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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. They can easily go into administration despite the £16m offer. If the offer is not accepted by the directors then it does not feature in any administration decision.


    If the offer was, say, £5 million from Ashley or Easdale then we would all probably say that it was too little but the directors would be entitled to refuse that despite it being hypothetically enough to avoid administration. It would not mean that the directors were forced to accept it.


    I dont think even this board would try admin with a £16m offer available. Theyre not that stupid are they?

  2. How much do you think they would want to walk away? If any such takeover was doene right we wouldn't be heading for admin at all.


    Admin ? hasn't DK effectively closed that door for the board. To go into admin don't you need to go to court and apply proving you are unable to continue to fund the business. Administrators then get appointed who then terminate contracts, reach agreements with creditors etc, etc as we saw 2 years ago.

    How could Rangers do that now if there's a £16M offer available ?

    Is it just me or has DK played a rather smart move here. He knew all along he's never get Rangers via a new share issue as he'd need 75% shareholder approval(which he'd never get) and he said he isnt going to buy out existing shareholders. The board now need to raise funds and going by Wallace & Nash's efforts and that of SE too(seen with Rizvi) I'd guess not going too well. If Rangers do go to the brink again I suspect there may be a phonecall to SA

  3. I'm not talking about the machinations and niceties of the corporate world. Without the required amount of shareholders getting behind his plan, what the board did was irrelevant.


    Or acquire shares from existing shareholders but DK has said in the past he is not prepared to do that

  4. The next move in all of this will be most interesting indeed bearing in mind the dire financial situation.

    Will the board be forced to eat humble pie & go back to King & co or do they have alternatives in the pipeline? who knows

  5. Then you see it wrong. Even if every available season ticket was sold in June it still wouldn't provide enough cash to last the season. All King and fans group actions have done is bring the inevitable forward by perhaps a couple of months.





    This old board/current board stuff is nonsense, some faces may have changed but those pulling the strings have remained constant. Investors have showed up though haven't they? Perhaps not ones that tickle your fancy but there's an offer of investment on the table nonetheless. If the RIFC plc were a truly independent board then that offer would already have been accepted but it hasn't and they're not.





    "If he'd keep Rangers on life-aid in the Championship..."? Seriously are you unaware that the last two RIFC accounts have included "cash balances not immediately available to the club", the last reported amount was £2.7m of money that belongs to Rangers but being kept from Rangers solely because Mike Ashley chooses not to release it, what possible reason could he have for doing that?


    I believe Rangers should be run for the benefit of Rangers not as some subsidiary of Sports Direct. Whyte never changed his modus operandi when he got control of Rangers neither did Green and it is fanciful to think that Ashley would change his. A business model of Ashley loaning us money to chase European glory is frankly suicidal.


    the board cannot accept DK's offer as you say. It needs shareholder approval at an AGM/EGM

  6. I don't disagree mate, but I was drawn to part of dB's point (which was mostly missed in the replies I read) where he differentiated between developing younger, less experienced players and elder more experienced ones.


    Ally's made it easy for himself to win the lower league titles by keeping and bringing in a lot of elder, vastly experienced pros, but by doing so he's made it difficult for himself to show that he's capable of improving and developing players.


    At the end of the day, Ally's been able to sign a fairly large number of players over the past 25/26 months and rightly or wrongly he's mostly chosen the safe option of bringing in experienced pros as opposed to the riskier option of developing younger, less experienced players.


    Ally's big problem is that he never anticipated getting HERTZ 'n' HIBZ in this league thus making it that much harder to get the three successive promotions back to the top division using older experienced pros mostly.

    Having already lost to both of them at home it's not difficult to see we're in a very difficult situation indeed now.

    Unless funding is sourced from somewhere to get 3 or 4 better quality players in january promotion this season will be no certainty . And of course regardless of who owns Rangers in january would they be prepared to let Ally spend money? I wouldnt.

  7. Indeed though the way it actually rolls means with each passing week he becomes more expensive to remove not less.


    How's that? I thought it was a years rolling contract and if he got a years notice he left in a years time. Alternatively if he left immediately he got paid one years salary ? Is that not the case?

  8. Going back to the OP we certainly will need to add to our squad in January if we are to get promoted at the end of the season either as Champions or via the play offs.Where the money to bring in new players from is anyone's guess but after having lost to both Hertz 'n' Hibz at home this season already the signs are there hat this current group of players are no guarantee of promotion.

    Also would we trust Ally to bring in new players? In the summer he brought in two CB's and started playing one at RB and the other on the subs bench to accommodate the shaky CB pairing of Moshni and Jig.Its that sort of decision making that will surely make whoever is in charge at Rangers in January uneasy about letting Ally loose to recruit more players.

  9. This just shows how incompetent he is in transfer dealings. He needed a better standard of player in July & August - and here we are only half way through October and he already says he needs new players.


    Ally is a legend and hero to me - but he is damaging the club with each passing day in the managers seat. It pains me to say it too, I was one of those who tried to give him the benefit of the doubt for as long as possible - but the time has come and gone for him to step aside for someone who actually can improve the players at his disposal. These players are not that bad if coached and managed properly.


    These statements are just churlish - he is allowed to sign players such as Boyd and Miller (who, even in advancing years are still MILES ahead of the rest of this particular division, if fit of course) and he still has players of the calibre of Wallace and MacLeod as well as Law (who isn't as bad as his performances are suggesting) as well as Templeton (who has the potential but just isn't showing it, like most of his colleagues).


    Ally, you simply cant get the best out of this group of players - and when that is the case it is, sadly, the time to "walk away".


    He's going nowhere unless told to do so. And getting rid off him won't be cheap either

  10. We need at least 8 international class players before August.


    Would anyone seriously give Ally money to go out and buy players? Goodness knows who he'd get. There are three or four positions where we are seriously short but would he sign players for these positions or do as he usually does and bring in whoever is available and play them out of position

  11. Ally is talking about January and to win this division. He quotes the January signing of Roberts by Souness as an example.


    After all we can hardly expect him to take on Hearts without an even bigger resource advantage than he already has now, could we?


    Roberts was signed b4 January unless I'm mistaken

  12. That's the way it is, Rab. This is how the game is played at Rangers and it's how you want it to be.


    If Dermot Desmond's second cousin three times removed bought Rangers tomorrow, you'd have to deal with it and live with it.


    There's no point complaining if an owner doesn't meet with your approval when you have been holding the door open for everyone and anyone to stroll right through it.


    If Dave King buys Rangers and decides to run it on a shoestring budget, he'll be perfectly entitled to do just that. No-one needs to prove anything to buy Rangers - just agree a deal with the seller(s), and that's it.


    I'm not a fan of Dave King, but if he succeeds in buying Rangers, he'll be a far better owner than we deserve even if the team labours and struggles for years.


    You want the ownership of Rangers trusted to luck. If King gets the gig, we'll have landed lucky - this time . . .


    FWIW I'm not against DK & co. I just want to know more about who is involved and what their plans are. You won't get their lapdogs and poodles asking these sort of questions though.

  13. Wonder if he briefs Merlin and Three Names via a conference call or just emails them the same shit to pad out in their own inimitable style?


    Is the bit about DK being possibly be barred from being a Rangers director by AIM true or not presumably following his SA tax issues ? Or the SFA too?

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