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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Hibz parent company(forth investments I believe it was called) owned pubs & restaurants too as well as the club. That is true. When it went into receivership Farmer bought the club and transferrred it to his newco which he owned along with Rod Petrie & Hibz werent demoted were they? Now I don't know about you but I see little difference between what Green did with our club once the CVA got refused when he transferred it from oldco to his newco(Sevco) which was later to become RIFC plc. What hibz didnt have however was a fictitious EBT taxbill. The SPL chairmen two years ago will not admit it but this is why we got voted out the SPL when laughable figures about being £134M in debt(largely due to this EBT taxbill) were going about.Once this EBT taxbill finally disappears(and HMRC have lost) we should seek answers(& financial recompensation) why we were voted out. The answers would be most interesting indeed.
  2. Hibz went thro' the same as us in 1991 after the disasterous Duff & Gray ownership and Farmer transferred the club to his newco after he bought them. They didn't go to the bottom tier. Why was that I wonder?
  3. Long on analysis, short on action. Encouraged supporters not to buy ST's then disappeared. Will we ever hear from DK again?
  4. All I'm asking is how much Ally's pal Sinclair's MP youth empire costs p.a. Won't be cheap I can guarantee you
  5. I would really like to know details of his contract and why three CEO's since summer 2012 haven't got rid off him and certain members of his coaching staff.Do they all think he's doing a fine job and the football we watch is acceptable?
  6. Well they sold Eriksen & Alderweid last season.....both came thro their youth system did they not?
  7. Yes to raise vital much needed money if MP is too costly
  8. Well when is he arriving with his millions to invest then ? You said it earlier. How will he get rid off the board to do this? Will there be a Rangers left for him to do this?
  9. You genuinely have such blind faith in DK don't you?
  10. We need a youth facility which works I.e. produces youths who can get to the first team. What we have at present is of little use. All I'm asking is what it currently costs to run this youth set up. I have no idea but I do know to run a successful one like Ajax do costs them about six million euros p.a. I genuinely hope we don't spend anything like that on what we've got at present
  11. If Rangers youth set up were a business it would have been closed down long ago
  12. In a word YES I would until it is affordable again. Too few of the first team squad come thro the youth ranks to justify throwing vast amounts of money at it. It's been that way for decades now and isn't likely to change anytime soon
  13. Yes but is MP cost effective? Again I ask how much does it cost to run annually?
  14. Rumours? What sort of maintenance problem are you talking about? Surely not that asbestos nonsense again
  15. Sell MP and build something less expensive for first team squad only.
  16. What are the annual running costs of MP? Are these costs justified given It's only main purpose is for first team training as it produces so few youngsters for the first team
  17. The thing is Craig, it ain't performing too well is it? It should be producing, in my opinion at least a couple of players each season to go into the first team squad. it isn't. We've recently put seven young players out on loan to get first team experience else where.It'll be interesting to how many of them return and get into the first team squad. Finally I'd say we need to know how much this failing youth set up costs per annum at MP. well into millions I'd say.Money we simply don't have to waste on a youth set up which isn't performing
  18. We never cut costs whilst in lower leagues.We should have operated with a first team squad only and no costly youth set ups etc at MP. Add to that some of the ridiculous salaries paid out (800k p.a. to Ally McCoist in SFL3) then it's no surprise we ended in trouble again. Until we have someone as CEO prepared to take these decisions we will go nowhere
  19. Does he know what's right? He should have begun cutting costs long ago. It even seems to be he is either unwilling or unable to do this
  20. Well he should stop giving the impression via his pals such as SOS, UoF etc that he is desperate to put money into Rangers but is being prevented from doing so.That simply isn't true. SE said the other day in that interview he'd never offered £30m. Make of that what you wish.
  21. DK really has disappeared has he not? Or is he 'working away in the background ? I do not believe he will be our saviour
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