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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I think it needs to be established if SDM was forced to sell by LBG and for what reasons. Hopefully when the various police investigations conclude we'll get some answers
  2. PM compiled a complete dossier on Whyte and was allegedly stunned at his business history. He couldnt believe he was being allowed to acquire RANGERS. What more evidence did anyone(including the SFA) need to stop Whyte?
  3. Didnt keep it covered for too long then did he? PM,AJ etc all warned about Whyte and were proved to be spot on. Surely even you can see at the SFA these days who calls the shots with the various placemen(and women) there. Letting Whyte get Rangers benefited one club by allowing an easy CL passport every year and the money that brings
  4. i can assure I was not 'one of those cheering him on from the sidelines'. A colleague at the place I worked at the time knew all about Whyte's past. When Whyte got Rangers what happened next was inevitable. The SFA's role in all of this was incomprehensible given the countless warnings they got. Perhaps in was a case of obeying orders
  5. If he was a disqualified director why didnt the SFA not try to prevent him getting Rangers ?
  6. Fobbed off by his lawyers ? they allowed him to buy Rangers with ticketus money. Didnt take long for JT & KJ to discover that did it?
  7. Call me a cynic but why didnt the SFA show this level of concern about RANGERS when Whyte emerged on the scene and bought Rangers ? Are they suggesting they didnt know anything about Whyte ? AJ & PM certainly did. So did Jeff Randall on SKY business news. I can perfectly understand why Ashley would blank the SFA
  8. The SFA wanting to adhere to agreements/rules LOL. This was the organisation who were told by Lord Glennie their registration embargo was unlawful was forced Rangers into accepting it anyway.
  9. Because I reckon Rangers absence in the top division is now seriously beginning to affect some clubs.Take Motherwell for example whom Stuart McCall left on sunday. They'll have missed out on 5 or 6 home games against Rangers by the end of this season which I'd guess will cost them somewhere between £2m to £3m.A lot of money fora club like them I'd have thought but still they did choose to vote Rangers out the then SPL. Hell mend them I say
  10. I wouldnt bet against league reconstruction. Scottish football's top division cannot sustain Rangers absence indefinitely
  11. Punished for fictitious EBT tax liabilties which continue to be unproven which largely contributed to the laughable debt figure quoted of £134m. Strachan should ask the 10 SPL chairmen or CEO's why they voted Rangers out of the top division. Start with Liewell. Their responses would be interesting given what's happened since
  12. Yes I would hope so but unfortunately I've little confidence in McCoist anymore.I generally believe he is a manager who is outthought too easily. Teams know how to set up against him and he doesnt know how to respond. We saw that all too clearly in the Hibz game at ibrox
  13. As things stand at present we won't be favourites but it should be noted that the yahoos are nowhere near as good as they were since we left the top division. Liewell told their hordes theydidnt need us in the top division but has been selling their best players ever since & generally downsizing all round.
  14. McCoist's big problem is that promotion back to the top division is by no means a certainty this season with Hertz 'n' Hibz in this league.Before we play the yahoos we have two very difficult games in the league away to both Hertz 'n' Hibz. Lose both of them and surely McCoist will be out the door & wont be around to face the yahoos.
  15. Unless we bring better quality players in for this game(perhaps even loan signings) then I believe we have no chance.
  16. I simply cannot understand why any 'rangers man' (or woman) could sit down and give an interview like that with a yahoo like McGowan who has never hidden his utter hatred of us.
  17. The question about being a new club or not has been answered many times by those whose opinion matters I.e. the football authorities & the law lords. It is not a new club that is clear. Its history continued when it's legal entity changed. I'd have thought Donald Findlay would have known that. Maybe he should stick to criminal law as his knowledge of corporate law is clearly lacking somewhat.
  18. And let's not forget our chums from the east end have in fact got 3 companies on the go: shellik plc,shellik FC ltd and the shellik football and athletic company ltd.
  19. Findlay is talking utter nonsense and he knows it. His fall from grace as Rangers vice chairman obviously still hurts him. The new club debate ended long ago. The football authorities and law lords decided the club continued. Frankly Findlay is just mischief-making talking to a yahoo so-called journalist like McGowan
  20. If an offence has been committed surely the police have no choice but to take action. Just ask Duncan Ferguson
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