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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Keith Jackson on twitter...


    For all those asking about Dave King's chances of success. I expect he needs 100% shareholder support. So 'slim' is the answer.


    How does he need 100percent? Didnt Keef do maths or arithmetic at school?

  2. If the deal means hedge funds no longer own us, then I'm all for it.

    That's because hedge funds have sucked £millions out of us.

    King is a supporter.......he's lost £millions and is still willing to make the effort...


    How did these hedge funds manage to suck millions out of us? Who got what and how much? Please tell us

  3. Regan seems to be bulletproof in all this. He has never been properly questioned about the entire debacle and seems to be working the quiet life these days. Its a shame but all the 'exposee' articles and documentaries abut Rangers have seemingly dried up since this information was made 'public' which leaves me with a bit of a bitter taste as these guys who should be held to account for their actions (or lack thereof) are getting off easy.


    I would love if there was an opportunity to put these hard hitting questions to these characters!


    What I'd rather hoped this was what the VB article would have been about was why Rangers were allowed to be voted out the then SPL. Regan & Doncaster rather neglected their duties in allowing club chairmen to vote on this issue IMO.

    What were their reasons for Rangers being thrown out?

    What has since transpired is that Rangers were indeed the victim of a fraudulent sale to Whyte & Rangers didnt owe anywhere near the much-quoted, laughable figure of £134m made up mostly of EBT tax liabilities at which HMRC now failed at both the FTTT & UTTT stages. Both of these (and whatever else) wasnt known at that time so of the vote what made therse chairmen vote as they did? Could these clubs now face financial claims as a result of these clubs' chairmen voting as they did?

  4. If Ashley becomes the main man at Rangers, eyes will be closed and ears will be covered to the fact that his financial input will almost certainly be in the form of a loan.


    The kind of person who worshipped David Murray will love to see Ashley in charge. The short term will be prioritised over the long term, which of course is nothing new at Rangers.


    Further down the road, if Ashley takes charge, another crisis is waiting, and while it won't affect him, it will affect us.


    Don't you think if Rangers were run properly it wouldnt need propped up by loans?

    By that I mean a decent scouting system, a youth set-up which provides players for the first team, not paying players over 30 £10K plus per week, etc, etc

    Why shouldnt Rangers be self-sustaining & profitable?

  5. One has to wonder, is this Gough running up the white flag on behalf of the King camp? Do they think they are in a battle that they are unlikely to win?


    Didn't Gough say at one point words to the effect that King had a plan for every eventuality? Is this one of those plans or is it a new one?


    King never struck me as someone who wanted less than overall control and yet now we're hearing words from a leading figure in his camp that King and Ashley could maybe work together.


    The sorry saga continues.


    I think your first sentence hits the nail on the head. There are too many unknowns & uncertainties about DK for my liking.I'm not convinced he's as wealthy as some make out for starters.

  6. Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley at Rangers? Old Firm icons ask what the problem is.


    In a surprise twist, Richard Gough and Davie Provan both feel that Mike Ashley is the man to get Rangers back on their feet


    Glasgow Rangers fans should be rolling out the red carpet to encourage Mike Ashley to Ibrox - according to two of the Old Firm's iconic figures.


    Sections of Rangers fans have protested against Ashley’s input so far after he upped his stake of shares to 9%.


    Newcastle released a statement last month insisting that Ashley was committed to the Magpies and banned the Daily Telegraph for a story that stated he was interested in selling the club.


    Now Ashley’s interest in Rangers is the talk of Scottish football at the moment. Indeed, fans feel that a battle is developing between current Rangers board member Dave King and Ashley.


    Former skipper Richard Gough said: “Does it have to be that way?


    “Is there no way these two businessmen can work together for the benefit or Rangers?


    “The Newcastle owner appears to have watertight retail contracts at Ibrox and is obviously out to make money.


    “It’s in everyone’s best interests that Rangers are back in the Champions League as soon as possible.


    “I’m positive about that.


    “He has a plan and will invest the cash if he gets the chance.”


    And Gough is convinced Ashley is beginning to dig his heels in at Ibrox.


    Gough said: “Charles Green’s Rangers legacy has been handing over these lucrative contracts to Ashley.


    “The Englishman is not going anywhere and by calling for an EGM and trying to remove Graham Wallace, he’s clearly out to make his presence felt.”


    Meanwhile, Celtic legend Davie Provan also feels that Ashley would be good for Rangers.


    Provan said: “Am I missing something with Mike Ashley?


    “He wiped Newcastle’s debt out, handed them £130million interest free and backed Alan Pardew beyond reason.


    “Yet the billionaire’s money isn’t welcome at Ibrox?


    “Sure, Ashley can see there’s money to be made from Rangers merchandising but rich men usually want some bang for their buck.


    “At Man City, Sheikh Mansour bought the club and renamed the stadium just to promote Etihad Airlines.


    “Try finding a City fan complaining.”




    Good to see Goughie talking sense. The UoF & SoS won't like this

  7. When I heard he'd become Bolton manager I just laughed.

    Remember when he was over the east end hoping for title-stripping because we'd gone into administration/liquidation over what are now known to be fictitious debts once at the laughable figure of £134m and he accused us of financial doping by using players we couldn't afford?

    Well now Lennon is manager at a club whose debts are at a staggering £168m last I heard. And how did they get these debts? Paying transfer fees and salaries they couldn't afford maybe? Johan Elmander was a great example. Bought for £8m , paid £45k per week over three years then left on a free transfer. And there were others.

    Is Lennon a hypocrite or what?

  8. it's quite a clever plan all in from kingco. it doesn't need initial shareholder approval. it will be popular with any shareholder without an onerous contract to protect. it will be popular with fans given the huge injection of cash into the club. it seizes a controlling share later if approved by shareholders but what choice wil they have but to approve it given a refusal will put us in admin.


    it's only a matter of whether ashley can stop it in time.


    with his pals on the board he probably can.


    Until we are told where this money is coming from and who are involved(as Paul Murray promised last week) then this is all mere speculation as far as I'm concerned.

    This money must not be borrowed in the form of a 'ticketus-type' deal . And why the £16m figure if that was as quoted? Why not 20 or 25 ? Whats the significance of £16m?

  9. Well done to the SoS protesters for at least trying to do something, but this sort of thing is never going to seriously influence or affect Sports Direct or Mike Ashley, so unfortunately it's futile in that sense.


    Thankfully, it's not futile at all in terms of getting the message out via the press & media that our fans are not happy.


    What? There only were about 15 to 20 of them. Do their actions speak for the entire Rangers support? I think not

  10. Where has there been an option to get a controlling share while putting money into the club?


    He would have to get a shareholding first. He is not prepared to do that therefore he cannot invest this mythical 16million or 30 million or 50million or whatever it is.

    All of these so-called great Rangers men got their chance to put their money in but refused to do so.

  11. brian kennedy i expect. but he was puting in 250k himself and the likes of d park was putting in millions.


    in the end they would have injected 50 million all in



    Nonsense. We're that the case they would have got the club during administration.

    No one would touch the club with a barge pole unless it went newco because of the potential EBT tax bill

  12. Where are King and co getting £16m? C'mon mate, get real here. A third of that could have gave them total control of the club 2 years ago, a few million less would have got them a majority shareholding just last year. They don't have it imo.


    Its all smokescreens and mirrors. I'm not convinced they have the funds otherwise as you say why havent they got themselves some sort of shareholding by now?

  13. It won't upsetting Ashley but it will reach fans.


    Reach which fans? These people dont represent me nor many more I'd suspect.

    Like many I want financial stability and a much improved team on the park.

    The actions of these people will go nowhere near to achieving that.

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