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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Who told you next week? Craig Houston? The board will need to raise funds by way of loans
  2. I'll put that down as a 'no idea' shall I?
  3. We're so short of money we need someone with serious wealth. Mike Ashley for me. Can't see anyone else. None of your Gang of Four meet that criteria IMO. p.s what about Paul Murray? Or Malcolm Murray ? Did you forget about them?
  4. Talk of administration at present is premature. Funds will be raised by selling Ibrox and MP and leasing them back. Do you want that ? I don't but hey carry on with these boycotts. See where we end up
  5. I didn't hear the call to RC the other night so can't comment but did he say DK has gone and won't be back? Anyway I have two main reasons I do not believe he will be Rangers owner or whatever;- 1) I do not believe he is anywhere as wealthy as he is made out to be. Talk of him being worth hundreds of millions is nonsense IMO.For me he seemed to give this away in a meeting with the board when he talked of himself as a 'last resort' and spending his kids inheritance but it certainly would not cost hundreds of millions to acquire Rangers if he had that sort of money. 2) following his SA tax convictions would he be allowed to be on the Rangers board by way of AIM regs not to mention any SFA objections? The only way he'll become involved IMO is if the club goes right to the brink and he offers to buy the stadium and MP from RIFC and thus puts in money but allows the club to rent them back for a pittance but I think that unlikely to happen.
  6. So who would you want to see running the club? Anyone or any group in particular? Seems to me you(and others) really don't know what you want as the best way forward
  7. And why might your plans be? Do you have any ? Ones that are feasible that is
  8. FWIW I don't want RIzvi anywhere near our club either but why is it people on this forum think it's okay for a guy who's been convicted of tax offences in SA totalling around £44m to be seen as some sort of saviour whom they'd welcome with open arms? (providing he hasn't disappeared that is as no one has seen of heard from him for months now)
  9. And who would be the preferred bidder in admin? Have thought about that?
  10. Great news . Who needs a billionaire guy like this. Bring on DK
  11. In both cases the 'club' was allowed to continue was it not? In Hibz case a parent company went into receivership and in our case the company which owned the club was refused a CVA and went into a liquidation process. Quite how one gets put to the bottom tier of Scottish football and the other gets off scot free is totally unjustified IMO. I think we do know the reasons why we got put to the bottom tier but no one is prepared to challenge the people who took that decision unfortunately
  12. I think the £10m was in the ET. How difficult can this be? surely if he was entitled to a percentage of commercial deal it would be in his employment contract ?
  13. I read Ahmad is asking for 5 percent for the £10m puma deal which is what this is all about . Is that correct ? How many years is the puma deal over?
  14. They didnt have a fictitious EBT tax bill for which it was assumed we were guilty. Now the FTTT & UTTT have failed I wonder what these SPL chairmen now think. FWIW I don't think they should have been put in the position to vote us out the SPL (it should have been decided by both the SPL & SFA hierarchy IMO) but if the CoS and whatever thereafter continues to rule against HMRC until their case collapses our board should seek financial recompensation for being put into the bottom tier.
  15. Oh gone on do tell me. Actually I was working & living in Edinburgh at this time & recall vividly everything that happened including Mercer's botched takeover. Hibz(football club)were transferred from a parent company called forth investments plc(Duff & Gray's company which owned pubs & restaurants too) to Farmers new parent company HFC Ltd(or whatever it's called). The old parent company went down the tubes so the club was sold for around £3m as I recall. The old parent company's shareprice went as low as 3p I believe. Now please do tell me the difference between what happened to Rangers seeing as you're an expert in everything which doesnt benefit Rangers
  16. who told you that ? Rangersitis ? forth investments plc were Hibz old parent company not sister company
  17. Of course I did. A football club got moved from one parent company to another on both occasions(oldco to newco). If I'm missing something please advise
  18. I was comparing what I considered to be a very similar situation(with Hibz in 1991 & us in 2012) and how Hibz were treated differently to us and why.
  19. Hibz parent company(forth investments I believe it was called) owned pubs & restaurants too as well as the club. That is true. When it went into receivership Farmer bought the club and transferrred it to his newco which he owned along with Rod Petrie & Hibz werent demoted were they? Now I don't know about you but I see little difference between what Green did with our club once the CVA got refused when he transferred it from oldco to his newco(Sevco) which was later to become RIFC plc. What hibz didnt have however was a fictitious EBT taxbill. The SPL chairmen two years ago will not admit it but this is why we got voted out the SPL when laughable figures about being £134M in debt(largely due to this EBT taxbill) were going about.Once this EBT taxbill finally disappears(and HMRC have lost) we should seek answers(& financial recompensation) why we were voted out. The answers would be most interesting indeed.
  20. Hibz went thro' the same as us in 1991 after the disasterous Duff & Gray ownership and Farmer transferred the club to his newco after he bought them. They didn't go to the bottom tier. Why was that I wonder?
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