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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Am I wrong? Unless that happens we're fecked to put it mildly
  2. Ok where has it been going then? Our first team squad and it's overpaid manager and coaches consume by far and away the lions share of our money. As for the board the Easdales don't take salaries & Crichton and Somers get about £110k p.a.between them. Wallace and Nash are the only ones who get salaries and Id admit GW is on way too much for where we are.
  3. We need a new owner who will bring in investment before the end of this year or we're fecked and back to league1 we go following administration
  4. It's an idea which isn't practical for funding reasons alone IMO. This is scottish football were in not la liga or the like
  5. Not afraid of it. It's impractical. Smacks of cottage industry mentality. I asked earlier how you'd fund your financial model
  6. Or shut the place down completely. Have you thought of that option? The shareholders already have lost millions
  7. FWIW two years ago I was opposed to us going to the bottom tier because I didn't think it was affordable for us to go up the divisions the way we intended doing so. We needed experienced proven players to do so in the shortest possible timescale and that has so far worked albeit at considerable cost. Playing a bunch of kids paid peanuts would have been risky with no guarantee of being successful.That is mainly why we've been losing so much money.We need to get back to the top division and back into Europe ASAP.
  8. Where would the 'members' secured funding from? Would they be able to secure overdraft facilities? Many more questions.Pie in sky IMO
  9. FWIW I'm no great admirer of the board but until something better comes along we have no choice.Its not a situation I'm happy with either but whilst there are individuals and organisations trying to inflict financial damage that will reduce the likelihood of getting a new owner or much needed investment
  10. Just who would want to pay money to take over Rangers or invest in Rangers whilst you have organisations and individuals within its support encouraging supporters to inflict financial damage to the club?
  11. I'll ask the question again shall I - how do these 'credible men' get onto the board or become owners? And how would they 'help the club move forward' as you say? Not easy when you've no money
  12. You know what I'm getting at. These people in our support will only accept certain individuals on the board or as owners but there is no chance of this happening so they continue to encourage damaging boycotts and the like. What they must begin to realise is the damage that could now cause. We are heading for a very dark place indeed unless something transpires very soon.
  13. I don't believe for one minute if the board left tomorrow there would be a stampede for ST renewals.The hike in prices along with the McCoist standard of football contributed in a big way to the non renewals too IMO. And anyway who would your new board be and how could they gain power. You need to look at this too. Quite frankly I'm fed up with certain groups of our supporters. Bill Gates & Donald Trump could take over tomorrow and we'd still get protests from the usual suspects
  14. Why not show us the bit about GW's alleged conversation with DK? Proves what I've been saying all along if true
  15. We are going to a very dark place indeed unless we get bailed out by someone or some group. The UoF, SoS, et al need to realise this as they continue to encourage supporters to inflict further financial damage. They can say what they like about this board and any future board but it is no longer the board which is the issue any longer IMO. We need serious amounts of cash and soon from somewhere. Without it there may soon be no club left to support(or worth supporting). Maybe that's what some wish for. They may soon get their wish unfortunately
  16. We need money or we're in big trouble. Administration again would be catastrophic. Where do you suggest we get money from?
  17. What??? Surely you're not one of the half wits who think another administration would be good. If that happens were finished for years to come. We'd get relegated back to league1 as we'd lose all out best players (and 25pts)and be left with a bunch of kids. Do you want that? I dont
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