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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Ally's big problem is that he never anticipated getting HERTZ 'n' HIBZ in this league thus making it that much harder to get the three successive promotions back to the top division using older experienced pros mostly. Having already lost to both of them at home it's not difficult to see we're in a very difficult situation indeed now. Unless funding is sourced from somewhere to get 3 or 4 better quality players in january promotion this season will be no certainty . And of course regardless of who owns Rangers in january would they be prepared to let Ally spend money? I wouldnt.
  2. Let's do the simple thing here and sign a decent RB in january(money permitting)
  3. How's that? I thought it was a years rolling contract and if he got a years notice he left in a years time. Alternatively if he left immediately he got paid one years salary ? Is that not the case?
  4. Going back to the OP we certainly will need to add to our squad in January if we are to get promoted at the end of the season either as Champions or via the play offs.Where the money to bring in new players from is anyone's guess but after having lost to both Hertz 'n' Hibz at home this season already the signs are there hat this current group of players are no guarantee of promotion. Also would we trust Ally to bring in new players? In the summer he brought in two CB's and started playing one at RB and the other on the subs bench to accommodate the shaky CB pairing of Moshni and Jig.Its that sort of decision making that will surely make whoever is in charge at Rangers in January uneasy about letting Ally loose to recruit more players.
  5. Good music would be wasted on this vile Rangers hater
  6. Would anyone seriously give Ally money to go out and buy players? Goodness knows who he'd get. There are three or four positions where we are seriously short but would he sign players for these positions or do as he usually does and bring in whoever is available and play them out of position
  7. FWIW I'm not against DK & co. I just want to know more about who is involved and what their plans are. You won't get their lapdogs and poodles asking these sort of questions though.
  8. Is the bit about DK being possibly be barred from being a Rangers director by AIM true or not presumably following his SA tax issues ? Or the SFA too?
  9. Do you know that for sure? Not much is known about King & co is there? Where's the funding coming from? All we've had is this £16m figure, half of which is from DK. Where's the rest from? Surely not loans
  10. Is King & co a single entity or several entities? If it were several surely existing shares could be bought by one or more for say 50p per share. Not enough is known about king & co IMO.
  11. King has already supposedly said he is not prepared to buy shares from existing shareholders so I don't see that happening nor do I see 75percent shareholder approval happening at an AGM either to allow king and co to get their 51 percent. We're heading for a stalemate unless either or both sides make concessions IMO
  12. I wouldn't rule anything out. Rangers need finance and if not from King & co then who? I just happen to believe King has played this out abysmally over the past year or so and have said so consistently so. He's left this too late in the day IMO
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