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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yawn....much as though I have reservations about the Easdales they don't take a single penny in salary from Rangers.
  2. A I can understand reasons for avoiding McCall and MacInnes but Davies has proved he can manage in a tough league like the CHampionship down south. My preference would be a foreign manager with scottish coaches. Unlike you I'll offer a name -Dan Petrescu...
  3. Whilst I cannot condone anyone being challenged in the presence of their kids, it cannot be denied that the Easdales continue to attract bad publicity for Rangers in various ways. I genuinely believe it would be better for them and Rangers if they left sooner rather than later. I have no knowledge (or interest) of the Easdales' past business dealings but if these are connected to this sort of incident and others then I'd say their positions as Rangers directors are pretty much untenable
  4. I don't think they'd have the financial resources to do that
  5. Their continuing presence on the Rangers board seems to me to be extremely unpopular with a large section of our support. There must come a time when they are seen as a liability and would need to be removed. But how?
  6. Gough once described him as putting out fires before they started.......... Sadly injuries prevented him becoming the player we all hoped he would be for Rangers
  7. I've no doubt that McClean supports them from the east end of our city who will probably wear poppies on their shirts tomorrow when they play Abbahdeen.If he played for them would he still refuse to wear a poppy on his shirt?
  8. I can think of a lot more than two words to describe this vile scumbag
  9. Hypocritical scumbag. If he hates this country so much why is he living and working in it.
  10. A very good buy ???? we got him for free on a BOSMAN. But yes he's done very well. My only concern is jig playing alongside him who has certainly slowed down & McGREGOR will need his pace to compensate for that.
  11. You fail to appreciate Craig that King by refusing to acquire a shareholding sealed his own fate. When you say 'recommended' you fail to understand it is for the shareholders to vote on. Not the board. Ultimately it is for the shareholders to decide regardless of what the board say.Sadly you have all been strung along by King and his cohorts. He never did want to part with his money so he made an 'offer' which he knew would fail. King and his gang could have got shares like everyone else. They didn't. End of story
  12. Utter nonsense.It needed an AGM or EGM for shareholder approval. King puuled the wools over your eyes. He never had any intention of parting with his money so he made an impractical offer. He is history. Get over it
  13. His 'offer' was a non-starter. It couldnt be accepted or rejected by the board. Probably did it to impress his deluded band of followers who still think he is being denied ownership of Rangers. He isnt - unless he's willing to stump up the cash and buy a significant shareholding which he says he's not willing to do.
  14. The board couldnt accept or reject. They weren't in a position to do either. As I said earlier it was/is a shareholders decision
  15. King's offer wasn't rejected. It was an offer for 51% of the business. That is not for the board to decide. That's for shareholders to vote on but he didnt have enough support from shareholders to call an EGM presumably
  16. he put that money into Murray Sports(or whatever it was called). did he get it back though?
  17. Templeton is more of a goal threat than the likes of Steven Smith & I don't understand why Aird would start ahead of Templeton.
  18. I think we have to wait until we're back in the top division to see what ambition they really have.No one is or was going to throw silly money around buying players and putting them on ridiculous salaries(by that I mean the likes of £15k or £20k p.w.) whilst we were playing basically amateur and part time opposition
  19. Not sure I follow what you mean but I'd disagree if you are suggesting Rangers supporters nowadays have less ambitions than before. Most I know cannot to get back to the top division and winning it
  20. I think a lot of other clubs supporters would say the same time thing about their own clubs. Time moves on. Things change. Football clubs are not immune from change either. I'd argue Rangers changed almost as soon as SDM arrived.
  21. Any true Rangers men(or women) getting involved in an interview like this with the likes of McGowan should,frankly, know better. These people have an agenda which is to maximise every bit of bad news or publicity about Rangers in whatever way they can.
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