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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. In the end, it does depend on us, but it remains to be seen what Dave King's intentions are. Yes, he is a supporter, but there's plenty of fans on here who would keep the fans at arm's length forever. He might turn out to be exactly the same.


    If Ashley manages to acquire the 25 percent Rangers shareholding as rumoured then quite frankly I think Dave King & co can forget about owning Rangers. And it is entirely of DK 's own making. If he genuinely wanted Rangers he needed to be getting some sort of shareholding over these past couple of Years. He may well have left it too late

  2. I think it is time for All out war, don't go to any games, don't buy the merchandise etc to force them out. However we have to accept that there might not be much left if they adopt a scorched earth policy as they extract themselves from us. I am so sick of all the boardroom and on field shit that I would be willing to risk it..


    Whats needed is for someone to take overall control. After the first IPO all that resulted was a whole group of some known and some unknown major shareholders each with mostly between 5 and 10 percent shareholdings which resulted in a ownership structure which doesnt work.

  3. Quite a number of fans who have shown remarkable patience are at the point of fleeing because they are fed up to the teeth with the ongoing pantomime and are beginning to discover that there are other options available to devote their time to, which are preferable.


    I am convinced it will all be sorted in the next couple of months

  4. defaming a fellow member of the SPFL and bringing the game into disrepute. Next case, m'lud.


    Montrose got away with this a couple of years ago in their Rangers programme and unfortunately I think Livingston will too.

    The old scottish excuse'we didnae know' will no doubt be rolled out. A big Bhoy wrote the programme but he's gone away now.

    I do hope our board persist with this to the bitter end no matter how long it takes

  5. If Merlin's story today is true about GW being unhappy about only getting a £160k bonus instead of the full £350k then the sooner he's gone the better as far as I'm concerned.What did he have to do to get this bonus? What pre-determined targets were met?

    For me he's been more than a bit of a disappointment as CEO.His 120 day business review achieved little for starters and his fund raising efforts didn't amount to much either to such an extent he's now supposedly supporting the DK consortium which is well risky IMO due to whether they will even be making an sort of offer for Rangers.

    I do wonder however if GW is simply working his ticket to get the inevitable but now-expected excessive pay off from the ever decreasing funds.

  6. Rab, don't shoot your bolt too early.

    You might yet be able to maintain your 'consistancy'.


    keith jackson ‏@tedermeatballs

    Bit puzzled by the BBC's Dave King 'denial'. Expect it will be cleared up soon enough.


    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 ·

    @tedermeatballs A "small" pr guru has started his magic with this false denial and also fed a blogger info about GW bonus to deflect.


    Al Lamont (BBC) just happens to be one of Toxic's go to outlets.


    Ok I will hold back. But I still have very serious reservations about DK's involvement. Does he have the money his supporters claim he has? I don't think he has

  7. Just to further muddy the waters.....



    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 33m 33 minutes ago

    @bigwilliebhoy @tedermeatballs @TheClumpany @BartMain @TheTributeAct You will see that Keith is bang on the money with this story.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 41m 41 minutes ago

    @tedermeatballs A "small" pr guru has started his magic with this false denial and also fed a blogger info about GW bonus to deflect.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 1h 1 hour ago

    @tedermeatballs @AyeMcClane As I put in one of my tweets there has been no such denial.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Mr wallace has been very busy with setting this opportunity up and the directors aka ashley never smelt this coming egm wont be a success.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Laxey/B.P.H=Ticketus will back this move by Mr King and co as they see it the best way for club to prosper and recoup their money.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Would also like to clarify that Mr king or any of his sources have NOT spoken to any broadcaster or denied what's In motion.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    @tedermeatballs Would appreciate if you could rt my last tweets to get this out and will keep in contact when I get more.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    Also the three men mentioned today are not the only one's there is a someone very powerful wanting to make amend's.

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    Insideman3 @Insiderman3 · 4h 4 hours ago

    @tedermeatballs Hi Keith me again just to let the folk know that Mr King has Laxey/B.P.H backing as the see the club prosper more under king

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    Had a good laugh about the Ticketus bit.....LOL....who writes this nonsense?

  8. Meanwhile, South Africa-based businessman Dave King has told BBC Scotland that a newspaper report suggesting that he and other former Rangers directors are involved in a takeover is untrue.

    He also recently told the BBC that he had not been involved in discussions with anyone on the board.


    Taken from BBC


    looks like I got it right. Well done RAB anyone?

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