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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. You did say he was 'wrong' when he said he never got the £20m back.


    I know Merlin's blog isnt the most reliable but a poster did provide a SA link which did appear to show DK getting monies paid to him from Rangers. This was produced at the time of DK's court proceedings.

    He did say he was going to pursue SDM for the £20m. How's that going?

  2. Why would you be of that opinion, given that you constantly tell the world King is a liar and does not have wealth on the scale that would be required?


    I do not believe I've ever called DK a liar. I am however extremely critical of what he's done until now. All he's done is rant 'n' rave from the sidelines, attempt half-baked boycotts and come up with excuses for not acquiring a shareholding.

    I do not believe he has the available wealth some would have you believe either you are correct there but if ( and its a big IF) his offer has to be taken seriously if Ashley wont invest(as opposed to loans) and wants out

  3. On the park is a mess, but off will see our death.

    I'm not sure off the park is as big a mess as some make out. If Ashley isnt willing to invest then he should stand aside for DK, assuming his £16m is genuine & not some sort of an offer on the back of a fag-packet.

    My other worry about DK is that Ally sees him as a friend which would allow him to stay on as team manager.

  4. I can't say I'd ever be comfortable being in a conversation with English and McLaughlin when it comes to discussing our club's problems but I wrote the letter with the point of it being shared far and wide so I'm happy that my careful criticisms have been featured in the written press and national radio.


    I think it's safe to say the players and managers will now be aware of it so it's job done for me. I now hope it can spur them on to prove me and the thousands of other critics wrong.


    Unfortunately I do not think you will be proved wrong. I think Ally McCoist is past the point of return and needs replaced. As Ive said before there are two tricky away games this month to QOS and Hibz and nothing less than victories in both will prevent Hertz increasing their lead IMO. Should we not get victories in these two games then I think events will take a turn for the worst for Ally with either him or the board having no option but to act.

  5. and therein lies the tragedy.


    For the record, I don't think McCoist is staying in the job for the money (I doubt that plays any meaningful part in his thinking) and I don't ascribe any underhand or unworthy motives to his determination to remain as manager.


    He really, honestly, truly does believe he is the man to get us back to where we should be and it is that utter belief in his own ability that made him the striker he was.

    Unfortunately, this time, his belief is misplaced. He's had two and a half seasons to come up with even the promise of some green shoots of recovery and all we have to show for it is a team full of has-beens, coulda beens and never will be's whose every outing offers the promises of yet another humiliation.


    It is this refusal to face reality and inability to see the limits of his own abilities and, more than that, teh knowledge that he is simply incapable of seeing them that is depressing.


    I'll never hate or even dislike Ally, but, in the words of Chet Baker, the thrill is gone.


    There's probably a lot of truth in what you say RPB but as I said earlier I fear there's selfish financial greed in this too.

    One of Ally's biggest problems too unfortunately is he's got ideas and ambitions as a manager well beyond his abilities as a manager.He seems to think it'll all work out in the end OK. It won't though. Rangers have two very tricky away games this month with QOS and Hibz which could mean Hertz even increasing their nine point lead.

    What will our incumbent board do then ?

  6. It remains to be seen exactly how King has played his hand, but we are for all intents and purposes we are hostage to the whims of Mike Ashley who can effectively do what he likes irrespective of us, Dave King and even Uncle Tom Cobbley.


    He won't keep giving us loans forever with little hope of getting that money back as time goes on.

    He will need to talk to DK at some point IMO. That means ditching the bus brothers which might not be a bad thing

  7. We will soon hate McCoist more than the bastards who have put us in this position.


    I genuinely hope it doesn't come to that and Ally will see sense if things continue as they are.

    However I fear selfish financial greed is what's behind his stance at the moment. He knows he's unlikely to get another manager's job like this one given his record and is sticking it out to get every last penny he's due if he's sacked

  8. Your obsession and desire to infer DK's to blame for the present or future mess is nauseating dude.


    I'm not blaming DK for anything. My view of him is he's nowhere near as wealthy as his 'supporters' make out and has got his tactics woefully wrong since the newco took over the running of the club.

    However he played a blinder with his £16m 'offer' though.....

  9. I honestly feel admin 2 wouldn't fix us. The sp1vs have it all sown up and like Whyte, would roll their chosen insolvency practitioners in. Portsmouth, Leeds and Coventry all ring a bell. We're the Scottish equivalent.


    A business just can't enter administration thro' choice the minute it has a funding shortage.

    It would have to prove in court it couldn't source funding.

    Enter DK. He won't pay anywhere near £16m though.

  10. you really think Stokes made his comments without the green from upstairs? It ticks all the boxes in Timmy's songbook;


    "aye, but, never mind the destruction and vandalism, we're the real victims here" - tick ;

    "they pure started any trouble, so they did" - tick

    " youse are a' jist sectarians, so yese are" - tick


    Lie, Deflect, Deny. They are so predictable.Helped by their placemen in the media as usual this sort of thing never receives the publicity it would if it were another club.

    Looking at what happened at Tynecastle one wonders where the police were.Policing costs clubs a lot of money and the question does need to be asked what clubs are getting for that money.Not a lot it seems

  11. Rab, he had no reason to walk before, he has always delivered what he's paid to do. Things have turned out badly for him this season though being 9 points behind in the league and up against a team who show no signs of talking the foot off the gas. The defeat to Hearts did convince me we wouldn't catch them and promotion would come through the play-offs, all I'm saying is last nights embarrassment on BBC Alba has me doubting we can win the play-offs unless big big changes are made soon.


    With all due respect I think some of the cup defeats during Ally's time would under normal circumstances would or should have cost a Rangers manager his job. I also think losing at home to a village team like Annan could have been sackable too.

    We need to realise it is going to take something extraordinary for us to get promoted as champions from this league. That therefore means playoffs and I have very serious doubts indeed if this squad of players with this management are capable of doing that against a Hibz side who look to be improving under Stubbs.

    We need to improve the squad in January to have any chance of promotion but whether or how that is achievable I have no idea.

  12. I hope Mr McCoist has read your 'open letter' Frankie. I for one tried to stick by him and decided there were enough people on social media having a go at him and that he would eventually get it right in time, just as he did as a player, but last night really was the straw that broke the camels back for me.


    If Mr McCoist thinks he's above himself regardless of what most fans think, then it proves he couldn't care less about us and it's all about him. Please for the good of Rangers walk away now. I for one won't ever stick up for him ever again until he resigns. Sad times indeed.


    If Stu McCall is big enough to admit his failings after years as a manager then so should Ally McCoist.


    Selfish financial greed is what's keeping as Rangers manager now. A better man would have walked long before last night.

  13. It could become a cold December in many ways. You'd hope at least football fortune gives us a smile every now and then. If we suffer defeat at the hands of Hibs and/or QotS, I'd assume a decision about his future will be made for McCoist, not by him.


    But who will take that decision? Will greedy Ally demand his full compensation?

  14. It will be interesting to see if Liewell responds to her over this.Looks like she might have caught him unaware. Only daft Stokes has responded as far as I know and me made the expected clown of himself didn't he?

    She should be able to make mincemeat out of Regan and Doncaster when the time comes too.Scottish football might just be about to get interesting with her around confronting the deadbeats and dinosaurs. As I said just wish she was with us.

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