nothing.Causing another administration would almost certainly relegate us with all best players leaving

    Thankfully your thoughts only represent a small minority

  6. I have my doubts even simpletons English could possibly have the desired effect.


    Really? I have Higher English albeit from long ago but do please try. I will attempt to comprehend your offerings

  7. Is this going to down the same road as your Hibs claims? :D


    I stand by those claims in that there was no great difference between us and Hibz but you will probably disagree as usual.I was living and working in Edinburgh at that time and Hibz supporters genuinely thought they were finished

  8. Making it to Nov 11 seems ambitious


    At the moment yes but hopefully after the AGM in october(all things going to plan) then other shares will be release bringing in revenue.

    I think it's often forgotten that the east end mob had three shares issues and two additional newcos following their financial problems in 1994 and they didn't get put in the bottom division

  9. We owe George Letham £1m +, Sandy Easdale £0.5m, Ahmad has £0.62 tied up, rumours abound of unpaid bills, yet you new pal and the man you view as saviour won't release £2.7m of our own money from Rangers Retail.


    Everything in garden is rosy eh?


    It might get interesting if someone does attempt to place us into administration and tries to explain to the judge why they have turned down offers of investment though!


    No idea how wealthy Letham is but he would have to be incredibly stupid to try and put us into administration as he'd get back nowhere near his £1m or £1.5m. Easdale is not pushing for his money and hopefully Ahmad gets told to GTF on nov11

  10. Too many think administration is an easy option. It's not. A company going into administration has to prove beyond all doubt it can no longer trade often in a court of law by possibly one or more of its creditors.

    It could have to prove to a judge it could not raise finance from anywhere to continue to trade. In 2012 with Whyte that was not possible to raise the required finance due largely in part to a potential EBT tax bill to HMRC.

    Where we are today there is no bank debt, HMRC debt, EBT tax bill etc. Finance could be raised either by sale or loans(which I don't want to see but may well be the only option). I do wish our boycotters and others would realise this

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