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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 3 hours ago, lenny3k said:

    Yes, the first was a fluke, however, to allow Scales to win that ball so easily and unchallenged intially by Morelos was very poor and something I would expect to be yelled at for on the Sunday league pitch

    Was McGregor maybe a bit slow going for it?

  2. 29 minutes ago, Whosthedado said:

    Its frightening when you think what we need in the summer after today. So many of the current squad need shipped out

    It looks more and more likely that all of those whose contracts are running out end of season won’t be offered new deals.

    Thats a lot of players to replace. And it gets even more difficult when you try to get the quality we want on an unknown budget 

  3. Today was difficult to take but let’s get things into perspective the game was relatively meaningless as the league’s been gone long ago.

    We should be more concerned about whether MB is up to the job as Rangers manager & what sort of squad we’ll have ready for next season. My concern about the current squad is that the structure is all wrong. We’re overloaded in some positions & short in others and have got a goalkeeping position which needed sorting last summer if not earlier.


  4. 2 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Remember we are hamstrung by FFP and are repeatedly told by the board that we have little to no disposable income.


    Our latest accounts showed we spent circa £12M on NEH and that all the income from Patterson / Aribo and Bassey has gone.


    We have no players who'll attract decent fees however Kent, Greegsn Alfie et al leaving will free up a hefty slice of wages.


    Critical/crucial period for the board as its a case of can't afford to spend big as well as can't afford NOT to spend big. 

    Or we can bring in loanees…

    Put simply, we don’t score enough goals( for the amount of possession we have) and concede too many

    we need to do something 

  5. 7 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    They have money to bring in a proven goalscorer, we don't. That's the biggest difference. 

    Kyogo only cost them something like £4m.

    surely we can afford that.

    what worries me is we continue to look in England for players. One of the most expensive markets.

    They get most of their players from elsewhere nowadays. We need to do likewise.



  6. As well as a new GK and at least one CB for next season we need someone up front who can score 25+ goals per season 

    Say what you like about Celtic but when they build a team they firstly look at getting goalscorers who can get goals.

    We need to do the same for next season

  7. Sometimes these things happen in football. You dominate but don’t score then they score a fluke & build on it. 
    I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: we lack penetration in wide areas to get behind defences & create good chances. 
    That needs to be resolved. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Malangsob said:

    Not sure...maybe start by NOT signing guys with injury reports that are longer than Gotti's rap sheet?


    Cause someone sure as shit is gettin it done in Scotland. 




    Say what you want about 'Ra Sellick'.

    That's not the luck of the Irish...that's smart money workin.



    We gots problems y'all.


    I’m sure Celtic’s wage bill is more than £21m shown. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    That lot are still annoyed about us signing Maurice Johnston 30 odd years ago.


    And they're still annoyed about our made up (by them) non-RC signing policy.  


    It's no wonder they're so messed up, paranoid and delusional when all they can focus on are negatives.  They really hate us, regardless of what we do.

    Truth is it was THEM who didn’t want us to sign RC’s. Not us. 
    My view is the policy was unsustainable and Rangers managers prior to Souness wanted it overturned 

  10. Think we need to see who’s definitely going first before finalising anything.

    As things stand right now we’re still short at CB and will need to get at least one keeper for next season. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    I am not fully enamoured of Colak. He is a player who 'gets on the end of things' - as long as these things are provided.

    He is, to cut to the chase, a goal-hanger. 


    Morelos offers more.  


    I await a cascade of criticism. 

    I wouldn’t disagree with you. Colak is more of a Kris Boyd type to me. A poacher. Morelos contributes more to the team with his link up play (usually)

    My view is could we try to accommodate the 2 of them but if so who drops out?

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