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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I think Sir Duped of Murray will be hoping that it blows over without another word mentioned,......... fat chance !


    I'm hoping he gets collared himself.


    The sale to Whyte will be investigated meticulously and the names will come out in the end.No question about that

  2. Who does the buck stop with then?


    We're they responsible for that utter shambles of a first half on Monday night? We're they? Don't you think the players Rangers have should be expected to do a damn sight better than that? And I haven't mentioned our manager yet have I? He must love this board getting the blame for everything. Certainly deflects attention away from him in his position for which he is completely clueless about

    As I ve attempted to tell you and others plenty times I'm not the board's biggest fan. I've yet to hear their future plans on how they intend to take Rangers back to where they belong. If they have any that is. They look hopelessly out their depth to me.

    But I'm not one of the guilible fools who believe DK will come riding in to take over Rangers and invest his 30million(or was it 50million) and we'll all live happily ever after again. The guy is a time waster and hasn't got the money some would have you believe.

  3. Where is the scouting network that was a priority? Where is the upgraded youth set up? Where is the Director of Football that they were supposedly interviewing for?


    You just keep swallowing the pish that they constantly pump out, Rab.


    Im in no way defending the board. They are like rabbits caught in the headlights who are consistently shown to be out of their depth. You have to admit though they rather conveniently deflect the attention from the sub standard football we have to endure like we saw on Monday night

  4. Can't disagree with you, also fan power could remove McCoist the fans are losing patience with him now.


    The worrying part is he thinks he can turn this around. He can't and he won't and if he's allowed to continue much longer will simply cause more long term damage

    He is a manager with ideas and ambitions way beyond his ability. He needs to be removed ASAP.

  5. It's a matter of priorities and their order. Until the 'situation upstairs' is resolved satisfactorily, the long term interests/survival of Rangers, including the football operation will remain secondary whoever is in the dug-out.


    And how will the 'situation upstairs' be resolved and by whom ?

  6. Just to be clear, the biggest single reason why there is such a large drop in ST take-up is that the support don't trust the people in and around the RIFC board and that is where the root cause of the whole omnishambles lies.


    Rangers performing badly under McCoist is nothing new and the board have failed to implement any meaningful steps regards new footballing strategies that came from the business review.


    They point to the lack of money (ST numbers) but the onus is/was on them to change there ways and win the trust of the support, they haven't and continue to patronise the support with spinning bullshit.



    Further to the Rangers Soap Opera, upstairs it appears as if it might be financially challanging to make any significant changes in the downstairs dug-out. We are no longer a normal football club, we are an OMNISHAMBLES that is run by people we might or might not know for their profit.


    The football operation is failing because of upstairs, that is what is squeezing the life out of the club.


    Firstly how do you know the large drop in ST sales is due to the board? Did you ask each & every one of them who didn't renew? FWIW I think there is more than one reason for this.

    Secondly how is the football operation failing because of upstairs? McCoist has been given unbelievable resources to build a team since we dropped out the top division but hasn't used them to anywhere near as well as he might have.Is that the board's fault?

    I blame the board for continuing to employ an inept team manager who has been allowed more or less to sign whoever he wants often on exorbitant salaries whilst many of these players he brought in have regressed since coming here.

  7. I don't see how you can say that. The Hibs player a) grabs Boyd b) behaves aggressively toward him and then puts his forehead agianst Boyd's head. Boyd's action was not a headbutt; he waspushing the Hibs player away. It's the Hibee who should be getting done for this, not Boyd.


    I do hope our beleaguered manager has the balls to confront the SFA over the fact the HIbz players seemed to be getting off with this.They were just as guilty IMO

  8. "I said at half time when you come in losing by three goals you do need a minor miracle to get back into the game" This says it all for me i'm afraid...... The sooner he is gone the better so we can build for next season.


    He is going nowhere unless he is told to go. That is the crux of the problem here. No one at the club is preapred to do that

  9. I can't wait until he and his pals are gone. It is going to be a very very good day for the club.


    That is an excellent article from Stewart btw.


    He should have been gone long ago. It's been blatantly obvious for some time he isnt manager material.

    However it looks like he's got the brassneck to stick it out as he knows the incumbent board are reluctant to fire him.

    When we fail to get promoted chickens will come home to roost as they say

  10. Hildy or anyone else for that matter...


    On the subject of ill thought out strategy - do you think the UOF made a strategic error aligning so closely with King ?


    It gives me no pleasure to say this but I think they have made a monumental error in their association with a man of whom so little is actually known about his actual wealth. There are of course still questions about whether he'd be able to sit on the Rangers board due to AIM regs never mind the SFA as a result of his previous SA tax affairs.

    However would be delighted to be proved wrong.......

  11. He didn’t mention history, and on that basis he is spot on in what he says. The Rangers of today is most definitely not the club that I grew up supporting, and none of that is down to Grahame, Gibbons or whoever else in the press pack that you want to name.


    While the brave soldiers within our support were so hung up on pedantry and screaming 'in the eyes of the law' over each and every media story, the real bad guys were loading up their getaway cars with their ill-gotten gains.


    It seems that nothing has changed, and that is fucking tragic.


    When Grahame starts calling Rangers a new club I know exactly what he is inferring. You might not but I do.

  12. The amount of shite we have been subjected to by Whyte, Green et al and your main concern relates to a cheap jibe by a two-bit hack. This type of idiocy when it comes to priorities has been a major factor in allowing those who have systematically bled the club dry to do so relatively unhindered.


    The fact is pondlife like Grahame know they spout these lies and get away with it. He is back to peddling this nonsense Rangers are a new club with no history. His hatred is there for all to see. Mind you he's not the worst. I'd award that to fellow pond life Gibbons.

    Say what you like about Liewell but Grahame would never set foot in the San Giro again if it was them.

    With all due respect I think we are dealing with separate issues here regards Whyte,Green etc and the pond life pseudo journos who inhabit this country of ours

  13. The main reason for reconstruction of the football leagues in Scotland. The spfl will not be held accountable for the mismanagement of the previous SPL and football league boards.


    Reconstruction? LOL We started with 12-10-10-10. We reconstructed to 12-10-10-10. Scottish football - you couldn't make it up.

    Oh I nearly forgot - they renamed it SPFL and stole the premiership, championship, league1 & league2 names from down south

  14. Ewing Grahame in the Telegraph:


    "Rangers could face more expensive litigation now that the Worthington Group, the investment company which announced to the Stock Exchange last year that it was staking a legal claim to ownership of the business and assets of the club, has made a remarkable recovery.

    In April 2013 the group revealed that it would be pursuing the holding company, Rangers International Football Club, through the courts, insisting that Sevco 5088, the company formed by the discredited former Rangers owner Craig Whyte, had been awarded the sole rights to buy the club by the administrators Duff and Phelps.

    Instead, it was Sevco Scotland, fronted by the equally controversial Charles Green, which ended up in charge, with the former Rangers chief executive publicly admitting last year that he had lied to Whyte to gain control of the new club in the summer of 2012.

    As a result, the Worthington Group reported Green to the Serious Fraud Office. But its legal action appeared to have been abandoned when the Financial Conduct Authority suspended trading in its shares – then worth just 4p – at the Worthington Group’s request on Aug 1, 2013.

    However, since that ban was lifted four weeks ago, its share price has soared to £198.50 and yesterday it announced the acquisition of assorted digital media investments.

    With the improvement in the company’s financial health, it is now in a position to progress the challenge regarding its right to own the Championship challengers.

    That began last year when the Worthington Group bought a 26 per cent holding in Law Financial Holding Ltd, a company belonging to Whyte who, in turn, is believed to own a 7.54 per cent stake in Worthington. Sevco 5088 is one of the subsidiary companies owned by Law Financial.

    With a current market value of around £25 million, Worthington is worth around £10 million more than Rangers, who are struggling to raise the money to pay their bills.

    The Worthington Group did not return calls on Monday, but appear as if they are not walking away."


    Grahame calling Rangers a 'new club' again I see. If we had a board worthy of name they'd take legal action

  15. so the sfa punished us for being victims of a crime.


    an illegal act in it's self i believe.


    Don't you think it was the SPL chairmen who voted us out the SPL who should now be asked questions?

    They should be asked why they arrived at that decision. Rangers were the victim of a crime.

    We all know the real reason though don't we? They thought we had debts of £135m largely based on the BTC whose verdict was unknown at that time.

  16. He was HBOS go to man when they required a firefighter they still use him yet.


    He was heavily "incentivised" to get Rangers off their hands.


    As a shareholder of both HBOS/LBG and RFC plc I'd like to see a full inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the sale.


    Imagine for a second the "sale" to Whyte did not proceed and we just ambled along as we were, reducing the debt winning our share of trophies getting to the occasional CL group stages and having had 2 positive results in the Big Tax Case, how much then for the near 90% shareholding in RFC plc?


    What occurred was the best possible outcome for Donald Muir but certainly not for the shareholders of RFC plc and HBOS/LBG.


    But why were LBG so keen to sell Rangers? Surely MIH were the bigger problem. Rangers debt was around 3 percent of the MIH.

    If you ran a small and someone owed you £2k and another owed you £75k which one would you concentrate most on getting?

    As I understand things the police investigation into the sale to Whyte is still ongoing?

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