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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Given the SFA's supposed rules on dual ownership this is most interesting. Maybe the rules don't apply to all clubs however.
  2. Strachan a Rangers fan ? Don't think so. Wasn't he once a Hibz supporter?
  3. Yes absolutely. The whole board will go eventually with the possible exception of crichton
  4. Montrose got away with this a couple of years ago in their Rangers programme and unfortunately I think Livingston will too. The old scottish excuse'we didnae know' will no doubt be rolled out. A big Bhoy wrote the programme but he's gone away now. I do hope our board persist with this to the bitter end no matter how long it takes
  5. If Merlin's story today is true about GW being unhappy about only getting a £160k bonus instead of the full £350k then the sooner he's gone the better as far as I'm concerned.What did he have to do to get this bonus? What pre-determined targets were met? For me he's been more than a bit of a disappointment as CEO.His 120 day business review achieved little for starters and his fund raising efforts didn't amount to much either to such an extent he's now supposedly supporting the DK consortium which is well risky IMO due to whether they will even be making an sort of offer for Rangers. I do wonder however if GW is simply working his ticket to get the inevitable but now-expected excessive pay off from the ever decreasing funds.
  6. Ok I will hold back. But I still have very serious reservations about DK's involvement. Does he have the money his supporters claim he has? I don't think he has
  7. To me he is not so much a non runner but isnt even at the race meeting
  8. until these people come out and say what was written in their match day comic is factually incorrect then there has been no apology as far as I'm concerned.
  9. Wonder what would happen if he caused a referee's strike over there ?
  10. Any new owner needs to tell supporters how they intend to take the club forward.We hear next to nothing from the current board. The only issue I have with Ashley is his PR is virtually non existent. However he would provide much needed financial stability.


    We shall see.......


    The sale to Whyte will be investigated meticulously and the names will come out in the end.No question about that
  13. We're they responsible for that utter shambles of a first half on Monday night? We're they? Don't you think the players Rangers have should be expected to do a damn sight better than that? And I haven't mentioned our manager yet have I? He must love this board getting the blame for everything. Certainly deflects attention away from him in his position for which he is completely clueless about As I ve attempted to tell you and others plenty times I'm not the board's biggest fan. I've yet to hear their future plans on how they intend to take Rangers back to where they belong. If they have any that is. They look hopelessly out their depth to me. But I'm not one of the guilible fools who believe DK will come riding in to take over Rangers and invest his 30million(or was it 50million) and we'll all live happily ever after again. The guy is a time waster and hasn't got the money some would have you believe.
  14. Everything is the board's fault in your world isn't it?
  15. Im in no way defending the board. They are like rabbits caught in the headlights who are consistently shown to be out of their depth. You have to admit though they rather conveniently deflect the attention from the sub standard football we have to endure like we saw on Monday night
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