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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. When I heard he'd become Bolton manager I just laughed. Remember when he was over the east end hoping for title-stripping because we'd gone into administration/liquidation over what are now known to be fictitious debts once at the laughable figure of £134m and he accused us of financial doping by using players we couldn't afford? Well now Lennon is manager at a club whose debts are at a staggering £168m last I heard. And how did they get these debts? Paying transfer fees and salaries they couldn't afford maybe? Johan Elmander was a great example. Bought for £8m , paid £45k per week over three years then left on a free transfer. And there were others. Is Lennon a hypocrite or what?
  2. Until we are told where this money is coming from and who are involved(as Paul Murray promised last week) then this is all mere speculation as far as I'm concerned. This money must not be borrowed in the form of a 'ticketus-type' deal . And why the £16m figure if that was as quoted? Why not 20 or 25 ? Whats the significance of £16m?
  3. Some to have overall control of Rangers the way SDM did.
  4. Until we get an outright owner this could be the norm unfortunately. However this will hopefully change in the not too distant future
  5. What? There only were about 15 to 20 of them. Do their actions speak for the entire Rangers support? I think not
  6. Bolton are bottom of the Championship. Certainty to get relegated now. Him and The big swede won't see out the season. They won't cope with competition as they're used to a one team league or Lunny handing them wee favours. Wonder if he'll cause a referees strike down there? Dreadful appointment by Bolton
  7. He would have to get a shareholding first. He is not prepared to do that therefore he cannot invest this mythical 16million or 30 million or 50million or whatever it is. All of these so-called great Rangers men got their chance to put their money in but refused to do so.
  8. Nonsense. We're that the case they would have got the club during administration. No one would touch the club with a barge pole unless it went newco because of the potential EBT tax bill
  9. And how do you get control? Acquire sufficient shares maybe? If DK was serious he'd have done this by now but all we've had is one excuse after another for not doing so
  10. Its all smokescreens and mirrors. I'm not convinced they have the funds otherwise as you say why havent they got themselves some sort of shareholding by now?
  11. Reach which fans? These people dont represent me nor many more I'd suspect. Like many I want financial stability and a much improved team on the park. The actions of these people will go nowhere near to achieving that.
  12. Unless I'm mistaken it is a requirement that german clubs are 51 percent fan owned but the commercial deals a bundesliga club could get compared a Scottish Premiership club puts things into a different perspective for me
  13. Whilst fan ownership may sound great in theory it is very difficult indeed in practice as things currently stand. Rangers are not some sort of cottage industry run as a hobby but a world famous football club run by a Plc.
  14. If Ashley manages to acquire the 25 percent Rangers shareholding as rumoured then quite frankly I think Dave King & co can forget about owning Rangers. And it is entirely of DK 's own making. If he genuinely wanted Rangers he needed to be getting some sort of shareholding over these past couple of Years. He may well have left it too late
  15. Some may say the wrong sort have already got control. Donald Findlay for one seemed to suggest this. However I do think someone or some organisation does need to be able to call the shots without the behind-the-scenes negotiations we've got at present
  16. Whats needed is for someone to take overall control. After the first IPO all that resulted was a whole group of some known and some unknown major shareholders each with mostly between 5 and 10 percent shareholdings which resulted in a ownership structure which doesnt work.
  17. We've absolutely no chance whatsoever of CL qualification so long as Ally remains in charge. Malmo or Maribor ring any bells?
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