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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I have just listened to the SSN interview and he made a point of saying, and repeating, that his job is to take the club to the top division.


    He won't take the club up to the top division. The only way we'll go up is via play offs and that means playing HIbs and/or QOS to play against the second bottom top division team. From what we saw tonight what are the chances of that ?

  2. Change the manager and players, but the club will still be destroyed by the S.P.I.V.S................!


    Yawn. Here we go again. Let's deflect the attention away from the fiasco we watched tonight.

    It was all the board's fault. They never gave Ally enough money did they? Give him more money I say. Let's give Jig £20k p.w.. Would that be better?

  3. When they do it over at Breezeblock Boulevard it's so obviously a lie that I find it funny. Many of their own supporters cringe. I cringed on Saturday for us when I heard the 28,000 being announced - it looked closer to 14,000 - utterly embarrassing! I'm glad this came out.

    I know what you mean though about it not being reported over at the San Giro. Maybe this will 'shame' them into coming clean, but then again they don't do 'shame' do they.


    Their 40k ST holder claim was worst of all though. I've heard it's around half that figure. Maybe even less.Absolute disgrace no one in the mhedia preapred to challenge Liewell over this

  4. Will this rhag of a newspaper now ask Liewell to do likewise with the attendances at the San Giro?

    Or admit has nowhere near 40k ST holders which he claimed at their AGM?

    Will we ever see the day when we cut all ties with this rhag and its anti-Rangers agenda. Radio Cattolica too.

  5. His teams aren't renowned for easy on the eye football are they (I could be wrong)? Also he was starting to show some troublesome signs http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/mar/24/billy-davies-nippy-sweetie-nottingham-forest - would he work under the current lot. If he got a bit tetchy in the English Midlands I worry about him being back in Glasgow.

    I don't imagine he would be all that cheap.

    In saying all that I wouldn't complain at the appointment.


    We need someone with a proven management record with decent contacts in the game. I'm not saying Davies the ideal or outstanding choice but we're not likely to attract much better IMO.

  6. Why not Billy Davies? has proved he can manage in a superior league to ours and genuinely wants the job. He'd have contacts too down south for players which the incumbents don't seem to have

  7. Laudrup and Numan would/could be a great management team but without the right kind of support (financial and operational) what chance would they have of being successful.


    If we don't win on Friday the pressure is only going to increase further but, as it stands, we simply don't have the cash to pay off the incumbents.


    My understanding is that due to their rolling contracts the incumbents get a year's salary if asked to leave immediately or can be put on a year's notice at the end of which they walk out with nothing.

    At the very least they should be put on notice immediately

  8. I was in the car tonight and stupidly had Radio Clyde on with the usual band of Dhims on. I was just about to turn to another station when a very articulate Mark from Bellshill (Rangers Man) came on. His main point, which he put across very calmly and succinctly, was the very point of them not dealing with the section of their fans that do this type of thing e.g. mock the Ibrox disaster and ruin Remembrance Day silences.

    Do you know what he was met with before he had even finished? He was shouted down by 'host Gerry' and McAvennie, - "How do you know they are not dealing with it" both shout. McAvennie then says "your Club have enough problems to deal with in more than one lifetime, and you want to come on here with your tit-for tat silliness". The host then asks"what do you actually want?"

    Mark states "I want their Club to condemn them openly in public". The 'panel then ask "Where would that get you? Celtic fans will only come on and want Rangers to condemn their fans for X,Y,Z"

    I'm getting bored even typing this, such is the predictability of it all. Peter Robinson, the Ulster MP, told a friend of mine many years ago - "we've lost the propaganda war big style, and we may never recover". How true. Our attempts are pretty pathetic.


    I stopped listening to RC long ago becuse of their blatant bias. They dont even attempt to hide it do they?

    Whatever possessed them to employ McAvennie other than the obvious? He sounds like an illiterate jakey on the rare occasion I've heard him

  9. one post you want him to rescue us, in another he's not allowed.


    I'm not saying he's not allowed. I'm merely asking the question.

    There are many issues involving DK which too many on here simply overlook.

    And see DK's co-investors and their £8m? Why didnt they buy or at least bid for Rangers during administration/liquidation?

  10. that was a yahoo lie the first time you brought it up.


    you know that


    No i dont know that. Neither do you.

    And anyway would DK be deemed a fit & proper person to become Rangers owner under AIM and SFA regulations? Answer that one

  11. I think you will find from RAB's previous posts that he has most certainly not been desperate for DK to be genuine. He told us often that DK was a liar and that he did not have the funds.

    DK has been a let down, but certainly not because he doesn't have the funds. Why he chose to take the route he has taken, who knows. But please don't tell me Mr RAB has been balanced in his DK writings. Mind numbing is the phrase that springs to mind.

    When did I say he was a liar? I was & remain cynical of him but I do realise he has much support within Rangers although some of it is misguided IMO

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