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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. For all you guys who refuse to support your club,shame on you all.

    Watching the game over here with a few of my Canadian friends,

    So this is the mighty Rangers you're always braging about asks one buddy.

    I'm lost for words,and I am truely embarrassed.(okay we won tonight)

    but the stadium is practically empty,with no atmosphere.

    On our recent north American tour,we had sell out crowds,and way more atmosphere(noise buzzing for 90 mins.)

    I'm not sure what's holding you guys back from picking up your season tickets,

    but I am sure that you are killing our club.as I said before,SHAME ON YOU ALL.:mad:


    You'll get banned for saying that on here.......

  2. The 90% claim is nonsense.


    King not looking so stupid now is he?


    or when you reach 29% you have to make an offer for remaining shares based on shareprice value over prtevious 12 months ?

    King doesnt have the money. Get over it

  3. Big difference between the standard LSE valuation and what influential shareholders want for their holding.


    But if someone managed to acquire 29% then they'd only need to offer 90% of the highest shareprice in the previous 12 months for remaining shares do they not ? not a lot of money by any means is it?

    Some of the institutions may now want out surely?

  4. Fair speculation but it won't hide or change what Deloittes have to say in the note where they should sign-off on 12 months of the business being able to trade (going-concern).


    It will be interesting and informative to see how RIFC plan to finance the business / Deloittes being 'happy' that it is reliable.



    ps. Patey is a half-baked 'financial expert' who has struggled to see anything coming throughout the Omnishambles. Get a real one who isn't afraid to call things out as they are.



    Patey a 'half baked' financial expert ??? LOL Would a real one be you per chance ?

  5. Under the current regime and structure we won't ever get back in Europe.


    I don't agree. If we get back to the top division next season a top three finish(although ideally first) should be perfectly achievable getting us into the EL at worst.

    The top division is not some super league. It has declined and is continuing to decline since we left it.

  6. We could have got experience on £500 a week, £1000 a week, there was absolutely no need for us to throw 5,7,8,10 grand a week at mercenaries. We could have got players who actually wanted to play for us and who wouldn't go hiding.

    But would these experienced guys on £500 p.w or £1000 p.w have been good enough? Who were you thinking of ?

    Don't forget the added pressure of playing for Rangers which some players(experienced or not) wouldn't be able to handle

  7. We could have made a fortune on the way up. If we wanted to.


    By playing a bunch of kids peanuts? Wouldn't have worked IMO.

    I'm not Ally's greatest admirer as Rangers manager but going for experience was the best way to get us back to the top division in shortest timescale. Yes it cost us a lot of money but he had a job to do and he is nearly there

  8. I don't think it a sensible use of time trying to explain it to you as I haven't a spare 6 months.


    Some on here you can debate with, others like you refuse to 'to see' or acknowledge certain facts or issues, in such a way that goes beyond a differing opinion.


    The bottomline is that you are either thick, easily led or at it (as in poor agitating).



    I apoligise for the directness of language but sometimes there is no other choice if you want to put a point accross.


    If you don't share the same opinion as me on certain issues then that's too bad. Unfortunately football is like that regardless of who you support.

    I don't think we needed your pompous reply though did we? Smacks of total arrogance IMO

  9. There certainly are a group of fans who want to wait for everything. Over the last couple of years when it was obvious we were bleeding money, the same crowd were advocating we "wait for the accounts to be published"

    Well we see where waiting has got us ...........


    Anyone who thought we were going to make money going up the three divisions is deluded.

  10. Even just the prospect of the dilution a new tranche of 100 million shares would cause must be a frightening prospect for some of the investors who didn't expect to lose their money within 2 years. It's not a prospect the fan ownership groups like BR & RF will be relishing either.


    Or we could go down the same route as the east end and set up an entirely new company. That would mean we'd have one club two companies(they have three companies one club).

    A possibity?

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