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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He can't pay one shareholder 50p per share iirc he'd have to pay 50p per share for the shares he'd be getting when the loan would be converted so the £16m would need to be £40m.


    Is King & co a single entity or several entities? If it were several surely existing shares could be bought by one or more for say 50p per share. Not enough is known about king & co IMO.

  2. As I said to Ruff, why not just buy one or two of the so-called 'investors' in that group out?


    Even at an inflated price of about 50p a share, it would only take a couple of million to make a big dent in that Easdale fronted voting block.

    King has already supposedly said he is not prepared to buy shares from existing shareholders so I don't see that happening nor do I see 75percent shareholder approval happening at an AGM either to allow king and co to get their 51 percent.

    We're heading for a stalemate unless either or both sides make concessions IMO

  3. i expect kingco have put forward an excellent offer here that will no doubt be refused forthewith.


    move will then be made to make sure it's ever allowed to be offered again


    I wouldn't rule anything out.

    Rangers need finance and if not from King & co then who?

    I just happen to believe King has played this out abysmally over the past year or so and have said so consistently so. He's left this too late in the day IMO

  4. Of course they can and of course they do.


    They were relegated in their second season under Ashley is that the kind of success we should be looking for under Ashley?


    The kind of money required to be successful in the EPL is eye watering. just look at Man City and Chelsea.

    Ashley isnt willing to spend that sort of money at Newcastle hence he'd be willing to sell.

    Success at Rangers with an easier route into Europe may be more appealing to Ashley however.And most important of all it would not cost anywhere near as much as it would at Newcastle

  5. Jot down a list of incidents where the FA have come down hard on the manager.


    SAF once got a five game touchline ban for criticism of referees.

    Pardew got a seven game suspension and a £60k fine earlier this year.

    The Chelsea portuguese assistant got hammered when he lost the plot last season too

    No you're correct there's not that many. Managers down south dont risk it. Up here what Lennon got away with was nothing short of scandalous. Try causing a referees strke down there and lets see what happens as well as the usual stuff from him week in week out. I'll give til the end of the season at the latest.

  6. ashley did invest a shit load of money into newcastle and got his fingers seriously burned (140 million i think) when he brought sam allardyce in. His way of thinking changed somewhat after that and he recouped his losses by any means.


    the bottom line with Ashley is that should he get control of our club we will become a subsidiary company to Sports Direct. We really do need to get a game plan together and unite against him when push comes to shove.


    That means a total boycott of everything rangers untill he gets the message


    So you dont think being owned by Ashley would give us the financial security we need?

    And surely people must realise Ashley would need a successful Rangers in order for him to make any money? That means investment and he'd have a lot more to offer in that respect than the KIng & co offer last week

  7. Are or were Bolton in administration or liquidation ? Until such time as they are the two scenarios are very different. They appear to be servicing the debt.


    How would Lennon be a hypocrite ? Has he asked for Bolton to be stripped of trophies (what trophies....) ??


    You are clutching at straws Rab.


    You miss the point Craig. Bolton have accrued a massive debt living out with their means (no they've not gone into administration ) and Lennon, whilst Manager over at the east end, accused Rangers of financial doping when we were supposedly living out with our means by accruing the now discredited debt figure of £134m whilst in administration.

    Yes I do think he is a hypocrite for taking the Bolton job after all he said about Rangers alleged debts whilst the east end manager

  8. Let's just see if Scotland actually qualify for Euro2016 before we start lavishing all the praise on the current Scotland management. I happen to think they'll have a difficult job beating Oirlund at the San giro next month. Lose that one and I think things might become very awkward indeed with both Poland and Oirlund starting well in the group

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