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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. dave king is utterly irrelevant to the need for a new honest board who will run us properly. the only and i do mean only way we will get that is scaling up the boycott.


    is we are lucky the new honest board will not reject kings millions like this one but thats a side issue.


    And who will this new honest board consist of? How will they get elected? You need to look at this first of all.

    King is not going to invest millions. Get over it. He has led people up the garden path and has now disappeared.

  2. We need a new board who can bring back fans in tens of thousands today.


    And you can guarantee changing the board will automatically see 'tens of thousands' returning?

    Well need to build a bigger stadium for starters for these 'tens of thousands' as they return.

    Funnily enough I go to watch the team not the board

  3. If we'd have sold the 14,000 season tickets missing from last years at £450 a pop (just averaging things out) we would see Christmas before the begging bowl was on display. As I've said before, ST sales are immaterial when costs are still too high.


    Wouldn't disagree with that. Need to stop paying a 36 year old £10k pw for starters

  4. Rab, nothing personal but it has to be said that that, is truly delusional !


    You either don't want to see what is going on, you can't see it and/or you have emotionally invested in a particular direction and you'll hang on until after the fat lady sings


    Ok where has it been going then? Our first team squad and it's overpaid manager and coaches consume by far and away the lions share of our money.

    As for the board the Easdales don't take salaries & Crichton and Somers get about £110k p.a.between them. Wallace and Nash are the only ones who get salaries and Id admit GW is on way too much for where we are.

  5. How do Barcelona and Real Madrid and most of the German top tier do it?


    And if they can do it, why can't we?


    This idea of waiting until a billionaire comes along is draining the club and killing it - along with being akin to believing in Santa.


    Let us put faith in ourselves - just as our founders did.


    It's an idea which isn't practical for funding reasons alone IMO. This is scottish football were in not la liga or the like

  6. Having a goal of owning a mere quarter of the club and then drawing a line under it is, I regret to say, political naivety and an own goal.


    The sharks can still come in to swim in the Rangers pond, and if they are ruthless enough, the will chew up and spit out minority shareholders without drawing breath. It sounds as though this 25% plan has been drawn up by beancounters who have no concept of the clout that majority owners with menace on their minds have.


    Fan ownership excludes the sharks from existing within our midst, and even if the odd one does make it to the highest office, we can elect him away and choose - actually choose - his or her replacement.


    This 25% idea is a sticking plaster and bandages non-solution to our problems. The club needs a revolution, and the revolution is full fan ownership. I really wonder why we are so afraid of it.


    Not afraid of it. It's impractical. Smacks of cottage industry mentality. I asked earlier how you'd fund your financial model

  7. They seem to have absolutely no idea how to run a business, when they took us over we were losing a million a month almost 3 years later we're still almost losing that much.


    The board should have drastically reduced spending even if that meant it took us 5 years to get back to where we were, the ipo shouldn't have went out to this year at the earlier instead they have lined their own pockets allowed our manager to spend spend spend and done nothing but lie to us. Thats why fans want them out


    FWIW two years ago I was opposed to us going to the bottom tier because I didn't think it was affordable for us to go up the divisions the way we intended doing so. We needed experienced proven players to do so in the shortest possible timescale and that has so far worked albeit at considerable cost. Playing a bunch of kids paid peanuts would have been risky with no guarantee of being successful.That is mainly why we've been losing so much money.We need to get back to the top division and back into Europe ASAP.

  8. Why settle for second best? Why be a minority to an uninvited majority owner? If Mike Ashley owned 51% of Rangers, and if he wanted to sell off Murray Park or Ibrox, do you really think a 25% stake would stop him?


    We are being manipulated already with this new membership sham and decent fans are falling for it. Any CEO of Rangers with a fast buck priority will easily neutralise a minority group holding 25%. Settling for being a minority stakeholder in Rangers is an accident waiting to happen.


    We have to learn our lesson - a halfway house - or quarter way - towards fan ownership is not the answer. Outright ownership where the members, not the shareholders, own the club is the revolution that simply has to happen.


    We don't need any more chairmen - we need elected presidents.


    Where would the 'members' secured funding from? Would they be able to secure overdraft facilities? Many more questions.Pie in sky IMO

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