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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. There were plenty warning signs about Whyte at the time which should have prevented him getting Rangers. The fact that he did has always convinced me SDM was forced to sell Rangers.
  2. At the time Whyte got Rangers I worked beside a guy from Motherwell who knew all about Whyte and his history. He and his father had a plant hire business which went bust in the early 90's.Whyte left and went south leaving a load of debts and reinvented himself as a 'venture capitalist'. My work colleague at that time was doubled up in laughter at that description. His description was somewhat different of Whyte and much more accurate. When he re-emerged to buy Rangers in 2010 what we didn't know that since he'd left Scotland in the early 90's he had very shady business dealings and subsequently owed HMRC about £4m before he got Rangers.Daly's BBC documentary about Whyte details all of this. Paul Murray compiled a dossier on Whyte when he appeared on the scene and I believe it was scathing about Whyte. Why then was this sale allowed to proceed ? That's a question I've been asking constantly on here for the past few years

    Ally's CV

    As I see it there are two obstacles to getting rid off Ally:- 1) Costs involved in removing him and his coaching entourage 2) Being unable to identify a suitable replacement
  4. Didn't exactly need the Internet to find out about Whyte did it then? Jeff Randall (SKY news business editor & Rangers supporter) was one who certainly made comments about him the day he got Rangers
  5. We need better coaches and better first team management before we can start depending on kids. Until that happens MP is a complete waste of time
  6. And,of course, was SDM forced to sell to Whyte ? No work was done to 'tidy up' Whyte's business history. AJ and PM said plenty about him at the time
  7. Unfortunately I'd need to disagree. I dont think our youths are good enough and this was one of the few things McCoist got right. For example, the likes of McKay and Crawford dont seem to be able to get a game for Morton !!! Only McLeod looks anywhere near what we require IMO
  8. Someone once said on a forum(dont think it was this one) was that when Rangers went to the bottom division it was like winning the lottery for any SPL journeymen who happened to be out of contract at that time.In order to get them to play in the bottom tier we had to pay them a higher rate than they'd have got elsewhere.And that's what happened. money well spent? Probably not.
  9. We didnt BUY any players in the summer we acquired a number of players on Bosmans and maybe that is part of the problem i.e. Trying to do things on the cheap
  10. The bonuses to which you refer are small beer in comparison to what I've read it would cost to get rid off Ally, I've read it would cost £1.6m. If that is true then serious questions need to be asked
  11. It wasn't the current board who set Ally's onerous remuneration contract.It was Martin bloody Bain and it got TUPE'd over to the newco.FWIW I think they would have got rid off him by now were it not for the exorbitant costs involved. How this will end I have no idea
  12. Depressing isn't it? It wouldn't be so bad if you could see genuine progress since 2012 & the team was good to watch but neither has happened. Those who constantly attack the board(and some of their criticism is valid I agree) need to realise also that significant resources such as this £20m salaries figure have been made available to a manager who continues not to make best use of these resources and his position should now be untenable as a result
  13. And that the oldco was never insolvent. Well with HMRC's continuing failure with their EBT tax case and today's news he is certainly looking spot on with at least one of them
  14. Welcome though today's news may be it still does not answer how Whyte managed to acquire Rangers so easily despite the warnings from the likes of AJ & PM who clearly knew all about his past and said so at the time. I've always had my doubts about SDM willingly selling to Whyte(did LBG or Muir force the sale?) and why did HMRC not prevent it given Whyte already had tax arrears with them then almost inexplicably they then proceded to allow him to run up even more arrears by withholding PAYE & NI contributions at Rangers. Not to mention the non-action by our SFA in stopping Whyte taking over Rangers at the time and subsequently they allowed Rangers to be thrown out the top division and withholding prize monies amongst other punishments after Whyte's ownership went disastrously wrong leading to administration/liquidation of oldco. Did they never consider Rangers might have been the victim rather than appearing desperate to hand out whatever punishments they could as often as they could.FWIW I believe Regan's position has been untenable at the SFA for some time now because of this It remains to be seen now if there are to be further arrests. Only time will tell
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