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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He made an offer and it was rejected. Thus it is not just 'talk' and you are speaking nonsense.


    King's offer wasn't rejected. It was an offer for 51% of the business. That is not for the board to decide. That's for shareholders to vote on but he didnt have enough support from shareholders to call an EGM presumably

  2. it's the board that have less ambition.


    a first in my lifetime.


    I think we have to wait until we're back in the top division to see what ambition they really have.No one is or was going to throw silly money around buying players and putting them on ridiculous salaries(by that I mean the likes of £15k or £20k p.w.) whilst we were playing basically amateur and part time opposition

  3. I did say at the time the messenger Stephen McGowan was extremely lacking in credibility when it comes to Rangers.


    Any true Rangers men(or women) getting involved in an interview like this with the likes of McGowan should,frankly, know better.

    These people have an agenda which is to maximise every bit of bad news or publicity about Rangers in whatever way they can.

  4. We're singing from the same hymn sheet here, but a poor business history counts for little when put against Whyte showing, fraudulently, proof of funds for the purchase. Sir David Murray was most certainly guilty of turning a blind eye to things, which with the way things turned out, is something that his ego will have to live with.


    I think it needs to be established if SDM was forced to sell by LBG and for what reasons. Hopefully when the various police investigations conclude we'll get some answers

  5. I'm well aware of what AJ & co had to say about him, I even know where I was when the news broke, but it made no difference whatsoever. I also remember the abuse they took for daring to say such a thing. There was a swell of support for 'the saviour', much like there is in certain quarters for our latest billionaire benefactor. If the SFA had blocked Whyte's purchase without providing clear proof of wrongdoing, they would have been pilloried for it.


    PM compiled a complete dossier on Whyte and was allegedly stunned at his business history. He couldnt believe he was being allowed to acquire RANGERS.

    What more evidence did anyone(including the SFA) need to stop Whyte?

  6. On the side of Mark Daly. Oooh! ;)


    The main problem was that the SFA had a disclosure policy which was based on bad guys dropping themselves in it by telling the truth. Once Whyte was in, he fought tooth and nail to keep everything covered up.


    Who were the SFA taking orders from, Rab?


    Didnt keep it covered for too long then did he? PM,AJ etc all warned about Whyte and were proved to be spot on.

    Surely even you can see at the SFA these days who calls the shots with the various placemen(and women) there. Letting Whyte get Rangers benefited one club by allowing an easy CL passport every year and the money that brings

  7. Surprisingly, he kept it quiet. The BBC uncovered the truth in the October, with Whyte putting his hands up over a month later, after threatening court action. I would put money on you being one of those who was cheering him on from the sidelines against the Bheeb(sic).


    i can assure I was not 'one of those cheering him on from the sidelines'. A colleague at the place I worked at the time knew all about Whyte's past. When Whyte got Rangers what happened next was inevitable.

    The SFA's role in all of this was incomprehensible given the countless warnings they got. Perhaps in was a case of obeying orders

  8. I agree with most of this but the "rule" such as it exists is in relation to "securities or shares in excess of 3% of the issued share capital of another club or the holding company of such club" and Ashley seems to have negotiated 10%.


    There is no real comparsion with the Whyte situation, because he was a disqualified director, so far as has been brought out, Ashley is not.


    If he was a disqualified director why didnt the SFA not try to prevent him getting Rangers ?

  9. They were concerned about Whyte but allowed themselves to be fobbed off by his lawyers for approx 6 months; I doubt that will happen this time.


    However there is a big difference between "control" and a disqualified director.


    Fobbed off by his lawyers ? they allowed him to buy Rangers with ticketus money. Didnt take long for JT & KJ to discover that did it?

  10. Its all bollox.


    Didn't see him calling for engineering when we were in the 4th, or 3rd tiers. Only now - why would that be Gordon ?


    Because I reckon Rangers absence in the top division is now seriously beginning to affect some clubs.Take Motherwell for example whom Stuart McCall left on sunday. They'll have missed out on 5 or 6 home games against Rangers by the end of this season which I'd guess will cost them somewhere between £2m to £3m.A lot of money fora club like them I'd have thought but still they did choose to vote Rangers out the then SPL. Hell mend them I say

  11. We need Rangers back. They were punished and something had to happen but it’s left Scottish football short.”


    Punished for what èxactly? Being victims of a crime nothing had to happen.


    Punished for fictitious EBT tax liabilties which continue to be unproven which largely contributed to the laughable debt figure quoted of £134m.

    Strachan should ask the 10 SPL chairmen or CEO's why they voted Rangers out of the top division. Start with Liewell. Their responses would be interesting given what's happened since

  12. Rab, what is it with this attitude? Would you not look for us to win these games?


    Yes I would hope so but unfortunately I've little confidence in McCoist anymore.I generally believe he is a manager who is outthought too easily. Teams know how to set up against him and he doesnt know how to respond. We saw that all too clearly in the Hibz game at ibrox

  13. I'd be very surprised come the day if any fan feared this game, bring it on


    As things stand at present we won't be favourites but it should be noted that the yahoos are nowhere near as good as they were since we left the top division.

    Liewell told their hordes theydidnt need us in the top division but has been selling their best players ever since & generally downsizing all round.

  14. McCoist's big problem is that promotion back to the top division is by no means a certainty this season with Hertz 'n' Hibz in this league.Before we play the yahoos we have two very difficult games in the league away to both Hertz 'n' Hibz. Lose both of them and surely McCoist will be out the door & wont be around to face the yahoos.

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