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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. No, it really isn't. It is a tawdry imitation of what it once was.


    As has been said ad nauseum, if they had all transferred across, how would Green have covered the wage bill?


    He could have borrowed to pay the salaries til the end of august and would have sold the players during august. Quite simple really but he never got the chance as greed and self interest won the day

  2. I said he shouldn't be scoffed at, not that he must be the new manager. Is there anyone you would like to see?


    We need someone who has some sort of record as a manager. Something McCoist never had. Billy Davies ticks more boxes than most for me but whoever gets the job( please no more Ally after Wednesday) they have to do something with this car crash of a team McCoist will have left behind.

  3. he's done it the only way he can to avoid compensation.


    what is it you want him to have done?


    Leave immediately and waive his compensation.Like PLG did.McCoist has earned millions from Rangers. How much more does he need?

    Working a year's notice. LOL. We want him gone now not in a year's time. We can't endure any more of this sub standard dross

  4. ally is going for free in a year. he's done his bit the board don't have to sack him.


    if they want him gone sooner or on gardening leave it's all up to them.


    Another year of McCoist remaining as manager is simply too much to contemplate. He needs replaced immediately

  5. Sounds like he is holding the club to ransom or something.


    He is doing exactly that and could cause a greatdeal of damage to Rangers in the process.

    I think things could turn very nasty indeed in the days and weeks ahead

  6. McCoist has simply activated the '1 year rolling' part to end his contract. He wants his year and his deferrals. Clever guy strengthened his position before the axe swung.


    Cash is king, losing to Queens matters not.


    McCoist's reputation will be destroyed forever if he goes down this route.

    And this was this guy who slaughtered the likes of McGregor, Lafferty, Naismith etc saying they'd never be welcome back at Ibrox.

    Same thing's about to happen to you Ally by the looks of things

  7. still no announcements from the club or the manager, while we the fans are being treated with contempt from both.


    the truth is no one knows what is actually going on.

    we need clarity on what is happening.


    Discussions will be going on. McCoist has effectively said he wants to go and both parties need to find a means to allow that to happen as soon as possible

  8. Could this be what happened yesterday - they gave him his notice?


    If so it's a pretty long notice is it not? One year

    I think you may well be correct but I simply cannot see McCoist lasting anywhere near that long.

  9. we are far more likely to get the right replacement with 16 million in the bank than -3.


    you don't have to be a genius to know that.


    That's one of my big fears about DK. He will fill the place with has beens like McCoist and Paul Murray.We need to move away from this 'rangers men' stuff and appoint the best people for the jobs be they 'rangers men' or not.

    Start with the managers job. Advertise it and go thro' an interview process with the best applicants. Much better than simply giving it to someone because they were in the right place at the right time.

  10. There is insufficient money in the bank to take the club to January never mind May, so the immediate risk to our future is not what Mccoist and his team are doing on the pitch.


    Your post-McCoist world of lollipops and rainbows sounds just marvellous. Can we all come?


    So will we all just forget about the football side of things and join you(and the usual suspects no doubt) and get DK & co into power and everything will solve itself magically.

    The football side needs to be correct from the youth level right up to the first team. It is an utter shambles and much of that needs to be attributed to Ally McCoist and his coaches and back room staff.

  11. I know it won't go into the club,none of the money raised so far has gone into the club,why do you think that will change?


    So where did the money go then ? Was it stolen out the back in big black bin bags or something? Utter drivel as usual

  12. it's a shame the board back him then isn't it. they either disagree with you or want us to regress or simply don't care.


    I don't think they do. They'd have got shot off him long ago were it not for his 'onerous contract'

  13. the board are the ones not paying off ally.


    the board are the ones who have squandered the cash needed to get rid of him.


    the board are the ones who will not accept cash to take us forward.


    the board are the real issue.


    sacking ally while a must will not change anything other than the odd result.


    the board are trying to shift the focus off themselves through their stooges.


    both need to go. the priority though remains with the board. especially while they continue to back ally.


    Sacking Ally will greatly improve things. A better manager could easily get more from this squad.

    Too many players have regressed since joining. That is McCoist's fault and the so-called coaches he's got with him

  14. Do you honestly think if we get a decent manager in with a good team everything is ok for the future?


    Yes things will improve once we're back in the top division and hopefully competing in Europe again. Won't happen while McCoist is still there though

  15. Well why don't they?,did Ally demand his salary?,of course he is on way too much,but that is typical of this boards'(S.P.I.V.S)way of working,every contract that has been agreed is OTT,is that the managers fault as well?.The sooner these parasites are out of this club the better,and a proper board would have not given Ally his OTT salary,and probably would have sacked him.

    And once your new board is in place everything will sort itself out will it? Who will be on this magic new board then ? Oh and how will it get control of Rangers? Any more bogus back of fag packet offers per chance? Invisible investors too no doubt

  16. You have constantly been shown to be talking out of your arse.


    Nowt changes.


    Is that ur best response? Too focused on the board. Just like Graham,Houstoun and Dingwall. As I said earlier I hope tonight was a long overdue wake up call. McCoist has to go first and foremost

  17. Good luck in getting an answer to that question. That particular poster has ducked it on numerous occasions in the past.


    Have you finally accepted the dud in the dugout has to go? Has your attention finally been taken away from attacking the board and focusing on the shambles on the pitch like myself and SC have been saying for long enough now?

  18. The board(S.P.I.V.S.) have total control over everything,why does the board not sack Ally?


    They will need to now IMO but it will mean he gets possibly put on gardening leave and a replacement brought in on a much reduced salary. He's a clever wee man alright is our Ally. Resigning looks like he needs to get a years salary regardless of whether he stays or goes knowing we don't want him and he doesn't want to be there. Something has to give.

  19. it will be the boards fault when we go tits up again!,wake up and smell the coffee.

    I'm not deflecting nothing away from tonights result,or in fact how Ally is not a manager,just reminding you regardless of who replaces him it won't change, the S.P.I.V.S will continue to destroy the club. Of course I could be wrong!.


    And did these S.p.i.v.s (your words not mine) not provide McCoist with enough resources to win three consecutive leagues to get promoted back to the top?

    Why do you continually attack the board when there is a far bigger shambles on the pitch? Myself and others have been saying this constantly on here but you continue to focus on the board. Start looking at what went on out there tonight. Hopefully it'll be a wake up call for some

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