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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I was reading the Daily Mail the other day and Simon Heffer described Obama as 'long on analysis,short on action'. A perfect analysis of Dave King too I thought
  2. So if the reqs had got,say, 55 percent of the votes at the AGM and the board got the remaining 45 percent the reqs would still be unable to get places on the board?
  3. I believe the one pound was for exclusivity I.e. Rangers couldn't go elsewhere and negotiate a deal with another company and rename the stadium. It certainly didn't mean it could be renamed the Sports Direct Arena(or something similar) and Rangers got £1. But hey never mind let's just twist the story to make things look as bad as we can eh?
  4. Rangers supporters, players, directors etc should NOT under any circumstances be doing interviews with the anti-rangers DR. Do they not know the background of the pond life employed at that rhag?
  5. The idea that Ibrox would get renamed the Sports Direct Arena(or something similar) and Rangers would get nothing is ridiculous. Also do you know the terms of the retail contract to Sports Direct?
  6. At the last AGM the reqs got 30 percent of the vote. I was amazed at how high they got. Why couldn't King(or someone) have acquired 20 percent shareholding? They'd certainly be able to influence the club then would they not?
  7. Are you paying the slightest bit of attention to what I wrote ? If King bought a shareholding then he'd get influence and be able to begin to put an end to this sort of thing.It wouldn't happen overnight though butif King is as wealthy as his supporters make out what's stopping him?
  8. What I found interesting in court today was the statement by Rangers QC that talks were at an advanced stage with two potential investors. Who could they be I wonder? And what are the chances of much-needed investment?
  9. I may be wrong but I thought we needed three years of RIFC plc audited accounts before we could get back into Europe.I don't think we've got three years yet have we? The only way around this was if the SFA made a special application on our behalf which had to be at the start of the season meaning they'd have had to have done it prior to this season starting
  10. He wouldn't be throwing his money down a black hole. He'd be acquiring a significant shareholding(which wouldn't cost him a lot at the moment)which would allow him influence in the way Rangers are run. why won't he do that?
  11. It is clear now that our management do not consider our current crop of youngsters as good enough except McLeod and maybe Aird? Whether they're correct or not as debatable but I do think we'll learn a lot about these youngsters going out on loan. They simply must make an impression at these clubs if they're to have any chance of a future at Rangers
  12. not if RANGERS appealed to UEFA or CAS on the basis of one set of rules in one country being different from another. I'd have thought cross border ownership rules would have been a UEFA ruling.
  13. Hasn't Roman Abramovitch owned both Chelsea & CSKA Moscow simultaneously? Doesn't the Italian who owns UDINESE also own Watford & Grenada? Looks like we could be heading for more hostlities with Rhegan's SFA if Ashley tries to buy Rangers. Can't wait
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