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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I agree with most of what you say but don't you think a player like Daly needs proper service? A wide player putting crosses would have been a better option than Smith. All I saw constantly was the usual long ball to Daly 30 yards from goal. I also think McCoist should seriously consider playing Daly and Clark next Sunday. They played together not too badly last season and we have to be honest both Miller & Boyd have been extremely disappointing
  2. How much did they make then? I'm not defending them but they came in and got us back up and running again when the great 'rangers men' stood back and did nothing.No they weren't ideal buyers I agree
  3. One of Rodgers biggest problems will be replacing Steven Gerrard when he goes at the end of e season. I suspect he hasnt a clue what he's going to do
  4. Someone on RM suggested Paateleinin. Decent shout IMO. Currently Finland manager but decent managerial and coaching experience
  5. Does no one in our compliant mhedia ever question Liewell? If they've got 40,000 ST holders how come their actual home attendances are always well below that figure? All these yahoos with so much money they buy ST's but don't go. Aye right
  6. Wouldn't disagree. We need cash from somewhere to get 3 or 4 quality players in January otherwise we face another season in the championship. That is where we are and everyone needs to realise that although the big question is would anyone let Ally recruit these players? I wouldnt
  7. Have the Yahoos ever had an AGM where they haven't discussed Rangers? Thought the one about becoming he biggest club in he world was hilarious. In their home patch in Oir-Lund not so long ago they were only the forth best-supported British(if u can call them that) club presumably behind the likes of Man Utd,Liverpool, etc
  8. No matter how difficult it may be Ashley and King are going to have to sort things out. It will mean concessions on either side Ashley needs to ditch the Easdales & their chum jack for starters King needs to stop all the boycott nonsense once and for all. FWIW I think Ashley needs King's support for us to move forward
  9. McCoist has no dignity. Just selfish pride and over confidence in his own ability as Rangers manager. As Isaid earlier he needs removed. But how?
  10. But who will remove him if he wont walk? That is the question no one can answer. How bad do things need to get?
  11. Really? McCoist must love all the ongoing nonsense between the board, King, UoF, SoS etc. Certainly diverts attention away from his inability to do his job to a standard expected at Rangers
  12. McCoist is going nowhere voluntarily. New players will need to be recruited in January if we're to get promoted but will funds be made available & would anyone trust McCoist to spend that money wisely? I wouldnt.
  13. Its a pity those who constantly go on about the board cant do likewise about the football management side of the club.
  14. And when HMRC do finally realise they're getting hee haw what happens then? Do we all go back to where we once were and live happily ever after? Or will there be some serious litigation? This f@ckin phantom EBT Tax Bill put oldco out of business and cost Rangers tens of millions of pounds. Will there be some sort of attempt to recover this money?
  15. What was it he actually did ? Does anyone know?
  16. Are the police actually still investigating where these tax leaks came from?
  17. Craig - what reason is it I refuse to accept about HMRC's case? Let me explain EBT's were perfectly legal tax avoidance if run properly and the one(or ones) used by Rangers have been proven to be just that. do you accept that? Thousands of UK companies had them until they ended in 2010. Do you think HMRC were entitled to chase eye-watering figures quoted like £75m based on a 'documentation point' as you say? A figure which would put many companies out of business. As you say they've only won a 'small win' based on a 'documentation point' which gave them no justification in pursuing the sums quoted IMO. Then there's the question why Arsenal and others were allowed to settle and Rangers weren't. I believe someone, somewhere was influencing these decisions who had an interest in damaging Rangers.I believe many of us have views on who that individual was and how his party have slumped in the polls in Scotland may not be entirely unconnected. As for LBG I cannot accept they are blameless either. We need an answer as to whether they forced the sale to Whyte or not. And did they threaten to withdraw all bank credit to MIH if the sale didn't go ahead? If so why? What was their reasoning behind that? And did Whyte get all overdraft facilities withdrawn when he took over? Not exactly the actions of a bank supporting a business is it? Especially Rangers whose bank debt had almost halved in the two years prior to the sale to Whyte. If you don't accept my viewpoint then start reading some of things AJ was quoted as saying around the time of the sale to Whyte. PM too. You'll find I think they very much had suspicions regards a number of individuals at the time.And they were both proved absolutely correct IMO.
  18. They knew where it was going so they allowed Whyte to take over ???? The actions of both LBG & HMRC need thoroughly investigated throughout all of this. LBG effectively forced oldco out of business by forcing sale to Whyte. Whyte,already owing HMRC £4m prior to ownwership, gets allowed to take over and build up even more tax arrears. Then there's the EBT tax bill, so flawed in didnt even stand up to their own internal appeals. You couldnt make some of this up..............
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