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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Ok then when all major UK party leaders said there would be no currency union they were just kidding on. I believe you. As for the EU membership you require approval of all EU countries. The Spanish prime minister specifically said Spain would not approve an independent Scotland's membership due to potential issues it could have with the Basque region and Catalonia.I believe Belgium and Italy were of the same opinion.As for the EU legal advice that never was? As a condition for NATO membership you need to be prepared to have nuclear weapons and deploy a first strike policy. The SNP were committed to getting rid off Trident so unless they were replacing how could an independent Scotland get into NATO? Quite frankly Salmond and the SNP were going around making up all sorts of nonsense before the referendum knowing as long as they got the vote there was no going back and they could do whatever they liked. Many people saw this and voted accordingly.
  2. You've got to laugh at the YES'ers saying Westminister will renege on its promises for that's exactly what they'd have done had they won last Friday. Would they have got sterling ? EU membership? NATO membership? Doubtful If they reneged on any of them would there have been a re-run of the referendum? not a chance. One thing about that referendum was that if they'd won there was no going back whatever happened
  3. Just can't see it. Can you ? And why are Laxey increasing their shareholding in Rangers. Surely there are easier ways for them to make money. Or are they doing this for somebody?
  4. If this meeting did take place I cannot believe for one minute no serious questions were asked of him by anyone at that meeting. The recent share issue literally raised peanuts for us to stumble on for another couple of months. What happens after that? Did no one ask?
  5. Wallace addressed the players in the home dressing room at Ibrox on Friday? Why were they at ibrox? Thought they only went to Ibrox on match days when at home? Weren't they training at MP on Friday?
  6. What respectable club would seriously want someone like Lennon as their team manager?
  7. 'The £3million raised by the recent share issue had stabilised the Ibrox cash crisis' yes but for how long? One month? Two months ? Unless a major injection of capital is forthcoming very soon we've big problems ahead.
  8. I wonder what well known Shellik fan Hamza Yousef MSP and Rangers-hater lawyer Aamar Anwar make of this? Had this been a Rangers player I'msure they'd have had plenty to say by now
  9. Surely if an offence had been committed the SFA have to wait to see what action the police take?
  10. This board are finished. Anyone can see that.The share price has plummeted and they cannot attract investment as we head towards a funding shortage. The AGM cannot come quick enough
  11. the idea some seem to have that they can force change in a company they don't own is ridiculous in the extreme.Changes will be forthcoming no doubt about it. Time is up for this board unless they attract investment(as they said they would) and very quickly. By all means don't attend matches (or 'starve them out' as it's put on here) if that's how you feel but it will only be Rangers who suffer and the damage may be long lasting or permanent. I don't want that.
  12. Under these circumstances in any normal company you'd expect there to be major boardroom changes. If the various fans groups used this share price collapse as ammunition instead of the usual time-worn allegations we might get somewhere.
  13. He should just look in the section called 'fiction'....
  14. And he still probably thinks Dave King has got £30m he's desperate to invest
  15. They're three companies remember. Shellik plc, Shellik fc ltd & the Shellik football and athletic company ltd.
  16. go on then explain where I'm wrong. At 30%shareholding you must make a mandatory offer
  17. what was Easdale up to ? what was Rizvi doing over here ? we should be asking these questions too
  18. or when you reach 29% you have to make an offer for remaining shares based on shareprice value over prtevious 12 months ? King doesnt have the money. Get over it
  19. But if someone managed to acquire 29% then they'd only need to offer 90% of the highest shareprice in the previous 12 months for remaining shares do they not ? not a lot of money by any means is it? Some of the institutions may now want out surely?
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