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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. FWIW I think MB has closed the gap on them but there is clearly a bit to go. Gone are the 3-0 and 4-0 hidings we got under GVB We suffered because of 2 really poor transfer windows under GVB. Once MB brings in his own signings this summer we’ll be able to get a clearer picture where we are going. A first choice GK should be top priority
  2. Is Morelos maybe belatedly starting to discover how to score against them now? scored in the LC final & his goal today should have counted
  3. Without question we need a new first choice goalkeeper for next season. Whoever MB goes for will go a long way to determining how successful his time as Rangers manager will be
  4. We’ve conceded 7 goals in the 2 league games at the glitter dome this season. At least 4 of those 7 have been very avoidable from our point of view
  5. I felt sorry for Souttar at their third goal. It was a difficult ball given to him by Jack. He tried to give it back to McGregor who went for it in slow motion. Surely our top priority for next season has to be a first choice keeper
  6. Disappointed to lose but there’s no getting away from the fact we’re a team who make a lot of basic errors in our play. Cost us badly today particularly in the second half.
  7. Some strange negative comments on here. We’ve won something like 14 out of our last 16 games. I wonder how many Rangers managers can claim that sort of record before going into an OF game
  8. Of course they don’t need to be world beaters but when you read about them in the mhedia you’d think they were & skippy had half the EPL wanting him as their next manager
  9. It’s vital we start the game well & don’t allow them to get on top of us early on. The manager must get his game plan & tactics spot on. And we must be seen to be creating chances. They are not world beaters. Their Euro record under skippy proves that
  10. No one would begrudge DP and the others the credit they deserve for coming in & rescuing the club 8 years ago.And their financial input too. But that was then & this is now. We are seemingly still haemorrhaging money at an alarming rate. We are still existing beyond our means. Whenever our results come out the first thing I look at are salaries. Roughly I think we are £38m for playing staff & £15m for non-playing staff. Unless we’re paying much more than I think aren’t these figures rather high? What do all these non playing staff do? Then there’s the commercials deals. Does Castore represent good value? Others too. So I’d say change is needed most definitely otherwise we face a very bleak future.
  11. Leicester now look doomed. Lost again tonight
  12. I wonder if one or two others will follow. Change is definitely needed. We’ve become top heavy in staffing numbers in both the football & non-football departments these past few years in my view.
  13. A poor transfer window last summer & a load of injuries caused us to regress badly in the first few months of the season. Beale has stopped the slide but will be judged what he does(or gets allowed to do)in the summer transfer window ahead. The yahoos are a club who thrive on media hype and self fanaticism. They are no world beaters
  14. When Gerrard first came to Rangers he realised we needed to start beating Celtic. Once we started doing that they started to implode Weve stopped beating them & have had a couple of horror results against them. That needs to change. They’re no great shakes as their European results prove
  15. A win & 3 points is always top priority but the level of performance is sometimes a bit of a concern. We still seem to struggle at home to break down teams who set out to defend deep in numbers and generally to frustrate us. And the tempo of our games is too slow & the game plan predictable. We don’t seem to be able to get behind defences in more central areas often enough to create scoring opportunities. Hopefully in the summer recruitment we’ll see players who can change this
  16. Always pleased when we win but we should be beating these teams by a much bigger margin. We don’t seem to be able to get behind defences in wide areas and deliver a better ball into the middle. We’re still launching too many long balls from wide areas which packed defences clear too easily. And still too much slow tempo MF play from L to R, then R to L then L to R again. So predictable. A crucial summer of recruitment lies ahead. Can I suggest we get a natural left sided MF player as one of the 5 mentioned?
  17. Hopefully we can win by a few goals against a team who haven’t won a league game since January 2
  18. Skippys not got a uefa pro licence. Don’t think the EPL would accept him
  19. I see it’s been reported in the Daily Record & Express today that prosecutors in New Jersey have been asking victims to come forward who were abused during Celtic BC trips there in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
  20. If Forbes becomes SNP leader(& FM) that may change but as I said in another post it depends on who the voting SNP membership are
  21. Not sure I follow what you mean. Did the SFA knowingly turn a blind eye? Same for crown office. I’d suggest it was so well covered up at Celtic for years only a select few knew ( apart from the victims)
  22. I’d certainly hope not given the seriousness of what went on. The Celtic situation is different from all others in that they knew what was going on but chose to cover it up
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