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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. What did Tyrell do which was worty of note?
  2. I often wonder how we'd feel if it were the yahoos Ashley was involved with. Would we be so confident then and going round laughing at them telling them he was going to bleed them dry and ruin them? Or would we be more than a little scared at the thought of the 15th richest person in Britain effectively controlling their club with all the financial security that entails? The yahoos in my work dont like this one bit I can assure you. The thought of ashley putting in money has them running scared
  3. Had that young boy been a Rangers supporter making similar such comments about our detractors and their like you can be sure it would be seen in a different light by the mhedia and their flock.
  4. And made us an easy target in the process.Our enemies thought they could get away with it. And generally they did.
  5. I just laughed when Kennedy put in an offer of a loan. We'd heard nothing fromhim for over 2 years then all of a sudden he's back. Another who should have been buying shares over theses past two years if he genuinely wanted to influence things
  6. No big surprise if McCoist sacked. Promotion by no means a certainty this season unless better playeres are recruited in January. Would anyone trust Ally to do that?
  7. The last paragraph is hilarious. Never mind DK what were the SFA doing before and during Whyte's ownership of Rangers? Were they aware of Whyte's past before he got Rangers? Just about everyone else was including AJ,PM etc. And at what point were the SFA made aware Whyte wasnt paying over NI/PAYE and what action did they propose to take? What did they expect King to do? He couldnt remove Whyte because he was effectively the owner. Ive said it before that Rhegan should have been sacked over the Whyte fiasco. Him and the SFA's total lack of action was nothing short of scandalous. Was it deliberate? Maybe Rhegan was just doing as told by Liewell.
  8. They won't get silly money for Commons. His contract is up at the end of the season
  9. I do wonder about this 10 percent rule. Is it an SFA rule ? Where is it written and is it applicable to all clubs or just for Ashley's Rangers interest.? The EPL have no rules to prevent Ashley owning Newcastle and Rangers do where did it come from?
  10. Maybe Rangers should start to bank with the co-op bank and get loans and overdrafts up to £32m . Would that be facing up to financial reality Tom?
  11. The BBC article is pure lies. Which prospective administrators were contacted? Wilson and McLaughlin should name them. How could Rangers go into administration when there were three separate funding packages available.
  12. No guarantee we'll be in top division next season with our current squad and manager. Only way to improve our chances is to get players in January. Will funds be made available and would anyone trust Ally to spend it wisely?
  13. Who would be preared to give a loan and for how much? Rangers cannot keep getting by on loans forever. The business needs to become self sustaining at some point
  14. I dont think even this board would try admin with a £16m offer available. Theyre not that stupid are they?
  15. I don't think we are heading for administration. Read my post 75. I think DK has backed the board into a corner here. They need funds. If not from DK then who?
  16. Admin ? hasn't DK effectively closed that door for the board. To go into admin don't you need to go to court and apply proving you are unable to continue to fund the business. Administrators then get appointed who then terminate contracts, reach agreements with creditors etc, etc as we saw 2 years ago. How could Rangers do that now if there's a £16M offer available ? Is it just me or has DK played a rather smart move here. He knew all along he's never get Rangers via a new share issue as he'd need 75% shareholder approval(which he'd never get) and he said he isnt going to buy out existing shareholders. The board now need to raise funds and going by Wallace & Nash's efforts and that of SE too(seen with Rizvi) I'd guess not going too well. If Rangers do go to the brink again I suspect there may be a phonecall to SA
  17. Or acquire shares from existing shareholders but DK has said in the past he is not prepared to do that
  18. The next move in all of this will be most interesting indeed bearing in mind the dire financial situation. Will the board be forced to eat humble pie & go back to King & co or do they have alternatives in the pipeline? who knows
  19. I wouldn't entirely say the King & co offer is dead in the water just yet. Money needs to be sourced from somewhere. If not this offer where? Loans would be suicidal IMO
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