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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The board and Ally are as useless as each other. They are responsible for who manages us and they sanction any expenditure. Though I lose track of exactly who the current board are. To be honest, aside from Lewis Macleod the entire club needs nuked.


    'Some of their criticism is valid'...jesus christ Rab. Try calling a spade a spade.


    It wasn't the current board who set Ally's onerous remuneration contract.It was Martin bloody Bain and it got TUPE'd over to the newco.FWIW I think they would have got rid off him by now were it not for the exorbitant costs involved. How this will end I have no idea

  2. Depressing isn't it? It wouldn't be so bad if you could see genuine progress since 2012 & the team was good to watch but neither has happened.

    Those who constantly attack the board(and some of their criticism is valid I agree) need to realise also that significant resources such as this £20m salaries figure have been made available to a manager who continues not to make best use of these resources and his position should now be untenable as a result

  3. I remember that guy Di Stefano ( not the Real centre forward) saying we had been the subjects of a massive fraud


    And that the oldco was never insolvent. Well with HMRC's continuing failure with their EBT tax case and today's news he is certainly looking spot on with at least one of them

  4. If true, then the detention of Clark & Whitehouse could certainly point to the investigations being about far more than just Whyte's takeover, if not now, then certainly as the situation develops.


    As ever though, criminal activities need to be proven and most of these men will try to lie and wriggle their way out of it via technicalities.


    Welcome though today's news may be it still does not answer how Whyte managed to acquire Rangers so easily despite the warnings from the likes of AJ & PM who clearly knew all about his past and said so at the time.

    I've always had my doubts about SDM willingly selling to Whyte(did LBG or Muir force the sale?) and why did HMRC not prevent it given Whyte already had tax arrears with them then almost inexplicably they then proceded to allow him to run up even more arrears by withholding PAYE & NI contributions at Rangers.

    Not to mention the non-action by our SFA in stopping Whyte taking over Rangers at the time and subsequently they allowed Rangers to be thrown out the top division and withholding prize monies amongst other punishments after Whyte's ownership went disastrously wrong leading to administration/liquidation of oldco. Did they never consider Rangers might have been the victim rather than appearing desperate to hand out whatever punishments they could as often as they could.FWIW I believe Regan's position has been untenable at the SFA for some time now because of this

    It remains to be seen now if there are to be further arrests. Only time will tell

  5. This wont be traced back to SDM, Muir, Lloyds imo, the trick was making Whyte the willing patsy. This might have something to do with the conning of Ticketus laying out millions in advance for future season ticket monies? Until there is an international arrest warrant issued for that scumbag Whyte i'm not getting my hopes up to much.


    The Ticketus stuff is over. Whyte lost on appeal. He has to pay back Ticketus £18M or whatever it was he obtained thro' fraudulent misrepresentation'.

  6. There was and is no organised boycott.


    Around 15,000 fans have stopped going for a combination of factors - some listed in the statement above. It is wholly up to the club to address these concerns along with the other reasons for people not going. They have not.


    Therefore the club only has itself to blame for the status quo.


    And how would you address these concerns then? We were never going to make money going up these divisions unless you think we could play a team of teenagers earning peanuts

    If the truth be told we've supporters groups going round implying that the current custodians are guilty of theft on a grand scale inside Rangers and people shouldnt go to games as a result.Whilst I have reservations about certain board members I don't accept that viewpoint.

    Also many of our fans groups are nothing more than mere patsys for DK & PM.

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