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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Firstly how do you know the large drop in ST sales is due to the board? Did you ask each & every one of them who didn't renew? FWIW I think there is more than one reason for this. Secondly how is the football operation failing because of upstairs? McCoist has been given unbelievable resources to build a team since we dropped out the top division but hasn't used them to anywhere near as well as he might have.Is that the board's fault? I blame the board for continuing to employ an inept team manager who has been allowed more or less to sign whoever he wants often on exorbitant salaries whilst many of these players he brought in have regressed since coming here.
  2. I do hope our beleaguered manager has the balls to confront the SFA over the fact the HIbz players seemed to be getting off with this.They were just as guilty IMO
  3. He is going nowhere unless he is told to go. That is the crux of the problem here. No one at the club is preapred to do that
  4. He should have been gone long ago. It's been blatantly obvious for some time he isnt manager material. However it looks like he's got the brassneck to stick it out as he knows the incumbent board are reluctant to fire him. When we fail to get promoted chickens will come home to roost as they say
  5. It gives me no pleasure to say this but I think they have made a monumental error in their association with a man of whom so little is actually known about his actual wealth. There are of course still questions about whether he'd be able to sit on the Rangers board due to AIM regs never mind the SFA as a result of his previous SA tax affairs. However would be delighted to be proved wrong.......
  6. When Grahame starts calling Rangers a new club I know exactly what he is inferring. You might not but I do.
  7. The fact is pondlife like Grahame know they spout these lies and get away with it. He is back to peddling this nonsense Rangers are a new club with no history. His hatred is there for all to see. Mind you he's not the worst. I'd award that to fellow pond life Gibbons. Say what you like about Liewell but Grahame would never set foot in the San Giro again if it was them. With all due respect I think we are dealing with separate issues here regards Whyte,Green etc and the pond life pseudo journos who inhabit this country of ours
  8. Never let the facts get in the way of a story. That's the way it works here unfortunately
  9. Reconstruction? LOL We started with 12-10-10-10. We reconstructed to 12-10-10-10. Scottish football - you couldn't make it up. Oh I nearly forgot - they renamed it SPFL and stole the premiership, championship, league1 & league2 names from down south
  10. Grahame calling Rangers a 'new club' again I see. If we had a board worthy of name they'd take legal action
  11. Don't you think it was the SPL chairmen who voted us out the SPL who should now be asked questions? They should be asked why they arrived at that decision. Rangers were the victim of a crime. We all know the real reason though don't we? They thought we had debts of £135m largely based on the BTC whose verdict was unknown at that time.
  12. But why were LBG so keen to sell Rangers? Surely MIH were the bigger problem. Rangers debt was around 3 percent of the MIH. If you ran a small and someone owed you £2k and another owed you £75k which one would you concentrate most on getting? As I understand things the police investigation into the sale to Whyte is still ongoing?
  13. Just how much Muir was involved is another question which needs answered. And did he benefit financially from this sale? Remember too though he was not an employee of LBG and may not ultimately have been responsible for the decision to sell to Whyte. It was however LBG who insisted he be on the Rangers board with the aim of debt reduction
  14. I know of a certain other club in the same city who have/had a similar business model but I don't/didn't see their bank doing likewise.How much are they in debt to the co-op bank via overdrafts and soft loans? Rangers debts were falling year on year with AJ as chairman. Costs were being reduced. Again, I ask did LBG force SDM to sell to Whyte and for what reason ? Are LBG seriously telling us they thought this a good piece of business given Whyte's business history which seemed to be well known about at the time of the sale? And let's not forget the bigger picture here which was MIH's £750m debt. Why were the bank so focused on the much smaller Rangers debt of £18m ?
  15. How can you be so sure he wasn't involved? Did he tell you himself? I want to know if LBG forced SDM to sell to Whyte and for what reason.
  16. Whilst I might not always agree with criticisms of SDM and the current board I can understand at times why individuals form these opinions. Regards Whyte the only question I want answered is how the hell he got Rangers in the first place. Despite warnings from just everyone from the likes of AJ, Paul Murray, and Jeff Randall about Whyte's business history who on this earth thought it a good idea he should get Rangers? Spare me the SDM being duped stuff too. I don't believe for one minute he willingly sold to Whyte.
  17. I cannot quote directly anything AJ said about LBG during his time as Rangers chairman but he was quite scathing about them during the period of time up to Whyte's takeover. Why were LBG so keen for Whyte to take over Rangers? Did they threaten to withdraw all credit to MIH if this deal was not agreed by SDM? If true not exactly the actions of a bank acting in the best interests of one of its business customers wouldnt you agree? And Messrs Fullerton and Kane didnt exactly seem to hang around too long at LBG after Whyte arrived did they? Were they found out? And of course Mr Fullerton did find himself some new employment did he not ? Doing some low level paper-gathering for SPL lawyers Harper McLeod in their attempts to strip Rangers of titles during the dual contracts fiasco. I'm sure his time at LBG must have been very useful indeed in that respect. But never mind. You go on defending these people all you want
  18. If you get the opportunity then read some of the statements made by the then Rangers chairmanAJ.
  19. The names of those alleged to have been behind all of this before and after whtye got Rangers are well known.Dont you think something was going on? Too much coincidence for my liking. And the names of the individuals allegedly involved doest surprise me.Well known Rangers haters
  20. IMO the whole thing was co-ordinated from LBG(as I've already mentioned) & HMRC standing back & allowing Whyte to acquire Rangers (despite the fact he already owed them millions) then proceding to allow him to run up millions in unpaid PAYE/NI. Oh and not to mention an EBT tax bill starting at £24m to which HMRC werent entitled to either at which they've failed twice at their own internal appeals processes (FTTT & UTTT). Call me a cynic but I fully believe this was all being orchestrated by a small group of individuals with the aim of causing maximum financial damage to Rangers as SDM abandoned ship.
  21. And we know who were in charge of LBG's Scottish business division at the time don't we? Rangers debts at that time were falling (they were circa £30m at one point) and were a fraction of the overall MIH debt. So why were the bank so focused on Rangers debt ? Go figure and please don't give me the 'he wasn't anywhere near our account'. He could easily have a got a lacky to do it for him
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